All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 927

At the border between hell and heaven, a black river called Styx flows slowly, separating the two worlds completely.

As the most terrible River in the world, Styx has many incredible powers. For example, within two kilometers around the river, there is an absolute magic forbidden field. Anything related to magical energy will be offset by some mysterious power without exception.

In addition, neither angels nor demons can fly across the Styx River, otherwise they will be pulled into the river by powerful forces.

It can be said that if someone wants to go from heaven to hell, or from hell to heaven, he can only walk a stone arch bridge that is 50 meters wide and more than 600 meters long.

No one knows when the bridge was born, and no one knows who built it. On the contrary, in the records of all angels and demons, when the two worlds collide, the bridge has always stood there. No matter how fierce the war and the baptism of years and months, it will not collapse.

On the left side of the bridge is a paradise emitting strong positive energy and dazzling light. A huge military fortress stands not far away. Even a few kilometers away, countless angels with white wings can be seen patrolling nervously.

On the right side of the bridge is a hell filled with darkness and evil. There is also a gloomy and terrible castle. A large number of angel corpses treated with anti-corrosion coating are inserted on the spikes above the castle, which looks both ferocious and terrible.

In addition, a large number of resurrected combustion Corps technicians and engineers are working overtime to build new war machines. The magic machine armor and super Hellfire with a height of more than 10 meters have reached triple digits and are still increasing.

In particular, the pool water that was established not long ago to store evil energy is green from a distance, which makes people feel inexplicably flustered.

At this moment, even if heaven is a fool, it knows that hell is ready to launch an all-round attack.

As a result, the two sides gathered heavy troops at the border with boiling water to fight a tragic all-out war.

Feeling the tension in the air, the succubus queen Raines licked her lips and sighed, "war! What a wonderful word! Those poor little angels are full of fear. When do we have to wait to start attacking and harvest their desperate souls?"

"Don\'t worry! We still need to wait for the master\'s order," Pollack replied, gently stroking his newly recast sword.

With the rapid spread of evil energy and shadow in the world, his reminder has expanded to the same level as the doomsday Lord Kazak, and his eyes burst out terrible green light.

"Damn it! I hate waiting! Why don\'t we... Let\'s launch a tentative attack first?" Raines\'s eyes dripped and whirled, obviously brewing some conspiracy.

"If you want to die, no one will stop you. But remember, please don\'t take us with you. Don\'t forget, your master doesn\'t like his men to make their own decisions. I doubt if you do, he will not hesitate to skin you." Warren sneered.

No one knows what kind of person Zhang Cheng is better than him.

That is a madman who really embraces the darkness and considers his own interests more important than anything. As long as there are enough reasons, it is nothing to destroy the world.

"Lowly human! Don\'t think you can always please your master with that little intelligence. When you fall out of favor one day, I\'ll be very happy to dig out your heart." Raines narrowed his eyes and threatened fiercely.

There is no doubt that as a demon who likes to play tricks, her least favorite must be Warren, who has the ability of accurate prediction.

The reason is very simple. Under the accurate prediction of the future, all intrigues and tricks have nowhere to hide.

"Ha ha! Out of favor? Do you think I\'m the kind of clown responsible for making fun around medieval kings? No, honey, my role is much more important than you think. Also, don\'t always talk about the word humble human, or your master will be unhappy when he hears it." Warren laughed and added color.

Since the two had not been tit for tat for a long time, he was used to this kind of relationship mode of moving his mouth without doing anything, and refused to suffer any loss at all.

Just when Raines wanted to satirize, a light suddenly flashed through the temporary portal, followed by Adam in a black suit.

He first glanced at several high-rise buildings present, and then calmly said, "the master now needs a body, a body strong enough to accommodate his consciousness."

"Who are you?" asked AHIMA, who had just returned to hell from the human world.

"I am Adam, the special life created by my master." Adam gave the answer without thinking.

"Why do you need a body? Can\'t the master go directly through the built portal?" Raines asked curiously.

Adam shook his head regretfully. "No! The portal energy source is too small! It\'s not enough to accommodate Titan\'s life."


"You mean... The master made himself a Titan in some way!!"



In the hall, all the abyss lords of the Burning Legion, the king of fear and the high-level demons of ereda couldn\'t help shouting loudly.

Because no one knows what Titans mean better than they do!

It was the most powerful living body they had ever known and could easily live in a giant that crushed the ancient gods sent by the void forces.

"How did the master become a Titan?" Raines\'s eyes twinkled with excitement.

"He swallowed the star soul of Azeroth and repelled the siege of the Pantheon." Adam told the truth calmly.

As one of the executors of the whole plan, no one knows better than him how terrible it is when Zhang Cheng gives full play to his power. There is no decent energy in heaven and hell to maintain a portal for him to shuttle freely.

Renes nodded thoughtfully: "I see! I see! Bellom! Go and mobilize as many evil powers as possible immediately! We need to forge a strong body for our master."

"It\'s my pleasure, Queen." the fear Lord, known as bellom, bent down and bowed deeply.

Mastering the taboo knowledge of evil energy and distorted void, he is best at casting some powerful artifacts. It\'s nothing to say that he has only a metal body.

Soon, under the operation of the huge war machine of hell, countless rare magic metals were continuously transported to the front line. Through many times of melting, pouring and enchanting, they were finally made into the shapes of head, body, arms, legs and so on