All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 918

"Faith?" Ramses was obviously stunned.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! Faith. I noticed that you are one of the few people who have not suffered from mental breakdown in the face of death. So please be sure to tell me, what do you think of gods and the world after death?"

"Gods are gods! They rule the world of spirit and belief! Every mortal cannot live without the guidance of gods from birth to death. He will help you strengthen your faith when you are confused. I am not a crazy believer myself, and I rarely preach the doctrine of believing in gods. But it is undeniable that I have always respected him in the deepest heart and am willing to go to him after death Ramses described his beliefs and values in extremely concise language.

Although he didn\'t understand why the other party was interested in this kind of thing, he gave the answer for the sake of that bottle of good wine.

"So... You think that faith and God are an integral part of life. They are like eating, drinking and breathing. They are a natural habit. You believe in gods not for money, power and power, but just for spiritual comfort so that you won\'t be hung on the wall of unbelievers after death?" Zhang Cheng concluded by touching his chin with interest.

"You can say so." Ramses shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

He was a pan believer, and occasionally went to the temple to participate in important activities, or donated some gold coins, that\'s all.

"I see! Thank you very much! You let me understand how the gods instilled their will into mortals and made mortals think this is what the world should be like. But now, I\'m going to send them a gift, a heavyweight gift..."

The voice just fell!

The corners of Zhang Cheng\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a dangerous smile, and his body began to crazy absorb the soul imprisoned in the container.

Less than ten seconds!

His whole person began to release a strong darkness, constantly swallowing everything around him, whether light, air, water or other substances.

This force is so powerful that even the sun is eclipsed, the color is getting darker and darker, and finally the whole world is shrouded in boundless darkness.

Whether it\'s winter free city, deep water city and askatra on the west coast, or the vast plains, deserts and mountains east of the falling star sea

Almost everyone can feel that the dark side in his heart is rising, as if echoing some powerful existence.

Next second


With the loud noise, a very bright star appeared in the dark sky!

Then people suddenly heard a gloomy and incomparable voice from the depths of their souls: "my name is ingrocasti mithrian! Dragon of God killing! Take charge of the dark priest from today on! Mortals! Fear! Tremble! Face the real darkness in your heart, embrace it and accept it, otherwise it will be swallowed up by the darkness."

When the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng\'s body turned into a fashion, rushed into the sky and disappeared into the vast universe.


Through this killing, he condensed the dark clergy desperately desired by countless evil camp gods, and closely linked his strength with the dark side of all creatures in the whole world.

He doesn\'t even need faith. As long as the dark side in the heart of intelligent life prevails, he can gain strength from it.

This is an extremely powerful clergy, even the oldest night goddess Sal has never won.

In fact, Sal\'s clergy has only dark areas, nights, hatred, loss, forgetting, sleep, nightmares, illusions, lies, deception, undisclosed secrets, secret places, betrayal, insidious, temptation, thieves, theft, murder, winter and so on.

It can be predicted that for a long time, she will be hostile to those who obtain the dark clergy.


At the same time, in the Pantheon, a huge chair stood up in front of the throne of the gods, emitting extremely terrible dark forces.

"Powerful divine power?!" Tyr, the first God of justice to arrive at the news, suddenly contracted his pupils and subconsciously clenched his fist.

He could not believe that the mortal who had been inadvertently ignored by himself had become the most terrible enemy of justice.

"Aha! Let me see what happened? A dark god who has been a powerful God since his birth. Dear tell, what are you going to do?" the second arrived at the lie Prince sirik.

As usual, as soon as he appeared, he began to give full play to his true color of a shit stirring stick and began to spread hatred and opposition.

"Did you hear his name in the newspaper just now? Ingrocasti mizirian! The dragon that killed countless gods in turbulent years!" Tom, the God of courage, arrived the third and threw out the most sensitive content as soon as he opened his mouth.

Needless to ask, he has been resurrected by the God of God. At present, he is actively expanding believers and spreading his influence to further places.

"No! I\'ve seen him! He\'s not a dragon!" the God of justice frowned and retorted.

"Then why did he lie? Are you hiding something?" sirik questioned with a sneer.

"I\'m not like you, full of lies."

"Hum! What\'s wrong with lies? Don\'t forget, I\'m a famous Prince of lies. Lying is not only my clergy, but also my instinct."


Just as the three gods quarreled, the originally empty pantheon of gods suddenly became lively. No matter whether it was the God of the good camp, the God of the evil camp, or the God of the neutral camp, it was there without exception.

Because they are very curious about what kind of guy can directly condense such amazing clergy as darkness, and a God is a powerful divine power.

When the gods took their seats and waited patiently for the new God to appear, a mass of darkness suddenly shrouded in the empty seat.

In a few seconds, Zhang Cheng appeared on the seat out of thin air in his original human appearance.

Looking at those eyes full of curiosity, hatred or temptation, he just smiled and said, "nice to meet you and goodbye. I hope you like my surprise."

Before many gods in the Pantheon could react, his eyes replaced by broken magic crystals began to twinkle with dazzling white light.

"Damn it! Stop him! He\'s destroying himself!" the third generation magic goddess suddenly stood up at midnight and shouted.

Unfortunately, it\'s too late

When light and darkness collided fiercely, Zhang Cheng\'s body began to release amazing energy from inside to outside. Finally, the whole broken magic crystal burst and split, showing a chain reaction similar to nuclear fusion from inside to outside.


Endless darkness devoured all the gods in the Pantheon!

Nearly one third died on the spot and one third were seriously injured. Only a few powerful powers were slightly injured. One by one, they were stunned and watched this sacred place destroyed to almost unrecognizable.

They couldn\'t understand what the new God had done. He burst when he came up, and the noumenon burst