All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 935

Athens, located at the southern tip of the Balkans, is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Greece, with a population of nearly 4 million. With a recorded history of 3000 years alone, Athens is known as the cradle of Western civilization.

However, most people do not know that in addition to these well-known materials, Athens is also the venue of the joint Parliament of the Supreme Council of the underground world.

Today, members of the Supreme Council from all over the world, as well as those regional supernatural force organizations that cooperate with them, gathered together and had a serious and tense quarrel in a hotel controlled by the ancient wizard Association.

As for the content, nature is the war that hell conquered heaven not long ago.

Especially those angels scattered in human society who learned that their hometown had been occupied immediately informed mankind and tried to obtain a shelter agreement to ensure that they would not become the hunting object of demons and demon worshipers.

Most importantly, the collapse of heaven means that the stability of the previous tripartite containment has collapsed. Next, the Supreme Council will face an army of demons without worries.

Once a full-scale invasion breaks out, the whole earth is likely to fall for almost a month.

The war weapons developed by ordinary people in the world, such as aircraft, artillery, missiles and nuclear weapons, are powerful enough to cause considerable damage to demons, but the problem is that ordinary people themselves have no magic resistance.

Perhaps it only needs a little charm, control magic, or promise the high-level to give them unimaginable long life, status and privileges. Those greedy guys will definitely not hesitate to sell the interests of their compatriots, and these weapons will become a reminder of the underground world.

without doubt!

These old friends who are used to the state of peacekeeping finally feel the threat, and an extremely strong sense of crisis envelops everyone attending the meeting.

You know, the last full-scale war was thousands of years ago, and there were many powerful gods involved at that time.

But this time, the gods had fallen into a deep sleep and showed no signs of waking up, but hell had destroyed heaven, which would be more difficult to deal with after a little repair.


Terrible silence!

After a young female Angel explained the current bad situation, the whole venue fell into a dead silence.

On weekdays, some high-ranking members have gloomy faces, some exchange glances with each other, and others secretly put their hands into their trouser pockets and hold the invitation to hell received in the past two days. Their eyes twinkle with strange light. They don\'t know what they are thinking.

Just as in the face of invaders, some people will choose to do their best to resist, but more people will choose to surrender and live their own life honestly. What\'s more, they will choose to join the invaders and become accomplices of each other in exchange for rights, status and wealth.

Will the devil of hell destroy the human world?


Of course not!

What they want to do is to conquer the human world and turn the whole earth into a huge and chaotic farm, so that it can continuously provide evil souls.

Therefore, in the eyes of some people, turning to hell is not an unacceptable thing.

Ten minutes later, the speaker of the European Supreme Council coughed slightly and said in a slightly heavy tone: "I understand that the news is quite bad for us. But the top priority is to confirm the demons\' plans first. Send an envoy. We need to have a negotiation."

"Agree! First find out what the devil wants to do, and then we\'ll decide how to deal with it." Kosmo volunteered.

Although he secretly rejoiced that he had signed a contract with the demon king of hell early, his face didn\'t show it at all.

"Then who will be the messenger? I\'m not sure if the demons really decide to invade the human world, they will kill the messenger directly." another speaker pursed his mouth and asked the sharpest question.

Since ancient times, being an envoy has a high risk.

Although the saying of "two countries do not cut each other" sounds better than anything, in fact, many people break this rule.

This is true for mankind, especially for demons who advocate destruction, killing, destruction and free desire.

"I think drawing lots is a good choice! And it\'s fair. If the region wins, then the region will send at least five parliamentarians to hell to take charge of this dangerous negotiation." kosmoman inadvertently gave a seemingly reasonable suggestion.

"I agree to draw lots!"

"It\'s really fair!"

"Then smoke!"


After the unanimous vote, several supreme speakers got up and came to the center of the venue, put their hands into a small metal box and took out light yellow strips from it.

Only the South American speaker drew a silver strip.

Needless to ask, he won the jackpot and will be responsible for the specific matters of negotiation with the hell devil. A cold expression appeared on his old face.

At the same time, members of the South American Supreme Council, without exception, suddenly stood up from their chairs and stared at their speaker.

"Congratulations, dear old friend, the burden of saving the human world falls on you." Kosmo revealed an undisguised schadenfreude in his eyes as he spoke.

you \'re right!

Is schadenfreude!

There has always been friction between the North American Supreme Council and the South American Supreme Council. Although it is not to the extent of a frontal confrontation, there are a lot of small moves in private.

Now that the old enemy is going to be unlucky, he will naturally have a feeling of physical and mental pleasure.


The speaker of the South American parliament gave the other party a cold stare and directly led his men to turn around and leave. He visually planned to draw lots after going back and gather up five unlucky bastards to complete this extremely dangerous mission.

Seeing these people go away, Faust didn\'t know when to come behind laforn and said in a low voice, "come to my room later. I have something important to discuss with you."

"What\'s up? Don\'t tell me you\'re going to hell!" Laverne asked without looking back.

"No! Of course not! I\'m not so stupid to confront the unprecedentedly powerful demon Legion. I just got an interesting intelligence recently. Someone found an entrance to mysterious space in the distant Indian subcontinent. It may be a fragmented world or an entrance to some divine countries."

"It sounds valuable. But the problem is, we still have an important ally away. Are you sure you want to leave him alone?"

"Hehe, it\'s not that we deliberately left him, but that he didn\'t leave his contact information."

"All right! I\'ll join!"

"Wise choice!"
