All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 911

"Aribeth de timaland! Are you crazy? Do you know what you\'re doing?" an old priest who looked 70 or 80 years old glared angrily, covering his abdomen cut by a sharp blade.

He could not believe that the paladin, once regarded as the embodiment of justice and virtue, would become this picture full of hatred, anger and tyranny.

"Crazy? No! I just saw through your ridiculous trick of self deception! What justice! What order! All are deceptive! Otherwise, when those mobs kill fanswick, where is the so-called justice? Where is the so-called order?" aribeth raised the other party\'s collar with a ferocious face and asked loudly.

"You are too extreme! What can we do in that case? To confront thousands of people and then break out bloody conflicts? Justice and order are not to create conflicts, but to make more people tend to be kind, not to push them to the opposite." the old priest fought back with severe pain and gnashing his teeth.

Compared with those young people who regard dogmas and slogans as truth, he has rich life experience. He is undoubtedly very clear that whether it is justice or order, he often needs to make compromises.

In particular, the ignorant people incited must not use force to suppress unless they have to, otherwise they will cause strong resistance and the negative impact of the fermentation of subsequent events.

But aribeth\'s focus is not on these, but on two words - fairness.

you \'re right!

It is the unfairness in the treatment of fanswick that makes her produce uncontrollable anger and hatred.

Looking at the pale gray eyes of the old priest, aribeth directly ran the sharp sword through his heart, let the gushing blood dye the armor red, then threw the warm body aside and muttered, "escape and weakness are not excuses! Since the God of justice can\'t bring justice, I\'ll finish my revenge by myself!"

"No matter what you do, I will always be with you."

Eleanor cut off the head of the young Paladin with a sword, stepped closer, raised her left hand stained with plasma and gently stroked her lover.

"Even if you die, you\'ll fall into hell?" aribeth smiled and blinked.

"Yes! Even if you die, you will fall into hell!" Eleanor replied without thinking.

They watched each other for a full minute, then reluctantly separated and continued to slaughter the remaining evils in Wudong castle.


"Wow! That\'s very touching, isn\'t it?"

Warindra, who was far away in Mandan manor, saw this scene and immediately pursed her mouth. Her tone was full of fun and ridicule.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders noncommittally: "don\'t be so mean. It\'s just two lonely souls snuggling up to each other for warmth. With this close relationship, they will go farther and farther on the road to darkness. You should understand that people are a special species afraid of loneliness and need a little care and love."

"Really? What do I think? You seem to enjoy the picture?" walindra asked with a smile.

"I really enjoy it! Don\'t you think it\'s very pleasant to appreciate a bright and holy soul falling into darkness. What\'s more, aribeth is the symbol of this city, and her depravity will despair the people who still hope for the future in the whole Winterless city. Remember, honey, power and tyranny can subdue those weak people, but they can\'t Break the hope and persistence at the bottom of his heart. "Zhang Cheng expressed his understanding of conquest and rule.

Indeed, the gathered people are a powerful force, even enough to make more than 99% of the rulers feel fear and fear.

But the problem is that this force needs a smart enough leader to really give full play to its due power, otherwise it will be scattered.

Just like the dark middle ages in Europe, the bottom people were not as good as dogs, but they did not dare to resist the cruel rule of the aristocrats.

Because almost all knowledge and force are in the hands of the nobility, and the spiritual world is in the hands of the church. If the two are combined, even if some farmers who can\'t live occasionally launch an uprising, they will soon be suppressed due to lack of strategic vision.

There is no evidence for the people who lack the leadership of intellectuals, which is why there are so many peasant uprisings in history, but it is often some aristocrats and intellectuals who finally establish a new dynasty.

The outcome of those insurgents from the bottom is even more ironic. They either change and join these people, or they are used up and thrown into the toilet as toilet paper.

Walindra nodded thoughtfully: "I understand! As long as you destroy the heroes in the hearts of good people, the fire of hope in their hearts will be extinguished. In this regard, any physical punishment is far less effective than a spiritual shock. In the years when you were away, ruskan often killed the spies of the harpist alliance and the traitors who helped them in public. Over time, there will be no more The soil where this guy lives. "

"That\'s right! Habit is a terrible thing! No matter how cruel the rule is, as long as the people at the bottom get used to it, they will slowly accept it. The most important thing is not to let them have hope. If they don\'t have hope, they will be content with the status quo, because change means uncertainty. No one knows whether it will get better or worse next. In addition, if you want to make luscan become a A real country also needs to unite some forces, whether businessmen or slave owners who manage manors. In short, they should feel that they can participate in politics, so as to form national consciousness and national consciousness. "

Zhang Cheng obviously knows walindra\'s ambition and points out luscan\'s weakness in a big way.

After all, if there is no national consciousness and national consciousness of the people, even if it is strong now, once there is a problem, it may lead to division, or even direct disintegration and destruction.

But with these two things, even if it is defeated and declined one day, it is possible to make a comeback.

"After this battle, I will gather the merchants and slave owners to form a big parliament as you said. But before that, we still need to defeat deepwater city. Ntrelli sent a message not long ago. The Lords of deepwater city began to call allies to form a coalition. At present, more than 60 nobles have called for it, and the number of troops is even larger From eight thousand to twenty-five thousand. "

"Twenty five thousand people? Great! The souls of these people after death can definitely condense a powerful clergy for me. War, what a wonderful word. I really hope to see the picture of corpses everywhere soon..."