All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 937

How easy is it for a senior financial officer to wash money?

The answer is that as long as we attract partners in several key positions, it is even simpler than engaging in a legitimate industry, and we can easily clean up tens of millions and hundreds of millions of black money.

In less than a month, Yvette completed the components of a small money laundering Gang under the cultivation of Zhang Cheng, and began to take over the gang business in an orderly manner.

After tasting the sweetness, Claudian, who had a little rebellious spirit before, plunged into it and greedily enjoyed a high commission.

In this country where money determines social status, not many people can resist the temptation of money, especially watching their wealth increase, anyone can\'t help but feel the pleasure of rapid heartbeat and massive secretion of adrenaline.

Although these low-cost and worthless small pieces of paper are actually just a medium of transaction, they have been given a new definition in modern society, that is, the right to allocate social resources.

Specifically, it is the second means to mobilize social resources in addition to violence.

Lying on the newly bought expensive water bed, Yvette enjoyed thousands of dollars a bottle of champagne, looked at the eight digit deposits in the bank account, smiled and sighed: "So this is money laundering! Without alerting anyone, use an ordinary account to complete a non-existent transaction, followed by completing an investment and obtaining income through financial means bit by bit, and finally transfer it to my account from legal channels. Unless the owners of those accounts find something wrong and call the police, they never have to worry about being found."

"That\'s right! You should understand that in the stage of primitive capital accumulation, few people will take the law seriously. Look at the donor statues erected by those famous schools. How many started by selling drugs in Asia, and how many had close cooperation with the Mafia? But now? They are the real rulers of the country. They are respected as blue blood aristocrats and monopolize the country All aspects of the country. In fact, the essence of the world is dirty, dark and evil. Good people can never become qualified leaders. If all politicians and rich people in the United States are killed, I\'m sure one of them will go to hell. "Zhang Cheng smiled and exposed the chilling truth without concealment.

As a transcendent from mortal to extraordinary, when he was young, he also superstitious about some so-called "classic works", among which the most famous is Adam Smith\'s core view in the wealth of nations, that is, the market has an invisible hand in regulation.

According to the scholar\'s understanding, the government should not interfere in economic activities, but let the market and capital regulate themselves. The higher the freedom businessmen get, the more prosperous the market itself will be, so as to create more wealth.

Countless media, economists and politicians in the world regard it as a classic one after another, trumpeting that the market should be opened and not too much supervision.

But what about the reality?

This invisible hand doesn\'t exist at all!

The market also has no so-called self-regulation ability!

As a result, the economic lifeline of a country is controlled by several or even more than a dozen groups, and more than 90% of the wealth created by human production activities is flowing to a few people.

The financial turmoil, the freight forwarding crisis, the economic bubble, the increasing unemployment rate, the rapid growth of high prices, and the growth of almost no ordinary income.

The cruel reality of modern international society means that Adam Smith\'s view is wrong.

The media, economists and politicians who advocate the invisible hand in the wealth theory are all bought and controlled by capital.

"Ha ha! Should I be honored to go to hell with so many big people?" Yvette poured a mouthful of champagne and laughed happily.

There\'s no way not to laugh!

Under the bombing brainwashing of the American news media, she always believed that the reason why the rich can become rich is that they are smarter, harder and have higher ideals and pursuit than the poor.

But after these days of contact, the girl suddenly found that the so-called rich are actually just a group of demons in human skin. Behind almost every "famous family", there is an unknown dark history.

Some of their ancestors were drug traffickers, some were gang bosses, some were big slave owners, some were forced to sell alcohol under prohibition, some traded naked money and power, and others directly plundered the land and wealth of the original Indian residents.

After careful calculation, from Wall Street giants to the presidential family, there is not even a clean one.

"No, you are not qualified to go to hell now." Zhang Cheng shook his head meaningfully.

"Oh? What am I going to do next?" Yvette put down the empty glass and asked with interest holding her chin.

Zhang Cheng replied without thinking: "it\'s very simple! Now that you have enough money, the next thing to do is to package yourself and appear in front of everyone in another posture."

"Packaging?" Yvette raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes! Packaging! If you want to be accepted by those upper class members who think highly of themselves, you must first make yourself look like a successful person. Therefore, you must start a business, establish your own company, and impress people with the struggle history of starting from scratch. Remember the countless entrepreneurial myths touted by the media and the legends of the founders? Next, You should also be one of them, "Zhang Cheng said meaningfully, pursing the corners of his mouth.

Yvette: I don\'t understand! What does this have to do with entering high society

"Very simple interest relationship! Generally speaking, you should prove that you have a strong ability to make money, so as to arouse the interest of those financial capital giants. Then, at an appropriate time, accept their capital into your company, and then list on NASDAQ to bring rich returns. With common interests, they will regard you as their own person and let you enter their own market Your own circle. In addition, you can also get the worship and praise of countless fools. Starting from scratch, how classic and inspirational, how consistent with the current political correctness, is the direct embodiment of the American dream. If you have sexual interest in the future, you may be able to enter the political arena with this, and become the first female president of the United States of America in a few years... "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng opened his arms and filled his tone with impassioned words, drawing a beautiful blueprint for the future for each other.

What is the most interesting part of nurturance games?

Of course, it is to personally change a person\'s destiny and push it to the peak of life.