All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 910

When he got the answer he wanted, the holy one of Tyr, the God of justice, left quickly, as quietly as when he came.

He did not notice that in the dark corner, a pair of eyes full of hatred and anger had been staring at him.

Zhang Cheng sat in a soft chair, raised his glass and drank it all at once. Without looking back, he asked, "how do you feel about seeing the God you once believed in?"

"Hypocrisy! Cowardice! Pathetic! He doesn\'t deserve to be called the God of justice at all! I was so blind before that I cheated him for so many years for his ridiculous idea." with cynical irony, aribeth slowly came out of the corner.

The dark blessing on her body is so strong that the whole person exudes a temptation opposite to the sanctity of the past.

"Yes! There is no justice in this world! Power is truth!" Eleanor echoed.

"Ha ha! Well said! There is no fairness in the world! Justice is like toilet paper. When you need it, wipe your ass and throw it away. Only the sad weak are eager to expect justice! Now, I have a task for you two to complete, especially you, Ms. timaland." Zhang Cheng laughed recklessly, While looking at the two fallen paladins.

"What task?" aribeth\'s face was cold, and his eyes were as cold as the weather in December.

"Kill all the people in Wudong castle, including Lord Nasir. Because they have no use value. Here, these are some gadgets that can make magic ineffective. You just need to fall hard to the ground to make most priests lose contact with the gods."

After that, Zhang Cheng took out more than a dozen glass balls emitting silver light, and the whole person showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

"It seems that you have planned for a long time, haven\'t you? I\'ll enjoy cutting open the stomachs of hypocrites with a sharp sword, pulling bloody intestines, and enjoying their screams and wails before they die. The world needs a purification, and death is the only way to purify it." aribes picked up seven or eight glass balls and immediately strode outside the manor.

As an avenger, she can\'t wait to put the strong impulse in her heart into practice.

In contrast, Eleanor, who has been a dark guard for many years, is much calmer. When she leaves, she doesn\'t forget to bend down and bow to express her sincere gratitude and gratitude.

Not long ago, she had a close relationship with aribes who drank special medicine. The empty soul finally had reliance and sustenance, and was no longer a walking corpse thousands of miles away.

Seeing the pair of blooming black lilies go away, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly and mumbled in a playful tone: "what a beautiful scene! I really prefer the deep and silent darkness to the dazzling light."

"Great master, your taste is still as different as before. But is it OK to send them only? There are more than 100 paladins, priests and elite soldiers in Wudong castle." valindra suddenly appeared out of thin air with a relaxed and happy smile on her face.

Zhang Cheng put down the empty cup and nodded carelessly: "Of course, no problem! Believe me, those guys who boast of justice will feel heartache when they see aribeth, and even try to persuade him to change his evil ways in pale language. But aribeth, who has completely embraced the darkness, will not pay attention to these boring tricks. She will show all her strength and kill those former colleagues one by one. This is a doomed comeback Vendetta and massacre have been doomed since Lord Nasir handed over fanswick to the mob for execution. What\'s the matter, is there nothing wrong with you? "

"Please rest assured that luscan has entered a state of war. Our army, mage and fleet are ready to fight a protracted war with deepwater city and the Lord at any time, and light the flame leading to the Pantheon with the enemy\'s blood, life and soul." valindra knelt down and kissed the back of his master\'s hand affectionately.

Under the baptism of the fire of divine power, she has completed a complete transformation. She is no longer a simple mortal, but a divine voter like Ilminster, kelben and erastrow.

However, it is different from the silver fire given by the magic goddess. The divine fire she has does not have any attributes and can be completely absorbed and utilized by herself.

The owner of silver fire only gets the right of use, not ownership.

They can\'t integrate silver fire into themselves, let alone obtain divinity from it, and one day they can become high gods.

In short, Zhang Cheng gave walindra a chance to become a God. Naturally, she would show extraordinary loyalty and enthusiasm.

"No, my loyal servant, it\'s not my wish to be a member of the gods. Don\'t forget, it\'s just an experiment, a trivial experiment. When I get enough information, I will detonate this body. Then you who get divine fire will inherit part of my heritage and become a true demigod, just like the God of murder Zhang Cheng gently stroked each other\'s long hair, and his pupils glittered with chilling evil.

Generously give his nearly immortal life, powerful power and the opportunity to become a God?

Stop kidding!

How could he be so kind!

In fact, all the people who were given divine fire were mice used for experiments.

After a few years, he will come back and see what the final results of these experimental bodies are.

"You want us to kill each other and let the winner inherit your inheritance?" walindra looked up with a trace of ecstasy.

Extremely selfish, she doesn\'t care about other people\'s life and death. As long as she can become a God, she doesn\'t hesitate to let hundreds of thousands of people bury herself, let alone just a few partners.

"Whatever you do, it doesn\'t matter! What I leave you is pure divine fire. There are no specific attributes. You can kill and rob each other, or you can add your own characteristics to accumulate power from nothing and finally ascend the throne of God. Remember, the real strong don\'t care about the source of power, whether it\'s good or evil, whether it\'s order or evil Chaos, as long as you can fully control it, not be controlled by it. Well, that\'s all for chatting. Next, let\'s see how aribes completes his revenge and buries his once kind self... "

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng started the magic mirror hanging on the wall.

Instantly, the picture of blood and corpses everywhere in Wudong Castle immediately appeared in front of them.