All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 919

"Hahaha! Adam! Did you see the expression on the faces of those gods just now? They must have broken their heads. They can\'t understand why I burst out suddenly." in front of the space-time tower, Zhang Cheng in the form of Titan burst out a burst of unbridled laughter.

Through this experiment, he has understood the essence of gods and the relationship between divine power and faith. By the way, he has also created a huge disaster, which is absolutely a disaster for the gods of phalon, at least.

"Yes, master, I have seen it. According to my calculation, the energy shock generated by your self explosion is enough to destroy all gods with medium divine power, and at least millions of people in that world will go crazy because of your death." Adam stood aside and responded expressionless.

As the priest who controls the dark side of human nature, the destructive power is naturally not much worse than the magic goddess who controls the magic net.

In particular, at the moment when Zhang Cheng became a God, he announced to the whole world that many guys swallowed up by his inner dark side chose this powerful new God to offer faith and loyalty.

But they never thought that they were happy. Within a few minutes, the seemingly powerful new God actually committed suicide!


I can\'t understand!

Coupled with the dark personality bred by madness, it\'s not surprising to do earth shaking crazy things.

After all, when Shrek obtained all the clergy of the three gods of death and became one of the strongest gods in the whole pheron continent, he wrote a Shrek Sutra, trying to deceive all gods to listen to his words with the help of this evil artifact that can change the thinking of gods.

It\'s funny that he couldn\'t help watching it first. As a result, he really believed that he was the God\'s bullshit "the only true God in the universe". He immediately brainwashed the priests of the earthly church and let these unlucky people go to war with the churches of other gods.

As a result, of course, not surprisingly, he was hanged and beaten by the gods.

A mere lying prince can cause such terrible destruction, and those dark believers with collapsed faith and mental collapse will only be more terrible.

It can be predicted that the continent of Fallon will be in an extremely turbulent state for a long time. Unless the God IO comes out to clean up the mess, don\'t expect to live in peace.

Zhang Cheng was very amused at the thought that those gods would fight for the dark clergy born out of thin air, or even tear their faces and fight.

After a while, he said bluntly, "Adam, open a portal to the earth for me. Next, it\'s time to start the final plan."

"The final plan?!" Adam subconsciously raised his head and showed an incredible look in his eyes.

"That\'s right! I\'m tired of such endless temptations. I\'ll simply have a showdown with everyone to see who can become the final winner." Zhang Cheng said his plan with a sneer.

According to his inference, the woman who claimed to be the creator probably took away the star soul bred by the magical earth by some means like herself.

But the other party couldn\'t swallow the whole star soul directly, so he used the rest to create the original gods.

What she didn\'t expect was that these primitive gods born from the residual star souls were full of hatred and resentment, secretly developed their own strength, and then fought back at the critical moment, sealed their bodies all over the world, and their souls were exiled.

This means that Zhang Cheng\'s enemies are not only the primitive gods who fall asleep, but also the mysterious woman who calls herself the creator.

Once the two are solved, all the mysteries will be solved.

"I see! But it\'s not easy to open a portal that can accommodate your body. It needs a big energy source." Adam frowned subconsciously.

It is not easy to build a portal for the Titan\'s body to pass out of thin air. At least it needs an energy supply directly connected to the root of the planet like the great vortex.

"Don\'t worry, I have chosen the target. Remember ikalet, the king of fire? He is the original fire born on the planet, and now lives in the Yellowstone crater, which is connected to the earth\'s center. The huge and rich energy is enough to open a portal for me to pass through. Here, take this, it will convert ikalet and Yellowstone volcano into magical energy."

With that, Zhang Cheng stretched out the palm of his right hand and handed a dark green ball the size of a basketball to the life he had created.

"As you wish!" Adam never liked to talk nonsense. He picked up this amazing artifact, walked through the portal and instantly appeared in a small town near Wyoming.

Without disturbing anyone, he directly pried open a car with skilled skills and drove straight to the most dangerous place in the whole national park.

You know, since ikalet triggered part of the eruption of Huangshi volcano group, the surrounding area has become a restricted area for human beings. A large number of summoned fire element life expanded rapidly with the hot magma, forming a terrible area of dozens of square kilometers.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the North American Supreme Council dare not send someone to find out.

But Adam was obviously not an ordinary person. When he reached the periphery of the lava pool, he showed a magic mark to a rising lava giant.


All the flame life that was supposed to attack were separated from each other, giving way to the center of the huge crater.

"It seems that this task is easier than I thought..."

Adam murmured to himself, then threw down his car, crossed the lava pool as fast as he could, and looked down at the sleeping green giant at the bottom of the crater.

As a special life storing magic knowledge and skills from all over the world, he is not unfamiliar with evil energy. He can even clearly feel that the magma under the whole Huangshi Volcano Group has been eroded and polluted by evil energy and is constantly extending to the depths of the earth.

There is no doubt that this energy alone is enough to open a magic portal for Titans to pass through.

After all, Zhang Cheng is not a power Titan like Sargeras, but a true magic Titan.

His understanding of time, space and energy is not comparable to Sargeras, whose mind is full of ideas of fighting and killing.

"Sorry, big man, the master needs your sacrifice..."

With a low voice, Adam threw out the dark green sphere he held in his hand.

When the gadget fell into the magma with a free fall, the ground suddenly began to tremble violently, followed by ikalet, the king of fire, woke up from his deep sleep and roared angrily: "who? Who dares to disturb my sleep? Who dares to absorb my strength?"