All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 938

Entrepreneurship is never easy for ordinary people.

Not to mention the staggering failure rate, the serious consequences that need to be borne alone are enough to frighten most people. Often, a failure will carry unimaginable huge debts, and maybe they will be put in prison for several years.

But for the rich, it is easier to start a business with sufficient capital investment than to eat and drink water.

On the one hand, they have sufficient funds and relationships to easily deal with people or enterprise executives that ordinary entrepreneurs can\'t touch at all;

On the other hand, they don\'t have to worry about the painful cost of failure.

No, just two weeks or so, Yvette started a popular clothing company in Chicago with white money.

No famous designer?

Spend a lot of money digging people from other companies!

No popularity?

A lot of advertising expenses are spread out, and the publicity is overwhelming. Please speak for the popular stars, buy the editors of various fashion magazines and let them say more good words.

In any case, commodities such as popular clothes, to put it bluntly, rely on one word - blowing.

Regardless of whether it is good or not, as long as the reputation is blown out, naturally the first batch of customers will be slaughtered.

If fame continues to ferment for a period of time, it will gradually be recognized by the market, gradually promoted to luxury jewelry, and become a prop for some people to reflect their identity.

As a saying goes, the class between people has never disappeared, but continues to exist in another way.

In the past, people divided classes by descent and surname. Now people divide classes by wealth, which is not very different in essence.

Many luxuries just meet this potential psychological demand.

The diffusion effect brought by advertising and stars swept through important cities such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. This loss making company, which originally relied on black money, actually made a profit in the third month.

Although not much, only about 800000 US dollars, it is a very important turning point.

Looking at the striking black numbers on the financial statements, Yvette, who had been nervous for more than two months, finally breathed a sigh of relief and gritted her teeth and complained: "thanks! You\'ve spent 23 million dollars in just two months! You\'re crazy! You know? I feel scared every day when I see the money lost."

"Relaxation is just a mere 20 million dollars. Do you know how much Coca Cola spends on advertising every year? In my opinion, whether it is fast food, drinks, popular clothes and luxury accessories, it is essentially brainwashing the people and affecting their original values through various subtle influences. Look at Milan fashion week, At the high-end fashion shows in Los Angeles and New York, how many expensive clothes and shoes are designed like shit, but it is not followed by a large group of people. So don\'t be stingy with the investment in advertising and public relations. At least don\'t be stingy with the money until the industry has the right to speak. "Zhang Cheng explained carelessly while playing darts in his chair.

As he spent more and more time in this gangster City, his control over his body became more and more infiltrated. At present, he can easily mobilize more than half of his strength without worrying about getting out of control.

"What? I have to continue to lose money! God! If I had known this, why should I have to find happiness for myself? Just take the money and enjoy it all my life." Yvette covered her face in pain.

You know, not long ago, she was a poor man who didn\'t even have a hundred yuan bill, but now she can sign hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars without changing her face.

This huge span in a short time made her feel that life was better than death.

"Are you really willing to be a waste who only knows pleasure? No, that\'s not your deepest thought. You want wealth, power and becoming a big man, and this company is your pedal. Well, don\'t complain, the loss is only temporary, and I promise you will start to make a big profit in a short time. Remember, you want to become a high society The darling of the club, don\'t be blinded by short-term interests, "Zhang Cheng warned earnestly.

"Oh, well, well, listen to you." Yvette sighed lovelessly.

Just when she wanted to say something, the cell phone that had been silent for a long time in Zhang Cheng\'s pocket suddenly rang.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Without any hesitation, Zhang Cheng immediately stood up, walked out of the office, went to the empty bathroom, quickly took out the phone and pressed the answer button.

Next second

A familiar voice came through the microphone: "good afternoon, dear senator, I\'m Iger Hamilton."

"Ah! Good afternoon, my friend. Call me suddenly. Is there anything important?" Zhang Cheng said quietly.

Since the last time he reached an alliance agreement with these black hands hiding behind the United States, he has never contacted each other again. This sudden contact must be what happened in the underground world.

"In recent days, the parliament has acted very frequently. I want to know what happened and whether they are finally going to take action against us?" Iger expressed strong concern in his tone.

"Frequent movements?" Zhang Cheng instantly showed a puzzled expression.

There is no doubt that he did not know how great the impact of his war to destroy heaven had on the whole underground world.

Iger: Yes! North America! No! The Lords of the global underground world are expanding their manpower like crazy. It looks like a full-scale war is about to break out

"Sorry, I\'ve been on vacation recently and I don\'t know what happened. If you don\'t mind, give me some time and let me know when I find out." Zhang Cheng casually made up an excuse.

"OK! But please hurry!"

"No problem! Give me half an hour."


With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng directly hung up the phone and dialed the second number in the address book. In just a few seconds, the phone was connected.

"Master, is that you?" Polman asked in surprise.

"Of course it\'s me! Tell me what happened in the underground world recently and why all lords are expanding their strength?" Zhang Cheng asked directly.

Polman obviously hesitated for a moment, followed by a low voice and said, "this is an order issued by the joint members of the Supreme Council. According to the information, hell destroyed heaven in a war, which made speakers and parliamentarians all over the world very nervous, so they began to prepare for a possible war."

"War? I see." Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully and realized that he was the culprit of all this