All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 925

In the United States, a poor man suddenly had money. "Master, I suggest you\'d better postpone this time a little. It\'s better to start a revolution after conquering heaven completely." Adam quickly suggested.

"Why?" Zhang Cheng frowned subconsciously.

With becoming an invincible Titan, conquering heaven is no longer as attractive as before. Even if he wants to, he can create a new heaven at any time, which is stronger than now.

"What you are doing is likely to cause those gods to wake up early, so it\'s safer to conquer heaven first just in case. At least make sure that the angels don\'t come out to make trouble at the critical moment." Adam explained without being busy.

"But you should know that with my current body, it is impossible to shuttle between hell and earth at will. Every transmission requires extremely huge energy, and at the same time, I have to tear the solid magic protection."

"Don\'t you forget that there is a projection of consciousness. I can shape a new body for you in hell. You just need to inject consciousness into it. Most importantly, the power of hell has completely crushed heaven, and you don\'t need to do it yourself."

"Sounds reasonable. If you\'re not very busy, take the time to go to hell and get it done."

"As you wish, master."
