All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 929

"Hum! These angels actually want to slow down the Legion in such a childish way? It\'s beyond their power!"

Raines swung a whip full of barbs and broke the neck of a demon who had not yet breathed on the cross. His tone was full of contempt and ridicule.

You know, the most obvious reason why demons are called demons is that there is no "Empathy" group thinking of most intelligent life.

On the contrary!

They are extremely self, even selfish. They not only have no sadness or sympathy for the death of the same kind, but also try every means to make use of the death of the same kind for their own profit.

No, without saying a word, the subsequent demon army directly threw the bodies of these dead demons into a huge furnace, followed by a steady stream of crushing flesh, blood and bones, and created one large war puppets three meters high by magic and alchemy.

No mercy!

No dignity!

There is no secular ethics!

Every demon is a part of a huge Legion. Whether alive or dead, it will continue to grow.

There is no doubt that this extremely evil and unnecessary code of conduct is quite in line with the appetite of demons, so not only no one opposes it, but also actively take those unlucky people who have only half their lives off the cross and throw them into the huge flesh and blood melting pot.

After a while, hundreds of thousands of corpses were consumed and replaced by more than 60000 newly created undead life bodies with a shape like hatred.

They are so ugly and disgusting, but their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, especially Xiaoqiang\'s physical resistance and magic resistance. They can launch the first round of charge against the enemy\'s magic and provide cover for subsequent troops.

Appreciating the clumsy appearance of these "big men", Warren touched his chin with great interest and joked: "I think those angels must be very depressed now! They never dreamed that these corpses left to attack morale would provide us with tens of thousands of powerful cannon fodder without fear. How about launching a wave of attack first?"

"Don\'t worry! For me, this is just a war game, and the result is doomed from the beginning. Therefore, instead of quickly defeating the opponent, it\'s better to spend more time enjoying the process. I\'m curious whether these angels created in some special way really don\'t know what fear and despair are in the subconscious, as rumored." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with evil interest.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" asked Emma with a smile on her lips.

As the only hell aborigine who joined the high-level of the Legion, she was full of naked malice to her old enemy heaven. Only the young angels tortured, humiliated and killed along the way exceeded three figures, and each death was extremely tragic.

Zhang Cheng\'s face, completely made of metal, showed a thoughtful expression and replied meaningfully: "Of course, it is to destroy their most cherished things and devout beliefs in their hearts. First of all, we should attack these Angel legions blocking the way forward, and the intensity should be maintained to a certain extent. We should not let them feel great pressure, but at the same time, we should not let them despair. Secondly, let the fear demons sneak into the Cloud City and build a city Portal, send elite to directly raid the most important city in heaven and capture the heart of the arrogant Lord who claims to be the only Creator. Finally, I will pollute it with evil energy in front of all angels and become an evil artifact. "

"Ha ha! Pollute the heart left by the Lord of heaven? It sounds full of expectations! Please count me in." eshima laughed and applied.

The longer she spent with Zhang Cheng, the more she found that the other party was a natural demon king, a monster so crazy that even demons were afraid.

"No problem!" Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking, followed by the fear demon king not far away and said, "bellum, you\'re in charge of this infiltration, no problem?"

"It\'s my honor to serve your great and evil plan, master." bellom bent down and bowed deeply.

Compared with not long ago, his figure is obviously much larger, and his whole body exudes the power of distorted shadow.

Needless to ask, I know that I must completely absorb and digest the energy of that residual fragment, just like the posture of the first lord of the new Legion nasrezm, and almost all the fear demons are led by him.


Just two hours later, an endless army of demons launched a crazy attack on the angel Legion. In less than half a day, more than 60000 ordinary angels, 5000 high-level angels and two archangels died.

Such amazing casualties directly flustered the two archangels and began to ask for help from the rear.

In less than seven hours, groups of reinforcements rushed to the battlefield to inject fresh vitality into the Corps that had suffered heavy losses.

They didn\'t know that in the previous crazy battle, thousands of fear demons had sneaked into the Cloud City and began to plot to build a portal for a perfect sneak attack.

You should know that heaven is not hell, but a place full of order, and the root of all order is the archangel Council in Yunzhong city and the holy tomb named the source of light.

In order to ensure that these two key places are not destroyed, at least half of the six archangels are stationed in Yunzhong city all year round, and the remaining six are scattered in every corner to keep the territory of heaven inviolable.

But now, in order to deal with the crazy attack of the devil, six archangels have appeared in the military camp. In addition, there will be no more than four in Yunzhong city before they have time to come back in other places.

You don\'t have to ask. It\'s a perfect opportunity for a raid.

Bellom led the demon kings of fear, quietly captured nearly 2000 newborn angels just born from the lake of life, then fixed them under a huge Obsidian arch, raised their hands and loudly sang the curse of evil taboo.

In the blink of an eye, the vitality of these poor wretches was continuously extracted and injected into one demon Rune after another on the arch.

When the last rune is lit, a temporary short-range portal finally enters a stable state.

The abyss lords, who could not bear the desire to kill and destroy in their hearts, rushed in for the first wave and began to destroy the buildings like crazy, calling fire rain to kill the angels who tried to rush over and destroy the portal.

Followed by the doomsday Guard Corps led by Pollack!

They are like heavily armed infantry in the age of cold weapons, waving their big swords and crushing all the garbage that dare to stop the army from moving forward