All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 941

"Miami was attacked by unidentified creatures and hundreds of people were killed."

"Tokyo has become a battlefield. Tens of thousands of humanoid creatures are killing civilians from the city. So far, at least one million people have died, 2000 US troops have died every day, and more than 20 helicopters and hundreds of tanks have been scrapped."

"The giant sea monster landed in India and has killed 150000 people."

"Tens of thousands of fierce monsters suddenly appeared in the mountains of bafu, Germany, and began to kill the surrounding villages, towns and urban residents."

"Rio de Janeiro is occupied by more than 200000 suspected snake people, and the Brazilian government forces are fighting fiercely."


With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the 24-hour rolling news on TV is basically all the news that makes people feel extremely panic, as if the end of the world was coming overnight.

For a while, no matter those big countries with strong military power or those third rate countries that completely rely on buying to meet the needs of the army, they all have a sense of security. There has been a wave of crazy rush buying in supermarkets and stores in many places. In order to deal with the possible crisis, people began to hoard food, water, daily necessities, medicine, clothing Daily necessities such as paper towels.

Others are crazy about buying guns and ammunition and building their homes and basements into solid fortresses.

In less than a month or two, the order of many governments seems to have lost most of their functions, and all kinds of vicious cases such as shooting, robbery, strong X and homicide emerge one after another.

Most importantly, people\'s confidence in paper money began to collapse. They either spent all their savings, overdraw every credit card, or changed all their money into value preserving gold.

Such a terrible and large-scale panic spread like a plague, the financial market suffered a sudden setback, and the bank payment system was in danger.

There are even many cults that preach the coming of the end of the day, take the opportunity to rise, occupy some small towns that the government can\'t estimate, and begin to force ordinary people without any power to meet their evil desires. Many of them are worshippers of demons, constantly providing high-quality souls for hell.

However, as the most powerful military country in the world, the United States has neglected to care about the small cities or towns that can not provide much tax. It is busy trying to calm the crisis in important cities all over the world.

no way out!

Who makes them have the most overseas military bases.

In particular, the losses of the US military in Japan have been painful enough to cause liver pain to the masters of the Ministry of defense and Congress.

After all, the death of an American soldier is hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the downfall of an armed helicopter is tens of millions of billions of dollars, not to mention the nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and aegis cruisers sunk by huge sea monsters in the sea.

Just one month after the invasion, the loss of troops alone exceeded trillions of dollars.

There is no doubt that the order of the ordinary world is collapsing, while the underground world continues to remain silent.

Because they still don\'t know whether these monsters and invaders from the first world are the pioneers of demons attacking the earth.

Standing at the top of an office building in Chicago, Zhang Cheng looked at the chaotic and desperate city below, smiled and said to himself: "What a fragile civilization! It\'s just like a castle built on the beach. It collapses when pushed gently by the waves. Next, it\'s time to start a revolution, end the global organization of the Supreme Council, and promote human secondary evolution to form a new subspecies and civilized form. After all, it\'s boring to have only one human on such an interesting planet, isn\'t it ……”

"Master, according to your plan, I have finished all the important lakes and rivers." Adam appeared on the top floor of the building at some time, lowering his voice.

"Good! I\'ll give you another task to receive the intelligence organization I founded and turn it into a monitoring organization. From now on, they don\'t need to collect any intelligence, but are responsible for monitoring the speed of the awakening of human supernatural forces. Remember, don\'t interfere too much and let them compete and kill each other under natural conditions as much as possible." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and casually ordered.

"Don\'t you need to destroy the underground world and governments first?" Adam looked up in surprise.

"No! No need! Because I go back and solve them myself. Because destroying order is my best thing, and I also enjoy the process."

After that, Zhang Cheng jumped out of the atmosphere, looked down at the blue planet, quickly opened his arms to form a huge gravity, attracted hundreds of asteroids, and then threw them at those government elites and military bases.

Hoo Hoo Hoo——

With the amazing heat generated by friction with the atmosphere, these super meteorites fell at an unimaginable speed. Although some of them were intercepted by the anti missile system, more than 70% of them hit the target accurately.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

With powerful kinetic energy alone, these small stars have produced amazing destructive power far beyond the reach of mankind\'s most powerful nuclear weapons.

Flash crash!


Volcano eruption!

Most of the capitalists, politicians, speakers and parliamentarians in the underground world who are usually high above the world are reduced to ashes under the first wave of impact.

They don\'t even know who did all this, let alone understand that in the eyes of a powerful Titan, they are just mole ants that can be trampled on at any time.

The collapse of order means chaos, destruction and killing. It means that people no longer need to abide by cumbersome laws. It also means returning to the jungle law of the jungle.

In addition, more and more people began to awaken supernatural forces. They soon formed one small organization after another to compete with other organizations for the resources necessary for survival.

Especially in big cities, fierce exchanges of fire break out almost every day, and violence has become an indispensable part of interpersonal communication.

In about a year or two, the earth\'s population has been reduced from 6 billion to about 500 million. More than 90% of the population has been brutally eliminated. The rest have moved away from cities and returned to the primitive life dominated by agricultural production.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

He remained in outer space, patiently observing the situation on the ground, trying to find signs that the gods woke up from their deep sleep.

Unfortunately, despite such a big noise and countless foreign invaders left on the earth, the gods still felt nothing.

Zhang Cheng sometimes even doubts that these guys have all died in their sleep?

Otherwise, why haven\'t you responded?

Don\'t they care at all about the life and death of intelligent creatures on this planet?

The woman who claimed to be the creator cut off the connection between the two after he was promoted to Titan