All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 930

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the deafening noise and the violent shaking of the ground, huge Hellfire puppets fell from the sky under the call of ereda Warlock. In less than ten minutes, they caused unimaginable damage to this originally peaceful, peaceful and orderly city.

In particular, those buildings, statues and fountains with exquisite shapes and experienced the baptism of countless years have been destroyed and turned into worthless rubble and rubble in the blink of an eye.

Although the angels tried hard to defend their homes, they were all the elite of the Legion. Even the archangel with golden wings on his back failed to save the statue built to praise the Supreme God Jehovah in the central square.

In addition, the lake of life, which shapes angels with human souls, is also polluted by the blood of the violent abyss Lord, showing a strange yellow green, no longer the previous sacred breath, but full of the power of distorting evil.

Before the archangel could figure out what had happened, a large number of souls precipitated in the lake began to become distorted and restless, and finally tens of thousands of semi demon lives crawled out of it.

They are just like irrational beasts, recklessly launching raids on angels with divine energy. Once they succeed, they will tear open their chest and swallow their beating heart and soul together.

What\'s more terrible is that if the number of devours reaches a certain level, these monsters will have incredible evolution, master all kinds of powerful spell like abilities, and die on the spot if they don\'t pay attention.

When Zhang Cheng\'s huge metal body also passed through the portal, Yunzhong city had become a battlefield full of shouting and killing.

He glanced around and immediately smiled and sighed, "this is the most beautiful scenery in the world. From now on, I am killing, destruction and destruction."

"That\'s right! Great master! This is the most beautiful scenery in the world! No matter how many times you see it, you won\'t get tired!" echoed bellom on one knee.

As a fear demon, he can feel the desperate cry of angels. There is no power to stop the city from dying.

"Well done! As a reward, from now on, you are the first lord of the new Burning Legion nasrezm. Now, go and enjoy the feast." Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger with a thick column and gently clicked on the other party\'s head.


A huge amount of magic knowledge that had not been touched before poured into bellom\'s head.

For several minutes, he digested and absorbed these knowledge, directly opened his huge bat wings, rushed to the nearest angel, grabbed it in the palm of his hand and poured a wisp of evil shadow energy.


The angel\'s wings were stained with light gray. Without saying a word, he turned around and gave a sword to his companions fighting side by side.

The long sword made of rare magic metal in heaven passes through the chest, and sacred silver blood gushes out along the wound.

At the last moment before his death, the poor wretch didn\'t understand why his best friend wanted to kill himself.

With the killing of the first of his kind, the wings of the angel affected by the mysterious power were completely dyed black. Needless to ask, he had completely fallen.

"Hey, hey, hey! Interesting! Is this a powerful magic that can directly affect the soul? It\'s just tailor-made for nasrezm. Test! I need more tests!" bellom turned into a dark shadow with a grimace and began a cold and cruel magic experiment.

Under his operation, there were more and more fallen angels on the battlefield. Finally, the first Legion composed of fallen angels was born in the northwest.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng was not interested in this kind of fuss. He came to the tall building named "holy tomb" with his huge body.

According to the records of hell, this is the tomb of the former Lord of heaven, regarded by mankind as the only true God of the universe.

Of course, the so-called only true God in the universe can be regarded as a joke.

Because any God who dares to add this middle two title to himself is either an idiot with a middle two degree or a boasting liar.

Obviously, this clever God doesn\'t look like an idiot, so it can be naturally classified as the latter.

The most powerful thing about him is that he gives full play to the power of faith and completely transforms the whole world into his own country. Any energy inconsistent with his own power is expelled.

It can be said that the whole heaven is equivalent to the gods themselves!

Normally, it is quite difficult for such a powerful God to kill.

But the so-called wisdom is always mistaken by wisdom. No matter to clever liars, they often end up badly.

In order to make the earth a part of his own country, the ancient Lord himself came down and tried to force hard to harvest the beliefs of ordinary humans who were still in the primitive age of ignorance.

But as a saying goes, don\'t pretend to be forced, pretend to be struck by thunder.

What he did angered the Olympian gods who were in their heyday!

Zeus, the God King who controls the power of lightning, directly led his brothers, sisters, sons and daughters to rush up and beat the poor God alive until he couldn\'t take care of himself. Then he was sniped by the ancient Egyptian gods. Only one heart was robbed by the archangel.

Later, the archangels who took over the power, taking advantage of the deep sleep of the ancient gods on the earth, personally directed and created the biggest scam in the history of human civilization, that is, the story of the so-called resurrection of the Son Jesus, and successfully achieved the wish that their master longed for but failed to achieve.

It has to be said that this is a great irony, a black humor that makes all insiders can\'t help laughing.

Standing on the steps, Zhang Cheng silently watched the three archangels waving the golden flame sword in the distance, as well as Renes, Pollack and eichma who fought with them. He casually asked, "do you have anyone who needs help?"

"No! Thank you! I\'m enjoying what I\'m feeling now!" ashma refused first without thinking.

The male archangel who was fighting with her now had his hair, eyebrows and beard burned up by the green evil energy fire and looked embarrassed.

The demon queen Raines raised her hand, shot a powerful shadow arrow, licked her attractive red lips and said, "sorry, master, I don\'t think you need to deal with such waste yourself."

"It\'s over! Fools who dare to be enemies of the Legion will die!"

The voice just fell!

Pollack raised his right foot like a hoof, trampled on the ground, causing a violent shaking, followed by the sword, cut off his opponent\'s head on the spot, followed by opening his wings to wrap himself.

The archangel who lost his head suddenly cracked golden lines on the surface of his body, and finally exploded with a bang, forming a terrible holy energy storm.

Even demons like Emma are inevitably severely burned, and large areas of skin show pustules and blisters