All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 924

For ordinary people living in Chicago, day and night are two completely different worlds.

During the day, it is one of the most important cities in the United States of America and also a world-famous financial center. Even the big drug lords in Mexico and South America will send part of the proceeds of drug trafficking here for "laundering".

But once it gets into the night, this is a battlefield comparable to Afghanistan and Iraq. Hundreds of gangs, large and small, are constantly fighting, and dozens of people are killed every day.

Therefore, the residents of this city have long understood a truth, that is, don\'t go out at night, otherwise you are joking about your life safety.

But there are always exceptions!

In the cab of a second-hand BMW on the street corner, a young girl is nervously watching the surrounding movements, especially in the deep alley where fierce gunfire broke out not long ago. If there is any wind or grass, she will be scared to drill under the seat.

As for calling 911 to ask the police for help, you don\'t even have to think about it. Even if you call 911 for half an hour, there may not be a police car coming.

According to the inevitable relationship between American real estate prices and the speed of police, in places like this, which are full of poor people, illegal immigrants and gang members, sometimes the police don\'t necessarily come when they call the police. Even if they come, they are just routine, so they won\'t work hard with vicious and cunning gangs.

Especially at night, even the police themselves are in danger. Where can we have the energy to take into account any alarm calls.

It is estimated that in their eyes, all the guys who dare to run out at night are worthy of death. Just go to collect a corpse the next morning.

"I\'m crazy! I would come to this place at such a time with a man who has only seen two sides..." the girl murmured to herself with fear and uneasiness in her heart.

Just as she took out her mobile phone and tried to call each other, the door was suddenly opened and a heavy travel bag was thrown on the seat.


The bag was so heavy that it couldn\'t bounce up at all.

"Damn it! You scared me! How, have you solved it?" the girl jumped up conditionally and asked quickly.

"Of course! The hungry wolf gang and Johnny no longer exist. If there is no accident, they should be on the news." Zhang Cheng said, closing the door, starting the car and slowly walking back along the pothole path.

If you observe carefully, you will find that his fingers holding the steering wheel are always shaking slightly, for fear that he will crush the steering wheel if he accidentally uses too much force.

But the young girl sitting in the co pilot\'s position obviously didn\'t have these main things. She stared and asked, "really? You killed all of them alone? My God! You shouldn\'t be a special career such as agent, killer and mercenary?"

"Oh, no, of course not. No one in the world can afford to hire me. Oh, I almost forgot. Here, these are the booty in the safe. Let\'s take them as a gift for you. Anyway, you gave me a towel so that I wouldn\'t walk around naked." Zhang Cheng directly threw the travel bag stuffed with money and gold chains to each other.

"Ah!!! This... This is..." the girl subconsciously opened the zipper and suddenly saw bundles of green banknotes and several big gold chains that can blind people\'s eyes.

Due to the influence of rappers and hip-hop culture, when Chicago blacks have money, they generally hang their bodies with gold as a means of showing off, especially the gangs.

After all, as a symbol of human wealth for thousands of years, the value of gold has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Otherwise, there will be no immediate rise in the price of gold as soon as the financial and securities markets shake.

"How about it? Do you like it?" Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly and glanced at each other with the rest of his eyes.

"Of course! Who doesn\'t like money! But... Is this money black money? Won\'t so much cash cause any trouble?" the girl was obviously not a fool and realized the trouble that this money might bring for the first time.

"It depends on how you plan to deal with them. Some people suddenly get a large sum of money. The first thing they think of is how to enjoy and squander, and live a luxurious life that they envy but can\'t reach. There are also a small number of people who will carefully hide their money after they get a large amount of wealth, and then try to open a shop and slowly make false accounts to make money bit by bit Wash white and eventually become legal property. The former pursues short-term madness and stimulation, so it\'s only a matter of time before people stare at it. The latter pursues a stable source of income. Generally speaking, as long as it\'s not too unlucky, it will never be found. Tell me, which one will you choose? "

When he said these words, a playful expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face. It was obvious that he intended to stimulate a person\'s deep desire and dark side to see what interesting things would happen in the end.

"I don\'t understand! Why did you give me so much money at once? Don\'t you want to stay at all?" the girl clenched her fist and forced herself not to be blinded by the huge interests in front of her.

Because she knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

If you take over the black money today, it is equivalent to being held by others. Maybe you will be manipulated all your life.

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile: "you don\'t need to understand! Don\'t worry, I\'m not interested in your body, and I won\'t let you do anything. You can understand that I\'m doing a social experiment to study what interesting changes will happen when a girl at the bottom of society suddenly gets a lot of money."

"Really?" the girl\'s tone revealed strong uncertainty.

"Really! Believe me, this money can change your destiny. No matter whether the final result is good or bad, at least you have a chance now."

"Yes! A chance! A chance many people dream of. Although I don\'t know who you are, I still want to say thank you. By the way, my name is Yvette."

"My name is Zhang Cheng. Nice to meet you, Miss Yvette."

After informing each other of their names, the relationship between the two immediately narrowed a lot.

As a powerful Titan, Zhang Cheng can see through his eyes that the fate track surrounding Yvette has changed, and earth shaking changes will take place in a short time.

He plans to take advantage of the time to adapt to his body and use the young girl in front of him as a recreational toy