All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 940

Information asymmetry is an unparalleled advantage!

It can not only allow unscrupulous businessmen to exchange the cheapest industrial products - glass balls for a large amount of valuable gold, jewelry and spices, but also easily manipulate the fields of Finance and trade and pit those ignorant investors and trading partners into tears.

Obviously, in the face of these old guys hidden behind the United States for hundreds of years, Zhang Cheng has the absolute advantage of information asymmetry.

On the one hand, he is the black hand of everything. On the other hand, he has the dual identity of a member of the Supreme Council and an alchemist, and his status and identity are not comparable to each other at all.

So after a while, all these old foxes were lame and expressed their willingness to do their best to overthrow the rule of the Supreme Council in North America.

After all, for them, the Supreme Council ruling the underground world is like the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, which may fall at any time.

At that time, not to mention money, power and status, even small life and family can\'t be saved.

Looking at the cruel means that the European Council harvests every few hundred years on average, we can see how cruel the underground world is to those who try to infiltrate their forces.

Therefore, as long as there is hope of overthrowing the Supreme Council, they must be the most active group.

After finishing these old men who have great energy in the United States, Zhang Cheng quickly got a skin magic book from hell, which records the world once invaded by the demon army.

After a simple exploration, he found that most of them had turned into desolation, but very few survived and began to rejuvenate.

In particular, one of the world called levina has developed into a quite advanced magical civilization, and several of the most powerful countries are full of aggression. They continue to launch foreign wars of aggression and plunder population, resources and land. The degree of greed is no less than that of the European powers from the 16th to the 19th century.

If they find a portal to the earth, they will take the lead in launching an invasion war without saying a word.

Of course, between the gap of overall strength, it is certainly not enough to rely on this world alone. Maybe it can cause considerable casualties at the beginning, but once the earth\'s major military powers reflect it, they will immediately launch a counterattack, or even enter a different world to occupy the enemy\'s territory.

So to be on the safe side, Zhang Cheng secretly chose a world full of monsters.

This planet has been polluted by demons, so almost all wild animals inevitably inherit hellish blood. They are not only huge, but also ferocious. Once they find something alive, they will immediately take the initiative to attack. They will never stop until the target is killed.

If such monsters swarm into cities, even professional armies equipped with modern weapons will be difficult to deal with, unless the government is willing to throw enlarged equivalent nuclear warheads and wipe them out directly with the city.

As an activist, after completing the revision of the whole plan, Zhang Cheng began to quietly build a dark door in the inaccessible forest.

There are three in North America, two in South America, three in Europe, two in Africa, one in Australia, two in South Asia, one in Central Asia, one in East Asia, two in the Pacific, two in the Atlantic and one in the Indian Ocean.

If we had built so many dark doors in one breath, we would not expect success in two or three years.

But now, after becoming a Titan, you can finish one in about an hour. It took less than a week for all the dark doors to be built. In addition, many stealth spells were added to ensure that they will not be easily found by satellites and aircraft.

After finishing all this, he quietly returned to Chicago, looked at the bright moon in the sky, smiled and muttered: "since all the preparations have been completed, let the game begin..."

The voice just fell!

A bright arcane light rose into the sky and lit up the dark sky.

At the same time, the dark gates around the world have also been activated, resonating with the ancient portal left by the devil on the planet.

About an hour later, more than a dozen beasts with hard scales all over came to the earth silently, left the swamp and entered Miami, Florida.

A pair of young men and women who were fighting on the beach became the first victims before they could even scream.

In addition, in the depths of the mountains and forests rarely visited by the Japanese, a fully armed and ferocious Orc rushed directly into a small village at the foot of the mountain and slaughtered about 30 farmers.

The leader picked up the headless corpse and mocked it in a language that only they could understand: "Aha! Look! What a weak race! It seems that the Empire conquered here is effortless!"

"Hey, hey! Send a message! Organize an expedition immediately, and we will become heroes." another Orc grinned with a ferocious smile.


In less than a week\'s time, news about mutant beasts eating people, giant sea monsters attacking ports and the mysterious death of all in a remote village began to appear in the news media.

Just when most people thought that the media deliberately created false news to deceive attention, the first comprehensive invasion from a different world was finally staged in the island country of "leaving Asia and entering Europe".

Hundreds of thousands of fully armed orcs poured into Tokyo and slaughtered more than 500000 civilians in just one hour. Blood and bodies were scattered all over the streets.

The Japanese government was shocked!

The US military stationed in Japan was shocked!

The underground world was shocked!

In particular, the live picture taken by the helicopter is more convincing than any pale language.

The earth was invaded by an intelligent species from another world!

As for the next step, naturally, aircraft, artillery, tanks and warships will attack these ferocious invaders.

For a moment, missiles, shells and aerial bombs scattered over the island country, directly from one of the world\'s most prosperous cities to a battlefield filled with gunsmoke.

Needless to say, the city is finished. Even if it is successfully recovered, it will not be able to recover in a short time. The death of a large number of people and the damage caused by the war can hardly be measured by money.

"Hehe, this boring world has finally become interesting, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng sat in front of the TV and enjoyed the tragedy directed by himself. While eating popcorn with a smile, his relaxed and cheerful attitude is not like watching the news, but watching a thrilling disaster movie