All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 907

Religion and belief is a force born from idealism, a feedback of the influence of collective consciousness on the world, and a high condensation of the wishes and will of countless intelligent lives.

It can be said that there is no energy in the world, which is easier than establishing a connection with believers through spreading faith.

However, it has a fatal defect, that is, it is not pure.

Even the most pious people will inadvertently integrate their subjective consciousness into their faith, so those who accept this power will be polluted by all kinds of messy thoughts.

If a certain thought accounts for more than half of the believers, the god they believe in will change involuntarily.

As the object of belief and worship of half of the people in winter free city, Zhang Cheng has personally felt this irresistible force.

"Please! Let the plague stop!"

"We need an antidote! A real antidote!"

"My children need food!"


These voices in the process of prayer echoed in my mind like magic sounds.

They are mixed with energy. As long as they accept each other\'s beliefs, they must accept these messy spiritual pollution.

For this reason alone, Zhang Cheng sentenced to death the God who relied on spreading faith to gain power.

Because in his eyes, God\'s evolution process should constantly eliminate impurities and make himself more and more pure and powerful.

But what about faith?

Although it is simple to obtain energy, it is equivalent to putting yourself in chains that can never be rid of. Through the accumulation day after day, these obsessions from mortals will have an immeasurable and terrible impact on God, and even imperceptibly change God\'s character and way of doing things.

If a life can\'t even keep its own will, what\'s the difference between him and death?

Just when Zhang Cheng was annoyed by these voices from believers, in front of the gate of Wudong castle, a trial without judges and defenders had begun.

"Asshole! You ruined the antidote!"

"Die, sinner!"

"Burn them!"

"Traitors are not qualified to live!"


With thousands of roars and shouts, the whole Winterless city felt the terrible power from the bottom people.

After all, the people of Fallon are not the modern people on earth who have been constrained by law, morality and values for a long time, but a group of lunatics who may turn into thugs at any time.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out from the history of all major cities in the continent of Fallon that almost every city has a record of people\'s riots to overthrow the rulers, and even some ferocious riots have directly ended the powerful ancient magic civilization like the imasca empire.

Therefore, even the most cruel rulers dare not underestimate these people on the verge of outbreak.

As the culprits who destroyed the antidote to the plague, deszel and fanswick are now hanging under a big tree, allowing angry people to throw stones, excrement and urine and all kinds of filthy things.

You know, Lord Nasir, in order to win back the hearts of the people, sent people to spread in the city that he was about to eliminate the threat of plague and provide permanent antidotes for all citizens free of charge.

But now that something like this happens, it\'s natural to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot.

Don\'t say anything to win the support of the people again. Even his own safety has been seriously threatened.

In order to prevent the people from losing their senses and starting to attack the castle, he had to throw out the two poor people as scapegoats. Whether the deceived fanswick was a little innocent and whether the whole trial process did not conform to the concept of the God of justice is another matter.

In the face of political cruelty and darkness, let alone a mere Lord, even priests and Paladins in the God of justice church dare not easily interfere.

Although their hearts are full of reluctance and even an impulse to kill all these mobs, they dare not take practical action.

Because it will lead to the disgust and hostility of the whole people of Winterless city to the God of justice. More importantly, they will rush into the temple and destroy the sacred statues, altars and sacred objects.

In this way, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, deszel and van Swick were beaten alive and dying, and then burned alive on the campfire. The painful scream of the whole process was enough to make normal people have nightmares all their lives.

When the two of them completely turned into charred bodies, the angry people gradually dispersed.

No one noticed that in the dark corner of the street not far away, there was a woman clutching her fist, her fingernails pierced her palm directly, and the bear red blood trickled down her palm.

She was so desperate and angry that she forgot the pain, and her eyes burst out a spark of hatred.

you \'re right!

This man is fanswick\'s nominally fiancee!

The strongest paladin in Winterless city in the past - aribeth de timaland!

But now, she has neither the symbolic divine grace of paladins nor the gentle and noble temperament she usually looks. She exudes strong negative emotions all over her body.

Although we haven\'t seen the dark blessing of turning to evil gods, the degeneration can\'t be reversed. What\'s left is only a matter of time.

Fanswick\'s death made her see through everything!

Including the hypocrisy and weakness of the God of justice and the church, the inner compromise of Lord Nasir for power and dirty governance, and those who desperately want to protect the detestable true face of the people.

No justice!

No justice!

Some just simply vent!

Even the victims who once needed protection have become perpetrators in the current chaotic situation!

No one deserves sympathy!

No one needs to be saved!

What the whole winter city needs is a complete purification!

There is only one way to achieve such purification, that is, killing and death!

Just as aribeth was about to dry his tears and bury the burning hatred in his heart, he suddenly found a woman wearing black armor behind him. He didn\'t know when to appear behind him.

In a subconscious reaction, she immediately pulled out her long sword and asked in a harsh voice, "who are you?"

"Anger! Pain! Despair! Hatred! You must be eager to do something to make this city feel the same pain as you, don\'t you?" the woman in black armor asked with emotion.

"So what? It\'s my own business! I don\'t need you to take care of it!"

"No! You\'re wrong! What you need now is power! Power enough to launch divine revenge against those bastards! Come on, come with me, I can give you this power, and I\'m also willing to give you a chance to revenge. Don\'t you just want to cut off Lord Nasir\'s head and enjoy his wailing before he dies..."

(I had gastroenteritis yesterday. I came back from the hospital this afternoon. I\'m sorry I didn\'t update it.)