All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 922

There is no doubt that the United States is a country controlled by capital. All rights, resources and interpersonal relationships here are established with capital as the core.

Whether it is the government and the army that have not fought in only 16 years since the founding of the people\'s Republic of China, or the capital group that began to supply industrial raw materials to Britain, they are all serving one thing, that is, the "money" known as the source of all evil.

Here, as long as you have enough money, no matter how extraordinary things you do, you can be forcibly interpreted as positive evaluations such as "outstanding", "maverick" and "performance art". Even the shit you pull out has brain powder. Pick it up and eat it, and then shout "really fragrant".

It has to be said that the public mind described by Gustav Le Pen, a French social psychologist, in his book the mob is almost the same as the stupidity, ignorance and ignorance shown by the bottom society of the United States.

Especially when Zhang Cheng walked into the bank hall with a towel, the security guards and staff rushed over immediately and tried to expel him as a tramp.

But after he showed his identity, everyone at the scene immediately changed into another face and apologized like a pug. Even the manager on duty rushed out and invited him into the VIP lounge. At the same time, he asked his men to run to the next door and buy a set of expensive and decent famous brand Western clothes.

However, it is a pity that these flattering and flattering actions have not been rewarded.

After re applying for several credit cards and taking away $10000 in cash, Zhang Cheng directly walked at an uncoordinated pace and turned and disappeared into the boundless night.

At present, he didn\'t want to disturb anyone, so he didn\'t choose a five-star hotel as his foothold. Instead, he came to a poor neighborhood and rented an apartment from a Latino woman in her thirties.


Time flies, and a week passes in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Zhang Cheng basically maintained the homestead state of not going out of the door and not walking in the second door. He was careful to get familiar with his new body for fear of accidentally stepping on a big pit on the ground or accidentally pushing a wall to the ground.

At the end of the seventh day, although he had not fully controlled it, his walking posture was no longer rigid. At least he had no problem dealing with daily communication.

After confirming this, he finally did not intend to stay in his apartment. He took the initiative to open the door and wanted to go to the street to relax and enjoy the style of Chicago, the city of gangs.

But just as Zhang Cheng had just crossed the threshold and had not had time to close the door, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming down the stairs.

The other party was no one else. It was the young white girl who happened to meet a week ago.

Obviously, the other party also saw him. His face suddenly changed. He tried to resist his fear, squeezed out an embarrassing smile, and took the initiative to say hello: "Hello! I didn\'t expect you to live here."

"Yes, we really have fate. I\'m going to have something to eat. Would you like to join me? It\'s my treat!" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"OK... OK!" the girl obviously dared not refuse and nodded gently.

She saw the tragic scene afterwards. Although she didn\'t quite understand how several vicious gangsters were killed, from the tragic death, the seemingly harmless Oriental was definitely a cruel role.

"Well, let\'s go. I just found a good seafood restaurant on the Internet. It\'s very close to here."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng made an invitation gesture, then walked out of the apartment and drove a second-hand BMW he had bought. After a while, he arrived at his destination.

After ordering several of the store\'s signature dishes and red wine, while tasting the delicious food, he smiled and asked, "you seem to have a little misunderstanding about me, don\'t you?"

"Misunderstanding? No, I don\'t think there\'s a misunderstanding between us. You know? I\'ve been having nightmares for the past week. As soon as I close my eyes, I\'ll see a bloody picture. I have to rely on sleeping pills to ensure sleep." the girl swallowed the food in her mouth and showed a trace of frustration and helplessness in her eyes.

"Relax, you should understand that those guys deserve to die. They are the garbage, criminals and scum of this society. All I do is send them where they should go." Zhang Cheng took a sip of red wine and explained.

"No! You don\'t understand the situation! Do you think those guys are ordinary gangsters? They are members of the hungry wolf Gang! As far as I know, Johnny, the boss of the hungry wolf Gang, is crazy looking for the murderer. You\'d better be careful." the girl whispered her concern.

"Oh? Johnny from the hungry wolf Gang? It sounds scary..." Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth and smiled sarcastically.

As a paradise for American criminals, Chicago gathers more than 200 gangs, large and small.

you \'re right!

In a city with a population of only a few million, there are more than 200 gangs!

They are densely distributed in the streets and alleys. Some of them have thousands of members. They are large organizations with separate files at the FBI, but most of them are small groups composed of several or more young people who "dare to fight and fight", and they also derive the so-called "gangster culture".

Including swearing rappers, hip-hop pop music and the huge network of drug trafficking are all part of it.

Young people born here are basically exposed to gangs from birth. They may not be able to see the police every day, but they must be able to see gangster members every day.

Many young people who grow up in this environment, let alone establish a correct outlook on life and values, have begun to kill with guns at the age of 14 or 15, earn wealth in the most primitive and violent way, and those who have ideals will strive for those gangster heroes as their goals.

But the fighting power of black gangs

Just smile. It\'s basically no different from primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees.

If the US government had not recently begun to publicize the universal values of "freedom" and "democracy" all over the world and fooled and lamed its own "white left", otherwise it would be easy to suppress it or even uproot it by sending a national guard.

"Damn it! Don\'t laugh! You may not be afraid, but I\'m afraid. Once they find out that I was there, the consequences are unimaginable. I\'ll die, and I\'ll die miserably." the girl couldn\'t help but curse in a low voice.

"Tell me where the nest of the hungry wolf Gang is? I promise all of them will disappear after midnight today."

"You... You don\'t want to..."

"Shh - be quiet, give me an address, and then I\'ll solve all the problems. In this way, we won\'t owe each other."