All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 912

As Wudong fortress was slaughtered, the last nail of Wudong city was finally pulled out, and deepwater city completely cut off the channel to obtain information.

Since they don\'t know what happened in Wudong City, they don\'t know that the whole Wudong city has completely fallen to Luskan under the control of Zhang Cheng, ready to launch a fatal attack at the critical moment.

In fact, not only the deep water city did not know, but also the nobles and businessmen in the winter free city did not know that they were already allies of Luskan, and they were still highly vigilant against the troops stationed in place ten kilometers away.

Only those deformed officers with strange silver light in their eyes knew what would happen next.

In order to better control the army, walindra brought a full 80 deformation monsters from luscan. They can perfectly transform into anyone and replace them silently.

At present, all high-ranking people in the wudongcheng army have been replaced by deformation monsters. As long as they give an order, the soldiers will immediately fight back and stab their former allies with justice.

The poor lords of deep water city have not realized that Zhang Cheng has woven a huge trap in Wudong city. Once he steps on it, he will die and die.

When the reinforcements of the northern Lord alliance gathered more and more, and finally reached the unprecedented figure of 50000, they began to move very close to the north. They planned to fight a battle on the periphery of your Winterless forest and completely defeat ruskan\'s expansion ambition.

Since all the ships in the harbor had been destroyed before, the allied army had to move from the land, and it was extremely difficult to transport all kinds of supplies. If you look down from the air, you can clearly see a large number of ox carts, carriages and mules connected end to end, slowly moving forward on the muddy dirt road, and the speed is appalling.

"Damn it! Why did the front stop again?" a middle-aged man in shining silver armor cursed loudly.

It was not that he had a bad temper, but that a similar situation would occur every hour or two along the way, which was a complete disaster for the March.

"I\'m sorry, general Ramses, another carriage turned over in front. The craftsmen are repairing it. It can be repaired in a few minutes." a scout hurried over to report.

The man called general Ramses sighed helplessly: "Hey, let them hurry up, otherwise..."

Before he could finish his words, 50 or 60 orcs riding a wolf rushed out of the nearby forest. Without saying anything, they rushed directly into the unprepared team to kill and destroy wantonly.

"Oh! Hello, Hello, Hello!"

The first guy shouted the howl of ice wind valley full of barbarian characteristics, swung a machete and directly split an unlucky guy in half.

The wolf in his crotch was unwilling to be outdone. He bit another human soldier, and then he didn\'t forget to open his bloody mouth to intimidate those timid horses, cattle, mules and other livestock.

In the blink of an eye, it made a mess of the team.

In addition, many soldiers were tired of driving for days, so they just let these wolf cavalry kill more than 200 people before they left.

You know, it is not only these dozens of wolf cavalry who launch the attack, but there will be such a team every two or three hundred meters, with a total of more than 1000 people.

They don\'t love war at all. After a successful attack, they immediately turn and retreat and hide in the dense forests on both sides. They don\'t give their opponents the opportunity to fight back and pursue.

There is no doubt that this is a standard attack tactic, which aims to make the enemy tired and unable to have a good rest and March.

If on the frontal battlefield, this is only a little more than 1000 wolf cavalry, which can only draw with the same number of human knights at most.

But after dispersion, they are like ghosts hiding in the dark. They don\'t know when they will rush out and cause incalculable damage.

At least 2000 soldiers were killed and hundreds were injured in that charge alone, and there were countless traffic chaos and rollovers caused by frightened animals.

Seeing the heavy losses of his troops, general Ramses trembled angrily and shouted: "Asshole! These bastards of luscan are so afraid that they dare not fight us head-on! They specially play this shady and despicable means! Let all Knights gather here immediately. If they dare to have a second time, I will show them what is called the iron fist of justice."

"As you wish! Your Excellency general!" the Scout quickly bowed and rode his horse to pass the order.

In less than twenty minutes, a knight regiment composed entirely of elite gathered and stared warily at the dense forests on both sides of the road.

As general Ramses expected, when the Knights gathered, the wolf cavalry disappeared and did not appear again for a whole day.

But the problem is, whether it\'s a knight or a war horse, it needs to eat and rest.

In the evening, when they took off their armor and sat on the ground ready to eat, the orc wolf cavalry appeared again.

Like last time, they took the initiative to avoid the elite who looked bad. They specially picked up ordinary citizens and farmers for temporary recruitment, and even drove them to attack the formation of veterans. If they could disperse, they would follow after them, and if they could not disperse, they would retreat directly.

At the moment, even idiots can see that these orcs riding wolves are not here to fight at all, but to attack the morale of the coalition forces by not launching a sudden attack, leaving ordinary soldiers in a state of panic all day.

If the plot succeeds, even if you successfully arrive at Wudong City, I\'m afraid you can\'t beat Luskan who waits for work with ease.

"Magic! We need the help of Magic now! Immediately let the military mage monitor the movements of the forests on both sides for 24 hours. If there is any sign of the enemy approaching, immediately give an alarm. In addition, divide the army into two parts, and the other half is responsible for guarding when the half is resting." general Ramses thought for a moment and immediately issued a new order.

He knew that although this would increase the fatigue of the soldiers and seriously slow down the marching speed, there was no good way to do so.

After all, the tactics of assault for the purpose of harassment are still very effective in modern wars, not to mention in the relatively primitive and backward continent of Fallon. Even if the sneak attack is unsuccessful, it can greatly increase the psychological pressure of the opposing soldiers.

In particular, the enemy is eyeing and hiding in the dark. He may rush out and launch a fatal attack at any time. It\'s definitely not pleasant.

"Hey, hey! These guys have been fooled! You! You can send a letter to Lord Gar and say that the master\'s plan has been successful. It won\'t be long before these weak guys will become our prey." the orcs hiding in the woods secretly peeping at the coalition forces of deepwater City grinned and ordered their companions behind them.