All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 905

As a saying goes, before soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

Few things are more important to an army preparing to launch a war than adequate logistical supplies.

With all exceptions, intelligence gathering is far more important than logistics.

Therefore, before the luscan Army started, the intelligence system had been completely spread out in Wudong City, and valindra also took a merchant ship and quietly entered a broken warehouse in the wharf area.

But she was not in a hurry to see Zhang Cheng, but waited patiently for the arrival of the guild leader ntrelli.

As a smart woman, she knows very well that with the character of a killer, she will definitely try to contact at the first time, so she doesn\'t have to take risks. She\'d better wait and see.

But unfortunately, before walindra sent someone to contact ntrelli\'s men, he himself had come to the warehouse with a strange smile on his face.

You should know that en Cui Liping has an out and out facial paralysis every day, not to mention the extreme emotions of crying, laughing, anger, pain and despair. Even eating should be quantitative, and he will never eat even a little more.

His whole life, including work and rest time, is like a clockwork wound up. There will never be a slightest difference.

"Have you gone to see him? How\'s it going? Is he the host we\'re looking forward to?" walindra said cautiously.

"You can say yes or no," ntrelli grinned with a very bad smile.

Needless to ask, his personal relationship with walindra is not good, and there are even some small contradictions occasionally.

After all, during the period of the Austrian fraternity, the entire intelligence system of LSK was controlled by the mages. So after the reorganization, there will still be some old guys who want to plug in a few eyeliners or nails inside the guild.

As soon as they come and go, contradictions arise between the two sides.

Wallindra subconsciously frowned: "what do you mean? Is it, or is it not? I need an accurate answer."

"The body is not, but the soul is. If I guess correctly, he should occupy the body of the boy named Benny." ntrelli said his guess meaningfully.

"Soul?! was the master\'s body destroyed in the battle with the gods?"

It has to be said that the mages of the evil camp have always had large brain holes. Walindra suddenly thought of the war that frightened and trembled countless gods in the turbulent year.

The gods and mortals on the continent of Fallon even gave Zhang Cheng\'s dragon form a high-end and atmospheric nickname - the exterminating dragon.

Because in this tragic war, at least ten gods were killed, and several gods were chased and killed to hide and dare not show up. Among them, there is no lack of powerful divine power like Bain, the God of tyranny, which directly makes the gods who are used to looking down on all living beings feel a great threat.

Although some unlucky people were later resurrected by the God IO, the shadow of blocking the sky and the sun still hung over the heads of the gods.

"Don\'t ask me! You know I don\'t understand this. But one thing is certain, that is, he is still as evil, terrible and crazy as before. In addition, I can feel that he doesn\'t just want to attack Winterless city this time, but has a more grand purpose." after that, ntrelli ignored whether the other party understood it or not, and the whole person hid into the shadow, Disappeared from the warehouse.

"Interesting! Let me see it with my own eyes..." walindra murmured to himself, and soon pursed up the corners of his mouth with excitement and expectation in his eyes.


At the same time, far away in the main hall of Winterless castle, aribeth is thanking several students who have recovered the magical creatures of deep water city.

Due to their efforts, the plague antidote will be made soon, and Lord Nasir will take this opportunity to win back the hearts of the people.

But unfortunately, reality is often more cruel than any tragic story.

Before aribes handed the reward to the "Heroes" one by one, the room where the antidote was being made suddenly burst into a dazzling red light.

Next second


The incredible energy impact directly overturned the solid castle walls and blew everyone upside down.

When she struggled to get up from the ground, she only saw an unstable portal standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by several mages and priests who helped prepare the antidote, and only two of them were missing.

One of them is naturally her fiance van Swick, and the other is deszel, who is responsible for the preparation of antidotes.

"Hurry... Hurry up... Deszel betrayed us..." a priest of the God of justice told the truth intermittently at the last moment before his death.

"What! Where\'s van Swick? Did he betray him too?" aribes rushed up to him and asked loudly.

But the priest has returned to the embrace of God and can\'t answer any more questions.

"Damn it! Why! Why again!"

Aribeth\'s mood obviously lost control again, ignored the wounded, and jumped into the portal with a ferocious expression.

She didn\'t know that at the moment she jumped, the unique holy light belonging to the paladin had disappeared and was replaced by a strong, unknown and cold smell.

"She... She... She\'s fallen! Mrs. aribeth de timaland has fallen!" a young Paladin began to tremble and couldn\'t accept what his eyes saw.

You know, with beautiful appearance, strong skills and unwavering faith, aribes has long been no longer a simple Paladin, but the idol of the whole Winterless city.

It is because of her existence that so many young people are willing to join the ranks of paladins.

But now, the holy and beautiful image in the eyes of countless people has collapsed, and the spiritual impact can be imagined.

In just a few minutes, the divine grace of many young paladins has been weakening, which is obviously the result of the shaking of faith.


It\'s never difficult for paladins!

On the contrary, if we do a paladin survey in the whole continent of Fallon, we will find that two-thirds of paladins have fallen, and another third have directly turned to evil and become dark guards.

Many evil gods\' churches are too lazy to train their own dark guards. They just need to set up a game to lure young paladins who have just started.

But aribeth\'s fall is different!

She was not tempted by something she couldn\'t resist, but stretched the last string in the process of accumulating fatigue and pressure.

Although she and her fiance do not have the enviable sweet love as outsiders think.

But in her mind, van Swick is like family and relatives, which belongs to spiritual dependence and comfort.

But now, this important dependence has a problem, and all the negative emotions in her heart can no longer be suppressed, pouring out