All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 936

"Yvette! Calm down! Be calm! You can do it!"

In the alley behind a cafe, a young white girl was nervously standing in place to cheer herself up.

She held a small video camera in one hand and a self-defense electric shock in her bag in the other.

In the United States, where guns and violence are extremely rampant, threatening a person must be fully prepared, otherwise the confrontation between words may evolve into a bloody conflict, even rape or murder at any time.

If there were not too many secrets involved, she would not hesitate to pay a high price for a bodyguard if it was revealed that she might be doomed.

But unfortunately, the reality is often cruel. If you want to get anything, you must pay the corresponding price. No one can be an exception.

After waiting anxiously for seven or eight minutes, a fat man with a round figure finally came down from a Lincoln car, quickly got into the alley, and roared angrily: "Falk! You damn bitch threatened me! Hand over the card! Otherwise I\'ll make you look good!"

"Mr. Claudian, don\'t be so excited. Here, this is the cassette you want. Of course, it\'s just a copy. The real original is kept in a very safe place by me. If you don\'t do what I say, the cassette will be sent to your wife. As far as I know, she is quite dissatisfied with you. If you get evidence of cheating, guess What would she do? If it were me, I would definitely find a powerful lawyer, directly apply for divorce and divide more property as much as possible. "Yvette obviously didn\'t be frightened by the other party\'s aggressive appearance, but threatened not to be busy.

Before going out today, she had practiced repeatedly at home for several times. Although she was nervous to death, she still spoke out very smoothly.

no way out!

The most important thing to do such things as blackmail, blackmail and blackmail is to abandon the sense of morality and shame and turn yourself into a complete scum.

Yvette is undoubtedly far from doing this, so she can only try to be tough.

Because she is eager for wealth, eager to become a member of the upper class society, and eager to enjoy the sunshine, beach, wine, food, famous brand clothes, shoes, cosmetics, carnival parties, handsome boys and so on like those rich young American girls.

After all, desire is a wonderful thing. It can make the most humble people brave, just to change their original ordinary destiny.

"No! I won\'t listen to you! Bring me the original card right away!" Claudian roared and grabbed the girl\'s neck.

Like most white American men, after being threatened, his first thought was not to use wisdom, but to choose violence without thinking.

"Shet! Dead fat pig! You forced me!"

Without saying a word, Yvette took out the electric shock and directly pressed the trigger switch.

Pop, pop, pop!

With the crisp sound of the current, claudienton twitched and fell to the ground with a plop on his back.

However, the power of the self-defense electric shock was not very large, so he didn\'t fall into a coma. He just lost his ability to move and struggled to get up.

But where would Yvette miss such an opportunity to lift the sharp high heels at the front end and kick at the key part of a man.


There is a kind of heartbreaking pain in the world, called egg pain.

At present, poor Claudian was personally experiencing that his round head and face showed a strange purple red.

"Idiot! Wait for your wife to take you to court!" Yvette stepped on each other\'s left hand again, and then planned to turn and leave.

"Don\'t! Don\'t go! We can talk again!" claudienton was scared out of his wits, ignoring the egg\'s sadness, and grabbed the girl\'s ankle.

"Talk? No, we have nothing to talk about. Either do what I say, or go back and die. There is no third way. Also, get your dirty hands off." Yvette gave an ultimatum very strongly.

She has realized that the dead fat man in front of her is actually a bullying garbage. As long as she acts tough, she has nothing to worry about.

"Damn it! That\'s millions of dollars! I\'ll need at least a week to wash it!" said Claudian, gnashing his teeth.

As a lecherous man who likes to hunt for beauty, he began to hate himself now. At the beginning, there was nothing that failed to control his lower body, and the result came to today\'s end.

You should know that money laundering is not terrible. Major banks, financial industries and accounting firms in the United States are basically doing it.

But the terrible thing is that almost all money laundering will not be a one hammer deal. Once you enter the industry, I\'m afraid you won\'t want to withdraw in your life.

Claudian\'s real fear is whether the woman in front of him is a spy sent by some gangs or drug lords to "test the water". If he meets the other party\'s requirements, will there be 10 million or 100 million next?

If this time comes, he will soon be blacklisted by the FBI, the narcotics bureau and the IRS.

"No problem, I\'ll give you a week and allow you to withdraw 5% of the bonus. Remember, clean it up. I don\'t want any trouble in the future, okay?" Yvette bent down and patted the fat man\'s slightly fat face.

This humiliating action filled Claudian with anger, but he didn\'t dare to make a little resistance. He only watched the girl put the bag full of black money into his trunk and then walked away.


A few minutes later, when Yvette returned to the used BMW, she immediately waved her fist and shouted, "it\'s successful! I did it! At last, I didn\'t let the dead fat pig take advantage of it!"

"Well done! This is a good start. Next, you should learn to make good use of it to complete the original capital accumulation." Zhang Cheng, sitting in the cab, encouraged with a smile.

"Original capital accumulation?" Yvette was obviously stunned.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! Primitive capital accumulation!

Don\'t you think you can enter the upper class with just a few million dollars?

No, honey, it\'s far from it. Since you have neither contacts nor talents, you can\'t get wealth from the fierce and cruel market competition.

So I suggest you look for some inspiration from the criminal law, that is to act as a money laundering intermediary.

Chicago is a city of gangs, with more than 200 gangs, large and small. As long as you can convince one or two of them to give you part of their illegal income, and then wash it through Claudian, you can earn 10-15% of the handling fee.

Look, how simple and profitable.

The most important thing is that you are single-line contact. As long as you are not too greedy, you hardly have to worry about being caught. "