All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 932

"Cough, cough..."

"Lord mcgar, you\'re hurt!"

"Dirty devil! How dare you hurt the symbol of light and justice!"


As the former vice king of the kingdom of heaven and now the supreme ruler, megar is basically equivalent to the position of the Lord in the eyes of the archangel.

After all, in ancient times, most of the older generation of angels were dead and injured. Now the angels in heaven are a new generation born from the lake of life.

Although they have heard many history and stories about the past, they have not seen with their own eyes the incredible power of the Lord who created heaven from scratch, but they have seen megar kill hell demons again and again and lead heaven to victory one after another.

So in the eyes of angels, he is the symbol of invincibility and the last hope and pillar of the whole heaven.

If even he fails, it means that heaven will usher in the final judgment.

Due to the loss of the sun, the whole heaven suddenly fell into darkness. Only the slightest trace in the distorted void did not know whether it was starlight or other luminous objects, which reluctantly provided a little lighting.

Maigal covered his mouth and nose with constant blood spray, endured his inner rage and asked loudly, "how do you know the close relationship between the sun and me?"

"No, actually I don\'t know anything. I just want to have a try. After all, according to normal logical reasoning, since you are the embodiment of light, the first thing I have to do is destroy the light source, and the sun in heaven happens to be the largest light source. It\'s easy to understand, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng answered with a smile on his chin.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Burning Legion failed again and again when invading Azeroth, but the dark Titan was not in a hurry.

Because for Sargeras, there is no rival on Azeroth. No matter he fails once, twice, three or four times, he can start all over again in no hurry.

As an attacker, no matter how many times you fail, as long as you succeed again, it means winning the final victory.

But for the Azeroth coalition in the defensive state, no matter how many times they win, as long as they fail once, it means losing everything.

Similarly, to launch an all-round invasion of heaven, it is nothing to fail only once or twice in the projection of consciousness, but as long as megar fails once, he will lose the opportunity to make a comeback.

Unfortunately, megar didn\'t seem to understand this. He pushed away the young angel supporting him, raised his sword composed entirely of high-energy photons, and said coldly: "I admit that I was careless just now! But your luck is over! Maybe you are the smartest and most insidious demon in hell in recent thousands of years, but you will still die under my sword."

"Hehe, naive. It seems that you haven\'t made any progress in the thousands of years after the death of the Lord. You don\'t understand the power to maintain the operation of the whole heaven. You are too addicted to the tricks of the Lord of light, so you ignore the study of soul and faith, otherwise you won\'t say such ignorant words. Forget it, what\'s the use of talking so much nonsense to a dying man, let me know Let\'s take you on the road. "

With that, Zhang Cheng took off one of his arms, reshaped it into a war hammer with the help of the power of alchemy, and finally injected evil energy.


The huge hammer head suddenly ignited a hot green flame and made the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, swallowing the souls of the surrounding dead angels and demons.

There is no doubt that this is not an ordinary weapon or magic weapon, but an evil weapon that will inject the pain of tens of thousands of souls into the deepest part of the enemy\'s body after being hit.

When mcgar saw this scene, his golden pupils suddenly contracted, and his eyes were full of vigilance. After a little hesitation, he turned into a ball of light and rushed out.

"Commendable courage! Have a taste of the hammer of pain!" with a sneer, Zhang Cheng swung the hammer and smashed it at the light regiment.

Next second


"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With the scream of extreme pain, megar was forcibly smashed back into human shape, kneeling on one knee and clutching his chest, his expression distorted to the extreme.

He couldn\'t believe that his iron will collapsed with just one touch.




The opposite idea of heaven is constantly echoing in my mind!

"Ouch! What a pity! Great evil master, if you don\'t mind, can you leave him a small life? I think this guy should be one of us after a period of training." Raines, who successfully solved his opponent, shook his tail and his tone was full of ridicule.

"No, you\'re wrong. He can\'t degenerate. Because once he degenerates, it means death. I don\'t mean physical death, but soul death. As a life born from a ray of light, light is his soul, his core and his faith. Once the light disappears, his personality disappears and another one will replace it Different lives, understand? "Zhang Cheng straightened his way with a heavy hammer.

Although it sounds incredible, this is an iron fact.

The Lord used the first ray of light after the fusion of heaven to create the original Angel Mecca. Based on him, he personally created several archangels and ordered them to help him govern thousands of angels.

However, this design has a fatal defect, that is, once the sun condensed by divine power and belief in the sky is destroyed, the Lord of light will lose the source of power and become a candle burning himself.

As long as the energy stored in his body is exhausted, he will disappear from the world as if he had never existed, and even the body will not be left.

"Go to hell! Devil! I am the eternal guardian of heaven! No one can destroy it!"

Dominated by negative emotions such as strong anger, fear and despair, megar rushed up like crazy and waved his lightsaber.

Every time he collided with the hammer of pain, the expression on his face became more ferocious, and the wings emitting golden light became weaker and weaker because of the rapid loss of energy.

Finally, when the energy was about to run out, he chose to burn his soul, cut off the huge metal body with a powerful momentum, and disappeared from the world forever.

Feeling the sad light spot in the air, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and exclaiming, "well done! Dear mcgar, you have made this originally boring war a lot more interesting."