All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 928

"What are those demons doing?"

"I don\'t know! It looks like a metal giant!"

On the other side of the Styx River, two angels in charge of investigation stared at the huge humanoid metal statue hundreds of meters high set up in hell.

With their accomplishments in mystics, they simply can\'t understand what the runes on the surface of the body mean, let alone how incredible changes will occur when a Titan\'s consciousness is injected into it.

However, out of caution, the two angels quickly returned to the fortress and reported to the commander of the whole Legion stationed at the border.

As soon as they left their front feet, in the demon camp on the other side of the Styx River, a dazzling violet light suddenly fell from the sky, illuminating the originally dark and cloudy sky.

Next second

All the pool water used to store evil energy began to boil, forming a large green steam, constantly rotating around the body of the metal giant.

Whenever the green steam passes by, the runes that make up for the body surface are lit one by one until the giant\'s eyes slowly open and flash a profound light that can\'t be described in words.

"The supreme great master and humble servant are waiting for you." reeness, the demon queen, knelt down first, his tone full of excitement and piety.


She felt the same amazing momentum as the former leader of the Burning Legion, the dark Titan Sargeras, and even better.




Even the most powerful devil, in front of this unparalleled power, must lower his noble head and offer absolute loyalty and obedience, otherwise he will be destroyed.

"Hmm? Who designed the body? It feels good." Zhang Cheng, who came with the help of the projection of consciousness, moved a little and looked surprised on his face.

"It\'s me, master." bellom hurried forward two steps and crawled on the ground in a very pious manner.

"Well done! Here, take it. You deserve the reward."

Seeing that it was the fear devil of nasrezim, Zhang Cheng immediately showed such a light in his eyes and threw a fragment condensed from the residual energy in the Azeroth core on the ground.

Although most of the time, these high-level demons with bat wings are famous for their intrigues and camouflage, few people actually know that they are the greatest craftsmen in the whole burning legion and have made countless powerful and evil artifacts.

Among them, the most famous is the magic sword made for the Lich King - Frost sorrow.

Feeling the amazing energy emitted by this small fragment on the ground, bellom immediately grabbed it in his palm and praised it excitedly and loudly: "thank you for your generosity and kindness! Please allow me to express my highest respect and gratitude to you."

Zhang Cheng waved impatiently: "OK, step back. Now who can tell me how many angels on the other side of the Styx? What cards do they have?"

"At present, there are 50 Angel legions on the other side, each with 10000 people, which is almost one-third of the strength of the whole heaven. As for the cards, they should be in the fortress." Warren gave the answer with a complex look.

Although he had expected that the other party would become a monster far beyond his imagination, he never expected that this day would come so soon.

Just the soul energy emitted from the huge steel body is enough to make all the living creatures around tremble and despair.

"500000? Hehe, I\'ll give them a little surprise." Zhang Cheng bent down, raised his right hand and gently crossed the ground.


A small sand table as like as two peas on the other side of the river.

Without saying a word, he directly swung his big hand and slapped the buildings on the sand table.


As the model fortress was flattened, the real fortress collapsed. The angels stationed inside were either pressed into meat patties on the spot or flapped their wings and fled.

They had no time to think about the sudden disaster.

Obviously, the magic that makes many Burning Legion demons enter the state of war fanaticism is actually the magic of polluter Archimonde to destroy Dalaran.

Only in the hands of a Titan, the power is much more terrible than the former.

The fortress of light, which had been built in heaven for countless hours and experiences, turned into dust and rubble without holding on for a second.




With a single blow, the angels\' proud defense collapsed.

Appreciating the angel soul flying all over the sky after death, Zhang Cheng ordered straightforwardly: "what are you waiting for? The war has begun! Go and conquer heaven for me. No matter what you want to do, you can do it unscrupulously. Kill! Destroy! Torture! Vent your inner desire and tyranny, and the dark force will be invincible."

"Ah!!!! rush!"

"Kill all those damn birdmen!"

"The Legion is invincible!"

"For the new dark Titan!"


Whether the original inhabitants of hell who have been transformed or the resurrected demons of the Burning Legion, they all pass through the arch bridge like crazy and rush towards the city in the clouds of heaven.

They are like locusts in the sky. There is no grass where they pass. Neither towns and villages nor cities that seem to have good defense can stop their progress.

The poor angels along the way were either tortured to death, or forced to choose to degenerate, join the huge legion of hell, raise their butchers and kill their former peers.

In less than a week, half of heaven has become scorched earth.

The demons don\'t need anything, just pure destruction and pollution. They convert large areas of pure energy into evil energy, making them the base of logistics supply for the huge Legion.

This means that even if Heaven repels this attack in the future, it can no longer put these lands as they were.

In desperation, the two archangels personally led 50 legions, blocked the only way for the demons, and brutally hanged the enemy\'s forward forces.

Hundreds of thousands of smelly bodies are no longer on dozens of square kilometers of land.

When Zhang Cheng came here with his follow-up troops, the vanguard composed of low-grade cannon fodder had been completely destroyed, and even many unlucky people caught alive had been crucified and endured the continuous burning of divine energy for 20 hours. The painful cry echoed in his ears, making people feel uncomfortable