All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 908

Hatred is a powerful force, so powerful that even gods dare not ignore a mortal full of strong hatred.

But this force is also easy to manipulate and use.

After all, people full of hatred can\'t keep reason. As long as they can complete revenge, they don\'t care what price they need to pay, even if they sell their soul.

There is no doubt that iris is such a person who is blinded by hatred, and she is also an extremely paranoid woman.

So when she learned that she could obtain the power of revenge, she didn\'t hesitate at all. She directly followed the other party to Mandan manor.

Looking at the smiling Zhang Cheng sitting in the chair, she finally couldn\'t help sneering and said sarcastically, "so you are behind all this? You have turned the Pearl of the north into this infernal scene?"

"No, dear Ms. timaland. I\'m not behind the scenes. At best, I can only take advantage of the fire. Those who really want to make Winterless city fall into hell are a group of guys you can\'t imagine. The ancient nesariel era called them creator races, which existed before mankind created its own civilization." Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

Perhaps others will think that the woman in front of them has completely degenerated and can\'t turn back at all.

But he knows very well how fragile and unstable the other party\'s heart is. He doesn\'t know when the good side of human nature will suddenly prevail and begin to regret what he did today.

For such a person, you can use her, but you must not make her feel that you are the culprit behind everything. Otherwise, when she changes her position and camp, she will turn her face ruthlessly and become an enemy.

"Creator race?" aribes subconsciously frowned, apparently never heard of the word.

But that\'s not surprising.

You should know that although paladins also belong to a special profession with higher education, most of their daily learning is related knowledge such as canon, law, painting, sculpture, poetry, art appreciation and so on.

There is not much to learn about history, especially ancient history, let alone the creator race, an ancient race that completely disappeared tens of thousands of years ago.

"That\'s right! According to the results of my investigation, these ancient species have just awakened from their sleep and want to restore their status, so they plotted to set off the plague sweeping the whole winter city. Of course, it has nothing to do with your anger and hatred. Anyway, you have to kill Lord Nasir and destroy the Church of the God of justice , isn\'t it? "Zhang Cheng pointed out the target of the other party\'s Revenge directly.

It is the so-called love cut, hate deep.

When a person feels that a person or organization he deeply loves has betrayed himself, this love will quickly turn into hatred as hot as a volcanic eruption.

Aribeth replied with a gloomy face: "not only the Church of the God of justice and Lord Nasir! But also the mob! They have to pay for what they have done! The price of blood and death!"

"Ha ha! Don\'t worry, I can fully satisfy you about this." Zhang Cheng gave a promise with a laugh. "But before that, I hope you can do me a little favor, that is to find out the trend of the reinforcements in deep water city. As long as you can do this, I can let you kill tens of thousands of people in the whole winter free city. I believe the blood and cry of those civilians can calm your anger."

As an executioner who destroyed two planets and left hundreds of millions of lives dead without a place to bury, how could he care about the life and death of the people in Winterless city.

Moreover, when the whole experiment is over, his consciousness will abandon the body, and no matter how serious the consequences are.

"Very good! As long as you can meet my requirements, I will do as you say!" the blackened aribes obviously had already targeted the target of revenge, and his eyes burst out a chilling light.

"Come with me, timaland, and I\'ll teach you how to embrace the darkness and become a qualified dark warrior." after that, Eleanor in black armor nodded to aribeth, then turned and walked towards the guest room on the second floor of the manor.

Watching the two fallen female paladins go away, valindra smiled and asked, "my dear master, do you think aribeth can become an excellent dark guard like Eleanor?"

Zhang Cheng gently shook his head and replied, "no, you\'re wrong. It\'s not whether she can become, but how short it will take her to surpass. Although she has a fragile and fickle soul, Eleanor is not the opponent of aribes in terms of qualification. By the way, how long does luscan\'s army need to be prepared to take action?"

"Three days at most!" walindra gave the deadline without thinking.

"Great! Let the war begin in those three days! This time, I will give the priest magic as a God and unite a priest through killing and destruction." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and showed a sinister smile.

He wanted to see if the gods who had been scared to hide and tremble would open their arms to welcome themselves or launch an angry siege?

Just thinking about it makes people feel extremely looking forward to it!

As for whether he will be beaten to death by the gods, he doesn\'t care.

Anyway, this body is not his own. It\'s a big deal to destroy himself and bury all the enemies together.

"Magic? You can give the priest magic!" walindra stared with incredible expression.

According to the standards of philon, whether it is the demon lord or the devil Duke, being able to give magic means having the same powerful power as the real God.

"Why, do you think it\'s strange? I can\'t compare with those garbage gods in the efficiency of energy conversion. If they can convert one unit of divine power from a believer every day, then I can convert ten units. No one in the world knows how to use converted energy better than me."

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng took the initiative to stretch out his right hand and burst out a hot fire of divine power with a bang in the palm of his hand.

It burns so violently and brightly that it far exceeds the limit of the fire of divine power that most gods can condense.

Seeing this scene, walindra immediately knelt on one knee and said in an extremely enthusiastic tone: "master! Please give me this flame! I am willing to be your believer, the spokesman and voter walking in the material world."

"Ha ha! You are really smart! The fire of divine energy is the purest essence of God. The mortals who obtain it can not only have various powerful spell like abilities, but also have almost unlimited life. Since you want it, I\'ll give it to you..."

The voice just fell!

The white fire of divine power rushed into wallindra\'s body and burned her skin and internal organs madly