All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 933

"My dear master, you seem to need help, don\'t you?" Raines approached and gently stroked the place where his huge body was cut off by his waist.

It has to be said that the strength of mcgar\'s last strike is worthy of his title of Lord of light. Even the steel body blessed with countless protective magic can\'t resist a penny. If it was someone else, I\'m afraid it would be doomed to die together.

However, it is a pity that Zhang Cheng only uses the conscious projection. No matter how much the body is destroyed, it will not have a slightest impact on the noumenon.

He even ignored the degree of physical damage, raised his only active arm and pointed to the metal coffin discarded in the corner: "open that for me!"

"As you wish!"

Raines walked over without saying a word and dragged the heavy metal coffin back.

But just when she wanted to say something, Zhang Cheng grabbed the coffin, smashed it with a strong metal thug, and detected a golden ball the size of an adult\'s fist. The surging energy emitted from it immediately made several demons around feel strongly uncomfortable.

As the demon queen, Raines retreated at a very fast speed without saying a word, and constantly screamed and cursed: "ah!!!!!! damn it! What the hell is this?"

"Hehe, this is the heart left by the real master of heaven. Look how strong, beautiful and tenacious it is. Even after thousands of years, it still retains the energy to destroy a city." Zhang Cheng commented meaningfully.

"Master, do you want me to take it back?" Adam appeared quietly and asked expressionless.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "No, no, just detonate it here. Doesn\'t heaven boast that it is a country of light, let it be destroyed in endless strong light. I give you an hour to retreat. In an hour, the place regarded as the highest faith by angels will disappear forever. As for the rest, it\'s left to you to clean up slowly."

"You are a generous and kind demon king! I think all the demons in hell will appreciate your decision. I believe that after completely occupying heaven, there will be an amazing number of fallen angel legions in hell." Ashima bent down and bowed deeply.

Because the so-called slow clean-up is actually waiting to defeat the last resistance, allowing the demons to wantonly kill the residents living in heaven, and vent their anger, desire, tyranny and all kinds of evil thoughts.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the westward movement of the United States and the genocide of white people against the original inhabitants of the Americas.

But this time, the demons not only for land and wealth, but also to plunder more high-quality souls. They forced the residents of heaven into darkness by means of killing, threat and torture, and then incorporated them into their own command to expand their strength.

However, unlike European and American whites, demons not only become bitches but also want to set up memorial archways, trying to beautify their primitive, barbaric and cruel acts with the help of public opinion and publicity.

On the contrary, demons will not waste their time on these meaningless actions. What they preach from the beginning is naked evil. Similarly, they will not deliberately establish a so-called "protected area" for aborigines after occupying the best land , they are kept in captivity like animals, which is called preserving multiculturalism. From time to time, they take their offspring to visit like going to the zoo to see gorillas.

It can be predicted that heaven will become scorched earth for a long time. Unless the angels are completely extinct, the Holocaust will never stop.

This is the gene burned in the deepest part of the devil\'s soul.


An hour is not long, and the blink of an eye has passed.

Under the leadership of the high level of the demon legion, most demons have passed through the portal and returned to the front line, planning to launch a campaign to destroy the withered and the decadent, and completely trample on these bird people who are beyond their power.

At this stage of the war, there is no suspense. The next step must be a one-sided massacre.

For this non challenging game, Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t have much interest. He directly injected the last trace of evil energy in his body into his amazing heart.


The surface of the whole golden ball cracked, one by one.

Next second


The dazzling white light directly wraps up all the cities under your feet!

The violent shock wave destroyed everything at an unimaginable speed!

No matter buildings, creatures, or the golden column standing in the central square to symbolize order, all disappeared without a trace.

When the light dimmed, Yunzhong city had disappeared from the map, and thousands of kilometers of land had disappeared. There were spaces torn by energy storms and cracks revealing strange atmosphere everywhere.

With the destruction of the capital of heaven, several archangels were killed, and even the Lord of light megar died. The morale of the front-line Angel Legion suddenly fell to a low point and was directly overwhelmed by the demon Legion who launched a comprehensive attack.

Hundreds of thousands of angels were killed, and many more changed from white wings to black wings because of the collapse of faith. They joined the Fallen Angel Legion in the demon army and began to wantonly destroy their former hometown.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

When the metal body was disintegrated into small particles by the light of destruction, his consciousness had returned to his body, opened the door, walked out of the room, sat on the sofa in the living room, drank iced drinks and watched the soap opera on TV.

Before enjoying a moment of peace, Yvette, who was full of wine, opened the door and burst in.

Wearing a sexy low cut backless evening dress, she planted a lot of red strawberries on the left side of her neck, and the black silk stockings on her legs were torn to pieces. She sat down on the sofa and said in a tone full of self mockery: "According to what you said, I successfully seduced the dead fat pig and photographed the whole process with a small camera. But it\'s best just this time, or next time I may smash his lower body because I can\'t stand nausea."


Yvette threw a small memory card on the table.

"Well done! Next, we can threaten him with this little thing. Remember, for men with marriage and family, once they are caught cheating, it often means that they may lose more than half of their property. They would rather risk going to prison and become accomplices to criminals than tell the truth to their wives. The world is made up of nothing It is composed of lies and deception. The so-called honesty and integrity do not exist from the beginning. The only difference is that some guys have bad deception skills, which can be distinguished at a glance, while others are more clever, which can perform until they get into the coffin... "