All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 934

"Shet! What you said just now reminds me of the devil that lures mortals to fall in the Bible." Yvette rolled her eyes angrily, picked up half the iced drink on the table, raised her head and drank it all.

It may be that the cold feeling slightly dispels the side effects of alcohol, or it may be that a large number of drinks enter the stomach and dilute the residual wine.

In a word, she became sober after drinking the drink, stared at her eyes and asked, "why teach me this? If, as you said before, it was to repay me for giving you a trivial towel, then millions of dollars of black money should be enough."

"Oh? What do you think I\'m for?" Zhang Cheng asked back with a smile.

At present, there are still several months before Adam completes the first step of the plan. He feels that he should continue his cultivation game and cultivate a kind-hearted girl into a black widow who does everything for wealth and power.

"At first, I thought you wanted to fuck me, but now you don\'t seem to be interested in women. So I feel very confused and don\'t know the motivation behind all this."

There is no doubt that Yvette is not the kind of white silly sweet with big chest and no brain. She has maintained considerable vigilance from beginning to end.

After all, if she was born in a poor neighborhood, she would have been a plaything for those gangsters long ago. She would not only be infected with all kinds of bad habits and drugs, but also be forced to engage in special service work such as standing on the street.

In fact, the most popular "take out" service in Chicago\'s poor neighborhoods is that blacks bring their girlfriends to the door.

As for what etiquette, righteousness and shame, these scum don\'t care.

For them, as long as they have money to buy drugs and food every day, it doesn\'t matter to let their mother go out to engage in special service industries.

The so-called thrilling love in Hollywood blockbusters can not exist in the bottom society of the United States.

"Maybe you won\'t believe it. In fact, I don\'t have any motivation. I\'m just a little bored and want to have some fun for myself, that\'s all." Zhang Cheng stood up and took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator.

"Have fun?" Yvette frowned subconsciously. "Don\'t tell me you\'re a rich man who likes looking for excitement."

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "are you doubting my financial resources and identity?"

Yvette: shouldn\'t I doubt it? Don\'t forget, you killed more than 20 gunmen alone, and you were unharmed

"Well, it seems that I need to prove myself in order to dispel your suspicion." Zhang Cheng picked up the laptop on the table, opened one of the legal accounts as soon as possible, quickly entered the account password, and finally hit the Enter key.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of the keyboard, a series of numbers enough to make most ordinary people breathe and heartbeat faster appear on the display screen.

"WTF!" Yvette suddenly revealed a thick mouth and an unbelievable expression on her face.

"How do you feel? Are you still worried about what I\'m trying to do to you?" Zhang Cheng revealed a strong ridicule in his tone.

In this country where capital is king, there is nothing that money can\'t solve.

If so, it can only prove that you don\'t have enough money and don\'t master the important technologies and resources regarded as the lifeblood of the country.

So over time, under the subtle influence of the media, Americans always believe that the rich are often more trustworthy and have a higher moral standard than the poor. At least they don\'t have to worry that the other party will suddenly pull out a gun and loot all their belongings.

Interestingly, they can\'t understand that many times, the real "bandits" are just these capital giants.

However, with the help of in-depth participation in the election and the famous "lobbying bill", the capital predators have already achieved a feat that many criminals can\'t accomplish in a lifetime, that is, legal robbery.

Especially in the financial field with serious information asymmetry, those ordinary investors simply can\'t compete with capital giants. Behind almost every financial crisis, there is a terrible massacre, countless families go bankrupt, and more people take to the streets to become vagrants.

"You are not thirty years old, are you? Where did you get so much money?" Yvette asked after a brief shock.

"I have a hotel and entertainment center with good income, which can earn about 400 million yuan every year, and a mother whose company has just been listed and whose net assets exceed 30 billion US dollars. Money is just a series of meaningless figures for me. What I am really interested in is what money means to ordinary people living at the bottom of society like you and what changes it can bring 。”

Although at the time of saying this, Zhang Cheng did not use any magic that affected his spirit, the effect was no worse than using magic.

This is like an ordinary person who opens his mouth and closes his mouth to all kinds of great principles. You will feel bored 100%. But if you change into a billionaire, his words will be regarded as a classic. Even if it is wrong, they will be pursued by countless people, even as a life goal and motto.

After all, 99% of the people in this world have no real ability to distinguish, just pawns manipulated by the media.

For example, the "success study", which has been touted for a long time, is essentially non nutritious garbage. It only repeats the billionaires\' wealth making process, tells them how many setbacks they have experienced, and finally insists on becoming a winner in life, and will never tell you how to earn the first bucket of start-up funds.

Because most rich people, the first barrel of start-up funds is either obtained from rich parents and relatives, or it is a coincidence that they can\'t be copied at all, or they use some shady means.

In short, as like as two peas of success, there are no other two cases of success. All of them are full of accidents and contingencies.

But Yvette didn\'t understand this. She just felt that she was favored by the goddess of luck and asked loudly in an extremely excited tone: "you will help me become rich! Finally enter the upper class society, right?"

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood something." Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger and gently shook it in front of the opposite side.

"I will only give you advice, and then you will decide how to implement it. So whether you can become rich and enter the upper class society actually depends not on me, but on yourself. The biggest interest of this game is that human emotions are complex and changeable, and are prone to many temptations and disturbances. In addition, I suggest you take a bath immediately and go back to school Go to your room and have a sleep. Tomorrow you may have to face some of the ugliest parts of human nature, so be prepared and buy a lady\'s electric shock, which may be useful. "