All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 920

"Hello, the great king of fire. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Adam, a special life created by the master. I\'m very sorry to inform you that the master had to sacrifice you for the final plan in exchange for his powerful body to come to the world." Adam bowed politely.

"Humble little bug! Who is your master?" icallet suddenly swung his huge palm and slammed it on the edge of the crater, causing the green evil magma within a few kilometers to boil.

"Don\'t you feel it? The master\'s power has taken root in your body, and he will come soon..."

After saying these meaningful words, Adam jumped directly, left the crater that was about to turn into Purgatory, and fled quickly with the help of magic.

But before he could fly far, he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.


The whole crater rose into the sky, not only brought a large number of evil energy magma and volcanic ash, but also lifted thousands of tons of lava blocks into the air, and the ground cracked countless bottomless gaps.

All the flame life, including ikalet, was attracted by a powerful force that could not be described in words, forming a huge black hole.

At the center of the black hole, the artifact the size of a basketball rotates at high speed, compressing, compressing and recompressing energy

When all the magma chambers tens of kilometers underground were sucked dry, they suddenly ejected a huge annular energy position, forcibly tearing the space, forming a terrible crack more than 200 meters high and 50 meters wide.

Zhang Cheng, who had been waiting for a long time, did not hesitate to squeeze over at the fastest speed. His huge body reached the limit of the already fragile ground and made a creepy sound of cracking.

"Damn it! I forgot that my weight was a little overweight!"

After he swore in a low voice, he quickly compressed his body shape and weight with the power of magic. In the blink of an eye, he became no different from before, but he was naked and naked.

"Master, we\'d better leave quickly. The geological conditions here are quite unstable, and severe earthquakes and large-scale collapses may occur at any time." seeing that the crisis has been relieved, Adam hurried back to remind him.

"Don\'t worry about me. You start the final plan. I need some time to adapt to the changes of my body." Zhang Chengshen stepped on the collapsing ground with one shallow foot.

Due to the high compression of energy and mass, he is like a baby who has just learned to walk, and he can\'t control himself well for the time being.

no way out!

Since becoming a Titan, his body has not shrunk, so now it is obviously a little out of control.

You know, every Titan\'s body is condensed from the special liquid metal formed by the star soul in the deepest part of the planet\'s earth. Its amazing hardness and quality are beyond the imagination of normal people.

When such a high-strength and high-density metal is compressed hundreds or even thousands of times, the difficulty of handling is basically the same as the sudden recovery of the elderly who have been paralyzed in bed for 60 or 70 years. There must be at least one or two months of adaptation and recovery.

"I see! I will put medicine in Waterworks around the world according to your plan, so that all ordinary people will awaken their magic talent within three years." Adam saluted, and then disappeared on the horizon at a very fast speed.

"Alas, I have to get out of here. If there is such a big noise, both the U.S. government and the North American Supreme Council will send people to check. At present, it\'s best to try to avoid exposure..."

After a slight sigh, Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger and performed a transmission magic with the lowest energy output.

Next second

He disappeared out of thin air and appeared in a square in Chicago across more than 2000 kilometers.

The reason why the location can be determined immediately depends on the huge statue of Jordan erected in the square and the records of the bull Dynasty engraved on the stone slab below the statue.

After all, even those who are no longer interested in sports can\'t have never heard of the mythical record created by Jordan, the God of basketball.

However, the place where he appeared was not a downtown area, but a somewhat dilapidated block. There were a lot of colorful graffiti on the wall, and even single holes and warheads embedded in the wall

"Well, I need a suit of clothes and some cash now." Zhang Cheng sighed slightly and began to inspect the surrounding houses.

Just as he moved slowly at an extremely uncoordinated pace, a young white girl with a backpack, worn jeans and a white T-shirt suddenly appeared around the corner.

The girl was stunned at first, then couldn\'t help shouting: "Oh, thanks! Man! Have you been robbed? Although there have been many bad boys in these streets, they don\'t even let go of their underwear?"

"Believe me, you don\'t want to know what happened to me." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Er... They haven\'t done anything to you that can\'t be described in words?" the girl raised her eyebrows curiously and looked at her bare ass.

As a Titan, Zhang Cheng could easily feel the dirty thoughts in each other\'s mind and immediately shook his head without thinking: "no! I\'m not robbed! In addition, could you please give me a clothes or cardboard box that can cover the key parts? I\'m not exhibitionist."

"Ha! I\'m sorry, I forgot. Here, if you don\'t mind, you can use this towel first. By the way, you have a good figure and are quite stylish." the girl took out a slightly wet towel from her backpack, and a black bikini swimsuit can be seen next to the towel.

Needless to ask, she must have just been to the beach and was going to return to her residence.

"Thank you!" Zhang Cheng politely thanked and quickly put a towel around his waist to avoid the most embarrassing situation.

But before he could find out what block it was in Chicago, five black men with bare upper bodies and big waists came out of a building. One of them was still carrying a bloody knife.

"Oh! No! No! No!" the girl panicked when she saw this scene and turned around to run away.

"Hey! Little bitch! Stop! Or I\'ll shoot!" the tallest guy took out an old black pistol without saying a word.

"Don\'t! Don\'t shoot! I know the rules! I swear I didn\'t see anything! I don\'t know anything!" the girl raised her hands high and her voice trembled.

Without living in poor neighborhoods in the United States, you will never understand how cheap life is.

In particular, blacks known for their high crime rate will not hesitate to shoot and kill even for a pair of shoes, a watch, a diamond ring and more than ten dollars in cash