All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 923

Johnny, a very common name in the United States, even shouted in the street. Three or four people would turn back at the same time.

But Johnny, the hungry wolf, put his name on the list of dangerous elements in major departments such as the Chicago Police Department, the narcotics department and the FBI.

As a typical black man in Chicago, he lost his father when he was very young. To be exact, he didn\'t know who his father was at all. He relied on his mother to do some meat business to bring up his three brothers and sisters.

The reason is very simple. The Chicago government introduced a series of welfare policies for single families in the 1960s and 1970s. Therefore, black men have a completely indifferent attitude towards letting women get pregnant and then leave it alone. They have no psychological burden and will not be despised by their relatives and friends.

Similarly, when women become single mothers, they can not only get cheap apartments, but also various food stamps and subsidies. They even live better than themselves, and they are willing to have children.

Over time, in places where blacks gather in Chicago, basically more than 80% of the children grew up in a single parent family environment, and their inner health can be imagined.

At the age of 14, Johnny shot and killed a patrolman for the gang boss. Therefore, he was recognized as one of more than 200 gangs in the city.

With his fierce and tough style, he won his own territory in a short period of more than ten years and organized a large number of illegal businesses.

In particular, helping other gangs deal with corpses can bring a net profit of US $200.3 million a month, which is almost irresistible.

But today, Johnny was very upset, because several experts in charge of handling the bodies died inexplicably and were killed by unknown people on his own territory. The novice couldn\'t handle it as fast as the veteran, resulting in the backlog of several bodies in the house, emitting a pungent stench.

There is no doubt that this is a provocation to him and the whole hungry wolf gang. There may be some conspiracy behind it. We must make an example.

"Roman! Haven\'t you heard yet?" Johnny raised his head and asked the man sitting across the sofa cleaning his gun.

"Sorry, boss, there\'s no news at all. You know, in order to avoid those cops finding any clues that shouldn\'t be found, we\'ve destroyed all the surveillance cameras around us." the black man called Roman stuffed the cartridge clip into the gun and explained helplessly.

"Shet! I hate this situation! I\'ve asked my brothers to be careful recently. I always think something big may happen," Johnny told me gnashing his teeth.

no way out!

You know, this is Chicago, a city composed of countless criminals. At the craziest time, there are an average of more than 20 shooting cases every day, and the number of people shot can reach nearly 100, which is not inferior to the battlefield in the Middle East.

Among them, small gangs like the hungry wolf Gang, which are at the middle and lower levels, God knows when they will disappear and become cold bodies after one night.

Johnny doesn\'t want to be killed inexplicably. He is eager for power, strength and wealth, and to establish a powerful force that unifies all gangs in Chicago like GD.

Just when Roman was about to say something, there was a loud gunfire outside the house, not only pistols, but also submachine guns and automatic rifles.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jerk, jerk!

Dada dada!


"Falk! Go and see what\'s going on outside! Are these idiots crazy?" Johnny stood up suddenly and roared loudly.

However, before the subordinates nearby rushed out with weapons to find out, the gunfire disappeared again somehow, and there was a smell of gunsmoke and blood in the air.


Very quiet!

As if everything just happened was an illusion!

Such a strange situation makes these black people with underdeveloped brains stay in place. They don\'t know what to do next. Whether to open the door and explore outside or stay in the house.

Unfortunately, their slow response does not mean that others are slow.

Next second


The gate reinforced with steel plate was directly kicked away by a huge force. Together with the four hot men at the door, it hit the back wall and was patted into meat mud on the spot.

The violence and bloody degree of the picture made these gangsters who were used to death tremble all over. Without saying a word, they aimed at the door.

Although it seems that the firepower is fierce on the surface, it is almost the same as the average accuracy of most "black uncles". Basically, it depends on God\'s will whether they hit or not.

When the bullets were all out and the weapons in their hands made a clicking sound, they finally realized that there were no bullets. They turned out bullets from the cabinet and tried hard to put them in the magazine.

But interestingly, I don\'t know whether it\'s because of tension or fear. These guys are far less skilled in loading bullets than usual. Several nervous hands have been shaking violently.

"Ah, what a warm welcome party, isn\'t it?" a young Asian came in from the door and greeted Johnny inside with a smile.

You don\'t have to ask. He\'s no one else. It\'s Zhang Cheng who came here to kill the root.

"Who are you?" Johnny subconsciously raised his pistol and pointed it at each other\'s head.

Although the other party didn\'t even have a decent weapon, he somehow always felt that he might die tonight, and he would die very miserably.

"I\'m the one you\'ve been looking for. You know what? You shouldn\'t give up after those garbage die. I hate trouble, but you\'re taking the initiative to trouble me, so you have to ask you to die. Goodbye, I hope we can meet again in hell."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


The heads of everyone in the whole room burst open, and blood and brains splashed everywhere.

Looking at the pools of things like bean curd on the wall, ground and ceiling, he couldn\'t help but subconsciously frown and complain: "Alas, I still can\'t accurately control the energy as before, and the magic power is also large and small. I have to find a way as soon as possible, at least to ensure that I can stably exert one thirtieth of my power in the reduced form."

However, he didn\'t forget the purpose of his trip. He probably inspected the whole house and confirmed that there was no living. Then he threw bundles of cash in the safe and several thick and bright gold chains into a travel bag, turned around and disappeared into the boundless night