All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 921

"Didn\'t see anything? Do you think we\'ll believe it? Be honest! Otherwise I don\'t mind taking a shot while your body is still hot!"

The black man who took out the gun cursed and kept spitting all kinds of unimportant foul language from his lips like a gorilla, and approached and tried to move.

His purpose was obvious. He wanted to drag the girl into the corner to have a good time.

In fact, where blacks gather, strong x is as frequent as eating and drinking water. Almost 90% of girls\' parents put a condom in their schoolbag after they are 12 years old.

For nothing else, in order to protect yourself to the greatest extent when you are strong X and avoid infection with all kinds of terrible diseases.

At the same time, several other blacks also swung their bats and planned to give Zhang Cheng a hard blow on his head.

But before their stick theory, Zhang Cheng, who kept straight, suddenly made a very stiff move.




The two unlucky men directly soared into the air, flew out more than 20 meters high, and the whole chest sank in. Then they fell down from 20 meters high. Their heads were like broken watermelons, and a large amount of mixed white brain fluid flowed out. The appearance of death was so miserable that it was creepy.

The reason for all this is just the result of being gently touched by your fingers.




The pupils of the remaining black people contracted suddenly and couldn\'t believe what their eyes saw!

Was a finger gently poked and flew out more than 20 meters high?

I dare not make movies like this!

With their pitifully small brain capacity and intelligence quotient, they simply can\'t understand how amazing the power of a Titan compressed into the size of a human.

"Oh, I\'m really sorry. I hate the random use of violent garbage, so I accidentally killed them. I\'m sure you won\'t blame me, right?" Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth slightly and showed a dangerous smile.

It\'s not hard to see from the expression on his face that he didn\'t mean to apologize at all. Instead, he planned to kill the remaining ones together.

I\'m afraid that the founding fathers of the United States, who had just established and constantly trafficked slaves from Africa, and Abraham Lincoln, who signed the Declaration on the liberation of slaves and provided a large number of cheap labor for Northern capitalism, would never think of what a huge mistake he had made for short-term interests.

With the improvement of productivity and the establishment of social welfare system, black descendants who contributed countless flesh, blood and soul to the rise of the United States began to wave a big stick called "racial discrimination" to fight for their own interests, and even attack other relatively vulnerable immigrant groups.

They are not engaged in production. They are not only lazy, but also extremely greedy. They are proud of engaging in criminal activities. They would rather risk their lives to steal, rob, drug trafficking and sell sex, rather than do something down-to-earth to change their living environment.

Gradually, black Americans have changed from the victims of the past to the cancer of today\'s society.

What is more terrible is that the black elites will use their stupid compatriots who have not received education to launch all kinds of riots to strive for interests. Once their goals are achieved, they will throw them all into the dustbin.

This is a divided ethnic group!

An ethnic group with no dream, no hope and rotten roots!

Perhaps some of them have not cooled down, and some sense of justice has not been lost, but they will eventually return to Mr. Lu Xun\'s words. If they do not break out in silence, they will die in silence.

Or under the leadership of a strong leader, African Americans tear up the United States of America, build a real country on this rich land, and awaken the numb soul with courage, blood and death.

Unfortunately, so far, Zhang Cheng has not seen this possibility, so he has expressed disgust and contempt for the whole African American community.

However, this situation will not last long. With the launch of the final plan, some countries, races and ethnic groups around the world will slowly awaken their magic talents in just a few years. At that time, the human civilization originally based on scientific research will usher in a huge turbulence and change.

At that time, everyone will return to the same starting line. Who can become the village bully of the global village in the 21st century is really not sure.

"Falk! He killed mans and losak!"

"Shoot him! This guy is dangerous!"

"Monster! Die!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the crisp sound of the gun, more than a dozen nine millimeter bullets burst out directly from the gun chamber, all carrying Zhang Cheng\'s chest and abdomen.

But these bullets didn\'t play any role. To be exact, they didn\'t even penetrate the skin, so they lost kinetic energy and fell to the ground.

Titan, where is only five or six hundred joules that can penetrate!

Don\'t mention guns. At present, the big Ivan developed by the former Soviet Union will not hurt a hair if he explodes on his head.

"Damn it! I said I hate the rubbish of casual violence! Don\'t you niggers understand English?" Zhang Cheng dragged his uncoordinated body, grabbed the black man who shot himself and threw it directly at the remaining two unlucky guys.


A white umbrella shaped fog was formed instantly, followed by a huge impact force at a speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye. The three unlucky eggs immediately broke into a pool of unformed blood fog and meat mud under the interaction of force.

without doubt!

With the unspeakable power of Titan, even a gentle throw can make the non streamline human body surpass the sound barrier.

After finishing all this, Zhang Chengcai Chong said to the girl who always turned his back to himself and trembled: "Miss, those scum no longer exist. Now can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?"

"Go five kilometers west!" the woman raised her arm and pointed to her right.

Perhaps out of fear, she never turned around, as if to show that she didn\'t see the truth.

I have to say that she has a strong desire to survive and knows that she can\'t get involved in some things.

"Thank you!" Zhang Cheng politely thanked him, turned around and continued along the street. He planned to take some money before dark, and then find a place to settle down and slowly adapt to his compressed body.

After all, he can never maintain the amazing height and body shape of Titan on earth, otherwise neither the government of the ordinary world nor the joint members of the Supreme Council of the underground world will sit idly by.