All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 909

Three days passed in a flash.

When Luskan\'s troops poured out, the situation in the whole North changed suddenly. Countless towns and villages were paying close attention to their route for fear that they might accidentally become the target of attack.

With unparalleled army quantity and quality, luscan has long been no longer the receiving bag often beaten by the Lord alliance, but a completely militarized trade empire. Except for the silver moon alliance in the East and the deep water city in the south, there is no third city that can compete with it.

When the army forward arrived at the periphery of Wudong forest, the Lords of deep water city finally couldn\'t sit still. They immediately held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss how to prevent their ambition to annex Wudong city.

You know, even an idiot can see that the plague ravaged Winterless city has long had no strength to resist luscan.

Moreover, their traditional ally Lord Nasir and the Church of the God of justice were expelled by angry people. At present, they can only hide in the castle.

"We must send troops! Otherwise, the deep water city will lose not only a barrier, but also countless trade. Luscan\'s fleet will hit the merchants\' throats like sharp daggers." a masked Lord stood up and shouted.

"Damn it! We don\'t have so many soldiers now, and we can\'t afford to recruit an army enough to confront luscan." another Lord held his forehead and cursed with gnashing teeth.

"Then borrow! Borrow from merchants and mages! Use our future taxes as collateral!"

"That\'s right! We must fight this war! And win it! Otherwise, let luscan continue to expand, and soon the whole sword sea will be swallowed by them, and an evil empire will be born."

"Are you idiots? Do you know what terrible consequences mortgage tax will have?"

"We can\'t mortgage taxes! Otherwise we won\'t have the money to pay the soldiers and maintain the fragile order of the city."


While the lords were arguing, the closed door suddenly opened with a bang.

A 30-year-old officer came in panting and shouted to everyone present, "no... no! Luscan\'s fleet is attacking our port!"

"What... What?! say it again!" the first lord who spoke suddenly stood up, his tone full of shock and anger.

"Luscan\'s fleet is launching an attack on the port area! They have successfully destroyed and seized all the ships in the bay. Now it is estimated that they have landed and began to rob the surrounding warehouses and houses." the officer quickly said what he knew in the fastest and simplest language.

"Asshole! How dare they?"

"War! Luskan, this is declaring war on deep water city! Declaring war on the whole alliance of Lords!"

"Immediately summon the army to drive these damn robbers into the sea!"

"Everybody! We have no way back! Come on, put down all the burden and let luscan see the iron fist of justice."

"Gather all the Lords of the whole North! It\'s time to form a large coalition and teach them a lesson!"


It has to be said that as a deep-water city with superior geographical location, it really has a deep foundation. In less than two hours, it enlisted more than 5000 troops and several adventurers to begin to eliminate the luscan Navy, which is called the army but actually pirates.

Watching his men retreat, Ian calmly put away his telescope, smiled and said to his adjutant, "blow the horn and let everyone retreat. Our goal has been achieved."

"Has the goal been achieved?" the adjutant blinked with a confused face.

"Yes! There are only two tasks for us to go south. One is to destroy the ships and force them to move towards Winterless city from land. The other is to provoke the Lords of deepwater city and let them gather more troops." Ian explained carelessly.

"I\'m sorry, sir, I don\'t quite understand the meaning of this."

"You don\'t need to know too much. Just remember to obey orders. The master wants more than to defeat deepwater city. His goal is much bigger than you think."

While saying these words, Ian\'s eyes flashed a silver white flame, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly, as if expecting something.

At the same time, a special guest, a tall human man in lock armour, also welcomed to Mandan manor in Winterless city. He had lost his right wrist, and one eye was still wrapped in bloody gauze.

"Ah ah, this is really a rare guest. I can\'t believe you dare to come to earth after the turbulent year." Zhang Cheng joked with fake surprise.

Because the comer is not a mortal at all, but the saint of Tyr, the God of justice, a real God.

"You\'re not human! You\'re a demigod? No, no, you\'re not a demigod. You haven\'t obtained the clergy, but you already know how to use the power of faith. Who are you?" the saint of the God of justice asked solemnly.

"Is it important who I am? The name is just a code. When the Pantheon appears on my seat, all the gods will know it at the first time. I\'m curious. What makes you willing to take great risks to come to the material world because I expelled your church?" Zhang Cheng was not nervous or afraid at all. Instead, he took the initiative to pour each other a glass of good wine.

He could feel that the other party was not looking for trouble at all. He just wanted to see who broke his plan.

you \'re right!

The terrible plague sweeping the whole winter city is only a trivial matter in the eyes of the God of justice. What he really cares about is the creator race hidden in the dark.

For the human God system in Phelan, these reptiles, which are older than most of the gods, should not wake up from their sleep again, let alone reappear in the world.

In particular, those primitive magic with amazing power are a great threat even to the gods.

So the creator race must die!

The sage of tyre took up the cup, took a sip of the slightly sour red liquid, and gently shook his head: "No! You don\'t use divine power in this game, so I won\'t violate the rules set by his majesty IO, the God of God. I come because of another thing, something that even the gods are concerned about, that is the revival of the creator race. You should feel the terrible power of those reptiles."

"Do you want me to destroy them?" Zhang Cheng tempted with interest.

"Yes! As long as you promise to do this, I promise that no God will interfere in the whole pantheon."

"Yes! Leave it to me! I will let those lovely little reptiles understand how sad and overestimated their plans are..."