All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 931

After the powerful energy storm, Pollack put away his wings to protect himself, took his opponent\'s head and roared loudly: "degenerate or die! Choose! No one can stop the army\'s progress!"

"No! It\'s you who should go! Despicable devil!" another female Archangel angrily raised her weapon, rushed forward with lightning speed and slammed it away.

Although she looks almost the same as human beings, in fact, the energy level contained in her body has been close to some relatively weak gods.

Fortunately, Pollack was not a vegetarian. He soon stabilized his body, swung the green sword burning the evil energy flame and fought with the other party.

Looking at these boring fights, Zhang Cheng sighed slightly, smashed the holy tomb protected by the powerful magic seal with a direct punch, and fished out a beautiful coffin made of unknown metal.

Just as he was about to lift the lid, take out the heart that hit inside and end the farce, a male angel in gold armor suddenly fell from the sky.

Different from other archangels, the energy contained in this guy\'s body is extremely amazing, almost ten times the sum of all archangels present. Every step will cause the vibration of the whole heaven world.

Looking at this sudden "strong enemy", Zhang Cheng opened his mouth with great interest and said, "are you Michael? The legendary vice king of heaven, the Lord of light, and the only archangel who survived in the ancient war?"

"That\'s right! Michael is the name given to me by human believers. I prefer others to call me another name - maigal," replied the supreme leader of heaven forces politely.

He doesn\'t seem to care at all. The demon army that is wantonly destroying and killing in the city is staring at the metal pipes.

"Nice to meet you, dear mcgar. If you don\'t mind, can you give me a few seconds to take out the things here?" Zhang Cheng asked with his finger.

As a person with extremely keen senses, he can guarantee that as long as he has the slightest intention to open the coffin, the other party will immediately take the opportunity to launch a stormy attack.

Of course, if the noumenon comes, Zhang Cheng won\'t care about an archangel who survived in ancient times.

But the problem is that now is not the coming of noumenon, just the projection of consciousness, and the power that can be mobilized is just the evil energy drawn when starting the huge metal body.

According to his current strength, he can only do his best once at most. After that, the body will become useless scrap iron because of the depletion of energy.

Maigal undoubtedly felt this, and shook his head with a smile: "sorry, I\'m afraid I can\'t allow you to do this. Although the Lord has been the Supreme Master of heaven for a long time, his remains are still very important to me. Besides, I\'m curious, who are you? Can you unify hell in such a short time?"

"If I tell you the answer, are you willing to embrace the darkness and become the commander of my fallen angel Legion?" a faint light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes and began to quickly gather energy to prepare for a fatal blow.

"Hahaha! You just said that I am the vice king of heaven and Lord of light. Light determines that I cannot betray heaven from the essence of power. So please don\'t waste your words. Let\'s use power to determine the fate of heaven and hell." as he said, megar burst out a dazzling light and walked slowly forward with elegant steps.

For thousands of years, he has given him some unimaginable strength and combat skills, so he is confident to kill the seemingly powerful enemy in front of him, just like the great demons who have been killed trying to invade heaven for thousands of years.

"I like your confidence! But I\'m afraid you\'ll never understand what a huge gap lies between us. Even if you destroy this body now, it\'s not a big deal for me, but if you fail, heaven will perish. Someone said that the strong and the reason why they are strong, even if they fail, they will have a chance to do it again Yes, and if the weak fail at all, it is equivalent to disaster. Now, let me see the level of your so-called vice king of heaven. "

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng\'s body was like a streamer. He crossed space and distance at an incredible speed and hit his opponent hard.

Because his whole body is made of strong magic metal with excellent magic resistance, his weight is very terrible, so most creatures can be crushed and crushed alive by the inertia generated by the initial kinetic energy alone.


After hearing only a loud noise, megar\'s body turned into a mass of light in the sky, and soon reassembled.

Obviously, this pure physical attack is nothing to him.

"Granulation? Should I say that he is worthy of being the Lord of light..." Zhang Cheng pushed aside a collapsed wall and slowly stood up from the ruins, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Thank you for your praise! In fact, I was born in the first ray of light, so in heaven, I am both light, and even if I am, there is no power to kill me." mcgar responded meaningfully.

"It sounds a little difficult to deal with. But it doesn\'t matter. I like difficult challenges." Zhang Cheng raised his head and looked at the sun hanging in the sky.

To be exact, it is a burning energy ball created by divine power and faith,

Megar\'s face changed sharply and asked sternly, "what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course, it\'s destroying the sun in heaven and making you, the Lord of light, lose your greatest dependence." Zhang Cheng raised his right hand with a sneer and threw out a high-pressure evil energy fireball condensed with half of his energy.


Under the action of great power, the fireball directly drew a straight line in the sky and hit the target accurately.

Next second!


The stable space at the top of the whole heaven was torn by the terrible energy explosion, revealing a large channel to the distorted void.

Many angels flying in the sky with their wings were sucked in hundreds on the spot, and disappeared without even uttering a scream.

No one knows where they went, and no one knows whether they are dead or alive.

In contrast, megar\'s condition was not much better, spitting golden holy blood.

Needless to ask, the damage caused by that blow was far more deadly than expected