All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 944

There is no doubt that these seemingly ferocious pirates on the deck are actually Joanna\'s servants. Except for a few, most of them have no practical combat experience, let alone play with the really ferocious pirates.

They thought that what their young lady said about being a pirate was just to run out and relax. When they were tired of playing, they would go back and continue to live a peaceful and peaceful life.

But who would have thought that the rebellious girl wanted to play really.

"You... You dare not listen to my orders?"

Seeing that everyone didn\'t mean to turn the ship around, Joanna immediately became angry, pulled out a thin sword with decorative significance greater than practical use, and tried to stab people several times, but she couldn\'t do it at the last minute.

"Honey, do you know what must be done as a captain of a pirate ship?" Zhang Cheng whispered in the girl\'s ear like a devil.

"What is it?" asked Joanna, holding back her anger without looking back.

Zhang Cheng smiled and answered meaningfully, "to maintain his authority! You must make everyone afraid of you! Fear you! In this way, you can make these outlaws obey orders. Don\'t be afraid of killing. Once you retreat at this time, the crew will lose their sense of awe and thus lose their sense of awe."

With the last word falling, Joanna\'s pupils suddenly contracted, followed by a quick stab of the thin sword in her hand.



The sharp tip of the sword pierced the neck of an unlucky man.

Although he tried hard to cover the bleeding wound, all this was in vain. In a few seconds, he fell to the ground and twitched and swallowed his last breath.

More than 40 sailors, including old Banku, stared wide eyed. It seemed that they couldn\'t believe it. The noble lady, who was a little naughty and rebellious on weekdays, but was always very kind, killed a servant who had followed her for ten years without mercy.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pa

While clapping, Zhang Cheng said softly, "well done! The best way to deal with those who dare to challenge your authority is to punish them with pain, blood and death. Now, please try to give them orders again. I guarantee you will get very different results."

"Turn the bow! Now! Now! Don\'t let me say it a third time!"

I don\'t know if it was because of the first murder. Joanna\'s heart beat several times faster than usual, revealing a hint of magical energy all over her body.

"Yes, Captain!" old Banku shivered subconsciously, saluted respectfully, followed by rapidly rotating the rudder, made a 180 degree turn, and rushed up to the sea snake, which was more than ten times bigger than the ship under his feet.


Because both sides are accelerating, in just a dozen minutes or so, the two ships are close to the distance where they can start long-range attacks.

The catapults erected on both sides of the deck took the lead in throwing stone bullets the size of adults\' fists. The bowmen and crossbows also adjusted their angles one after another and fired covering shots on the enemy\'s deck.

Of course, as for accuracy

It\'s about the same meaning. If you hit, you make money. It\'s entirely reasonable not to hit.

This kind of chicken pecking lasted about two or three rounds, and finally reached the most important part of the jump Gang battle.

There is no technology to speak of. Basically, it is to lower the sail and make an impact with the other ship from the side by virtue of inertia, then throw out the hook and claw, climb up the enemy ship along the rope, and start a bloody and cruel hand to hand fight. The winner gets everything, while the loser is caught and locked up in the cabin and sold to the slave merchant when he approaches the port.

However, Joanna\'s boat was relatively small, so she suffered a big loss when she hit it. She was almost knocked over by the other party, and many unlucky people fell into the sea.

The enemy ship just shook slightly, and then began to jump down and kill with the help of the commanding advantage.

In the blink of an eye, about half of the sailors on the deck had fallen into a pool of blood, and life and death were unknown.

During the whole process, Zhang Cheng stood by and watched without any intention of shooting.

Because he found that the dead captain Raines was not a power, but a necromancer in the underground world.

In particular, the living corpses treated by magic embalming each perfectly retained their ability before death. Dealing with ordinary sailors is like killing chickens with ox knives.

No wonder it can frighten countless people!

"Surrender! Or die! Choose!" Raines stood on the edge of the deck and issued an ultimatum.

Obviously, he is not as cruel and bloodthirsty as rumored, and he doesn\'t want to do too many unnecessary killings.

After all, in this era of extremely scarce labor force, the price of every healthy slave is quite expensive. What\'s more, Joanna, a beautiful girl who looks like an aristocrat, is brought to the eastern continent to sell. I believe many lords are willing to pay a high price.

Seeing that the remaining survivors on the deck were frightened by the momentum of the other party, Zhang Cheng stood up and joked: "surrender? Did you surrender to us?"

"Go! Kill him!" Raines obviously didn\'t like being provoked, and directly gave orders to kill his men and corpses.

But before those ferocious pirates reacted, the corpses that were originally under his control immediately turned their spears and began to attack their companions frantically.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died on the spot. Even Raines himself was forced to retreat. He tried to regain control several times, but he failed in the end.

In desperation, he had to step back and release the soul spell to weaken the living corpse attacking him. The whole person looked embarrassed.

"Hehe, aren\'t you going to kill me? Why don\'t you do it?" Zhang Cheng flashed a short distance, directly crossed the height gap between the two ships, and suddenly appeared next to each other, his tone full of ridicule.

"Let me go! I\'m willing to give you all my wealth and be loyal to you!" Raines shouted, staggering and rolling on the spot to avoid the attack of the living corpse.

At this moment, he realized that the very young man in front of him was actually a caster who was countless times stronger than himself. He immediately asked for mercy without thinking.

As for self-esteem and integrity, what is that? Can you eat it?

In this extremely difficult era of survival, survival is more important than anything. Even being a humble slave is a hundred times better than dying with self-esteem.

Life is precious, love is more expensive, if it is freedom, both can be thrown away.

Only those idiot poets who don\'t worry about food and clothing and only know how to moan without illness can write such sentences.

In case of survival crisis, their actions are often more ugly than ordinary people.

"Loyalty? Sorry, I don\'t count on this." Zhang Cheng pretended to be helpless and asked the girl standing in place: "Dear captain, this guy said he would surrender and be willing to give all his treasures and be loyal to you. Are you willing to accept it?"

"No! No! I\'ll cut off his head!" Joanna looked at the dead servants on the deck, her eyes slightly red, and her eyes showed undisguised hatred.

"Sorry, my captain doesn\'t want to accept your offer, so please die." Zhang Cheng casually stretched out a finger.


An amazing negative energy penetrated Ryan\'s body!

Before he could even scream, he poured out a lot of black dirty blood from his nostrils, eyes and mouth, fell on his back on the deck and didn\'t move