All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 906

"Ah! My little darling has finally fallen! Look at the expression on her face, how angry and sad, full of uncontrollable resentment..."

Through a magic mirror, Zhang Cheng is sitting on the chair in the living room of Mandan manor, enjoying the battle between aribes and deszel.

Of course, the latter is no better than the former. He also abandoned Heim, the God of defense, degenerated into an evil priest and constantly summoned demons from the bottomless abyss to help himself.

So this battle is not so much a contest between justice and evil as a fight between evil.

"Master, you are still as powerful and evil as before. You can seduce a strong Paladin like aribes to fall." valindra bent down and bowed deeply, and took the initiative to compliment.

She was standing in the living room, her eyes filled with awe.

Because she could feel that the boy who looked only 13 years old in front of her was the madman who once made the gods tremble and fear.

Maybe a person\'s appearance and body will change, but his soul and character will never change, especially such a unique soul with dark and rich fragrance

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no, honey, aribeth is not as firm as you think.

On the contrary, she is no different from all mortals. She is composed of half good and half evil.

Think about it, even in the evil bastard, when he saw a poor little girl begging by the side of the road, would he suddenly be kind and take out a few silver coins?

In the same way, even the kindest people will curse or curse their embarrassing opponents or even take a little revenge because of jealousy, anger, disgust and other emotions?

Therefore, each of us is a mixture of good and evil, order and chaos.

Camp can only prove your current state and thoughts, but it does not mean that there will be no change in the future.

Under the deliberate guidance of Tyr, the God of justice, aribes was dominated by the good side in the first half of his life, but this does not mean that the evil side has disappeared.

On the contrary, her evil side has been accumulating strength. When the time is ripe, it will break through the ground.

In the same way, we see that aribes has fallen, which does not mean that she will not wake up one day and return to the paladin full of justice. "

"So what are you going to do with her?" warindra said cautiously.

"It\'s easy! First pull her to our side, and then find her a spiritual partner, a person who can meet her deepest desire."

When he said these words, the corners of Zhang Cheng\'s mouth rose slightly and showed a playful smile.

Wallindra immediately understood it and replied with a sinister smile: "I think Eleanor is a good choice. I\'m afraid you don\'t know how many amazing things she has done in recent years. She even ordered the slaughter of several halfling villages trying to resist luscan\'s rule."

"Eleanor? Ah! The little Paladin who went to depravity according to the script I wrote is indeed a good candidate! But that\'s not enough. I hope they can spark a spark, a forbidden spark of love. Here, this is a bottle of magic potion that can affect the depths of the subconscious. Mix it in the wine and let them drink it at the same time." Zhang Cheng directly took out a bottle of liquid emitting pink light from his pocket.

This is no ordinary magic potion!

It\'s a brand new product he learned from a book called the pink book and improved countless times.

You know, this book is a well-known forbidden book in the circle of mages in Fallon. It is filled with all kinds of eighteen forbidden magic you can imagine and can\'t imagine.

Every mage would never mention it in front of outsiders, but he often studied it all night in private. With the passage of time, his body is getting worse day by day, and terrible phenomena such as insanity and sudden death occasionally occur.

As for the effect of the medicine

Two creatures who can drink 100% have a strong possessive desire and physiological impulse towards each other, completely ignoring race, gender, appearance and appearance

"I see! I\'ll do it well." walindra was obviously not a rookie in this field, and immediately realized the effect of the liquid in the bottle.

After all, over the years, she has always maintained a very close relationship with Sydney, and even spent the night in the same bed.

"Don\'t worry, aribeth hasn\'t completely fallen into darkness yet. We have to add a fire. It is said that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Lord Nasir has been promoting that he wants to make an antidote to the plague for the people recently. What will happen if the residents of Winterless City know that their antidote is finally destroyed by two people?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked meaningfully.

"They will execute these two people in anger! They won\'t listen to explanation! Let alone go through any trial!" walindra gave the answer with a sneer.

"That\'s right! Lord Nasir will certainly hand over the innocent van Swick to calm the people\'s anger. At that time, our dear Ms. aribes will see how weak the justice she believes in. When her faith completely collapses, she will have a strong desire for revenge driven by anger. Who can help her kill him at that time Lord, she will work for whom. "

"Selfish, painful, desperate, angry, unwilling, my master, you are still so good at playing with people."

"Hehe, for me, this is just a spice of life, a little game. By the way, there is no temple in luscan now?" Zhang Cheng suddenly asked.

Walindra responded without thinking: "of course! Since you fought with the gods, we have eradicated all the divine churches in the territory and sent those stubborn believers to the mines for mining."

When Zhang Cheng heard the news, his eyes lit up and nodded with satisfaction: "very good! Now, I order you to build some temples belonging to me in Luskan. I need to borrow the pious faith of ordinary people."

"Borrow faith? You... Are you going to be a God?" valindra asked excitedly.

"That\'s right! I want to confirm what kind of existence the gods are and what criteria they judge their death and resurrection." Zhang Cheng told his plan without any concealment.

No investigation, no voice!

Only by becoming one of the gods can he really understand what kind of life God is.

If, as guessed, their noumenon is an intelligent life living in another dimension, who is stronger and weaker than Titan?