All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 939

"Master, at present, the whole underground world in North America is crazy recruiting people to expand our strength. Are we also taking action?" seeing that the other side of the phone hasn\'t moved for a long time, Polman immediately proposed cautiously.

As a man of weak strength, who has won his current position entirely by smart mind and operation means, he is full of timidity and fear about war.

no way out!

Even ordinary hell demons are an invincible enemy for him, not to mention an endless army of demons.

If there was no way back, this guy would definitely choose to escape, rather than prepare for a possible war in advance.

Zhang Cheng obviously knew Bolman\'s timid character very well, smiled and comforted: "relax, there\'s no need to be so nervous. This war can\'t start for the time being. In addition, remember not to tell others about my contact with you."

"I see!"

"If there\'s nothing else important, I\'ll hang up first."

"OK. If something happens here in New York, I\'ll call you as soon as possible."


With a beep, the call was immediately interrupted.

Looking at the blackened electronic screen, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Interesting! I didn\'t expect that conquering hell and heaven would trigger the panic and vigilance of the Supreme Council. Maybe... I can change my plan a little, try to attract foreign civilizations to invade the earth, and see if those sleeping gods will react“

"Are you sure you want to open the portal to other worlds on earth?" the supreme authority, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly asked.

With the liquid star core and surging arcane energy absorbed in the process of capturing the soul of Azeroth Titan, it has been promoted from an artifact in the ordinary sense to a powerful artifact worthy of the strongest Titan.

Even people without magic talent can instantly release amazing magic enough to destroy a city.

"Why not?" Zhang Cheng asked meaningfully. "According to the records of hell, they have invaded many worlds, and many places still retain cross space-time coordinates. As long as they build several dark doors and continuously provide stable evil energy, they can easily attract those aggressive magical races. Think about it, with the fragility of earth civilization, those governments established by ordinary people How many days can it last? "

"Are you going to destroy mankind?" the voice of the supreme authority revealed a trace of surprise.

"No! It\'s not destruction! It\'s reform! I\'m going to launch a revolution to overthrow all the order in the world, plunge it into boundless chaos, and then reshape it in my own way. Imagine how a woman who calls herself the Creator would react if she knew that all her efforts had been destroyed?"

While saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with banter.


If even the created world is beyond recognition, what qualification and face does the other party have to claim to be the creator?

"Ah! I see! You want to annoy her and see how she will react after witnessing the collapse of the world she created. I have to say that this is a good strategy. It\'s like directly smashing each other\'s favorite works or toys in front of the owner, and any life with normal emotion will feel angry." the supreme power suddenly realized the analysis.

Zhang Cheng nodded slightly and added: "Not only that! You know what? I\'ve always wondered why the magic energy of this planet has been quite strange, and I can\'t sense the pulsation in the deep core of the earth. Maybe there\'s the answer I\'ve been looking for. So don\'t worry. Let\'s test whether those sleeping gods really lose their perception of the outside world. Or, he Their deep sleep is a means to deceive mortals, hiding in the dark and planning something. "

Supreme authority: "time is your friend now! As an immortal Titan, even if the flame of the star goes out, you can still survive until the end of the universe."

"Yes! Time is my friend now. Well, that\'s all for chatting. Next, let\'s meet some old friends and tell them that the time is ripe to start a revolution. It\'s time to overthrow the North American Supreme Council and establish a new system." Zhang Cheng said as he opened a portal.

"War! Killing! Destruction! Death! You are now more and more like the dark Titan Sargeras!" sighed the supreme authority.

"Sargeras? Don\'t compare me with that retarded! Although he is quite powerful, he has no matching wisdom. I admit that he is a brave warrior and a ruthless destroyer. But compared with playing tricks, he can\'t even compare with his weakest fear demon."


Ten hours later, in a private room of a shabby restaurant on the outskirts of Chicago, while eating a bad steak, Zhang Cheng smiled and said to several old guys who had come all the way from all over the United States: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have two good news for you. The first is that the Supreme Council expanded its strength this time not to deal with you, but to deal with the hell devil who has just destroyed heaven. The second is more exciting. Remember the revolution I told you before? Now the time is ripe."

"What?!" Iger jumped up from his chair, and his eyes burst into bleeding red light.

"I said, the time for revolution has come. I believe you have all noticed that in the past two months, a large number of sudden awakening superpowers have appeared in the United States. This is not a coincidence, but an opportunity to end the ruling structure of the underground world, as well as an opportunity to change the fate of all mankind." As always, Zhang Cheng is good at using lies and deception to achieve his goals.

As for allies

In his eyes, it was like toilet paper. After it was used up, it was naturally thrown into the toilet and washed away.

Only dead allies are good allies!

Therefore, there is no need to have a little psychological burden to pit allies.

"You mean... Will more and more capable people appear in the future? Even cover all mankind?" Iger keenly grasped the key point.

"The whole mankind is a little exaggerated, but 70-80% is still possible. My dear friends, the key to the future is in our hands. What are you still afraid of? As long as we work together and wait for the Supreme Council and the devil of hell to lose, we can immediately take advantage of the situation and spread the first soil for burying the decadent rule of the underground world."