All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 942

After drifting aimlessly in the earth orbit for hundreds of years, Zhang Cheng finally got tired of this wait-and-see behavior and decided to go back to the ground to see if he could find any useful clues.

After all, although time has long been meaningless to him, he can\'t waste it meaninglessly.

Soon, he turned into a meteor, broke through the atmosphere at a very fast speed and rushed down to a place called Lester on the North American continent.

You know, the previous large-scale asteroid attack completely changed the geographical pattern of seven continents and four oceans on the earth.

In particular, the North American continent was hit by a huge iron nickel alloy asteroid, which was directly divided into two from the middle, forming a large island like a pearl chain, more than hundreds of large and small.

More interestingly, in this land that once held high "freedom" and "democracy", it has degenerated back to the original feudal system, and it is even allowed to buy and sell slaves.

As the largest of the pearl chain islands, Lester was named after its owner and built a city, four towns and more than 300 villages on it.

Count candita Lester is the current leader of the Lester family. He is also the LORD with the largest number of fleets and troops in the islands. He controls 70% of the trade between the North American continent on the left and right sides. He can definitely be called a well deserved overlord of the whole sea area.

However, he now encountered a little trouble, that is, his daughter ran away from home alone in order to avoid marriage, robbed a small warship and threatened to be a free pirate.

my god!

Is there anything more troublesome in the world?

no way!

Get your daughter back anyway!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned to his strong armored men and said, "take a team and catch Joanna for me. But remember, don\'t hurt her, okay?"

"Understand! Please don\'t worry! I\'ll bring the young lady back intact." the strong man patted his chest hard, turned and disappeared at the end of the corridor without saying a word.

Watching his men go away, candita Leicester sighed helplessly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "since the day of destruction came, the family has been rooted here for more than 270 years. I hope there will be no accidents in my generation."


At the same time, a young girl with long red hair and looking about 18 years old, Zhengheng, wearing a short shirt, is standing on a wooden sailboat that is getting too big, holding up a single telescope to patrol the sea.

A full minute later, she pointed to the fire red track in the distant sky and shouted, "look! What\'s that?"

"Oh my God! That must be the devil from hell. Miss Joanna, we\'d better start to turn the course and leave quickly." a man who looked in his thirties was stunned and comforted.

"Asshole! How many times have I told you not to add my miss and call me captain, Captain Joanna. Also, don\'t turn the course. Just rush over. I want to see what it is." the young girl rolled her eyes angrily.

"Are you crazy? If the count knew about it, he would skin me." the man couldn\'t help shaking.

"Hum! If you don\'t follow my orders, I\'ll skin you now. Stop talking and act quickly. I think it must be a precious treasure."

"Well, well, well, who made you the captain?"

With a helpless sigh, the sailboat finally dawdled to the sea where the fireball fell, put down the boat and began to look for something that had fallen from the sky not long ago.

After a while, a sailor shouted at the top of his voice, "I found it! There\'s a man over there!"


Following the direction he pointed, Joanna quickly took out her telescope and found a naked man walking on the sea at a strange pace.

Before they could react to what had happened, the other party had instantly crossed a distance of at least thousands of kilometers, stood directly on the deck of the ship, and stared at two piercing eyes to patrol around.

Needless to ask, this is Zhang Cheng who just fell from earth orbit.

"Who are you?" a big and thick sailor immediately pulled out his machete and took a fighting posture.

"Hmm? English? No, no, it\'s not English, nor is it French, German or Spanish. Oh, I see. Hundreds of years is enough to make a series of great changes in the language with letters as its noumenon, so it should be a new language." Zhang Cheng said to himself, touching his chin.

It has to be said that all the elites on the earth died almost overnight, which directly led to a significant retrogression of science and technology in the first 100 years, coupled with the rise of supernatural forces. By the end of the second century, the level of human science and technology had degenerated back to the middle ages.

But instead, there are some more interesting magic technologies and civilizations.

As a saying goes, the evolution of human civilization from low level to high level is not an inevitable trend step by step as many people think.

On the contrary, it developed a knowledge system called natural science and materialism under the promotion of countless contingencies.

"Hey! Boy! I\'ll ask you again!" the strong sailor was obviously not satisfied. The other party ignored himself and scolded.

By directly reading and copying the memory, Zhang Cheng obtained the language being used in the islands in the blink of an eye. He replied with a smile: "are you talking to me?"

"Shit! You want to die!"

Sailor is not a good profession since ancient times, especially in the sailing age. Basically, every sailor is a potential pirate.

So the guy who boasted of his powerful force swung a machete and slashed hard at his thigh.

Needless to ask, he didn\'t really intend to kill, but wanted to teach Zhang Cheng a lesson.

Next second


The poor guy was directly hit by a fireball the size of a washbasin. The whole man soared up, and then hit the mast behind him. From top to bottom, he turned into scorched carbides, emitting a pungent smell.


Extremely quiet!

The originally noisy sailors suddenly looked like chickens stuck in their necks, and their eyes showed an indescribable color of horror.

But Joanna\'s reaction was just the opposite. She immediately ran close to her and asked excitedly, "Sir, you must be a powerful power, right? I solemnly invite you to join the Pirate Group! I believe with your help, we will be famous in this sea soon..."