All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 904

There is no doubt that it is impossible for Zhang Cheng to hide such things as Wudong Castle sending a large number of students around the city to inquire about the trace of magical creatures.

Less than an hour\'s effort, including the names, ages, races, occupations, experiences, personalities and other details of these students, was compiled into a volume and placed on the desk.

After a brief look, he threw the information aside, smiled and said, "don\'t worry about these guys. They can do whatever they want. Just send someone to watch. In addition, recently, pay more attention to the Embassy in deepwater city. I think those people must be spies of the Harper alliance."

"Laissez faire? Sir, with all due respect, these people are loyal to Lord Nasir. Once they find the magical creatures in deep water city and create an antidote to the plague, it will not be a good thing for us." an old man who looks more than 60 years old took the initiative to bend down and bow.

He was no one else, but the ambitious and speculator who stood up and helped form the church.

"Antidote? No, believe me, it\'s not that easy. What\'s more, even if they can make antidotes? Most people in this city have accepted my simplified version of the plague antidote. Even if they study something better, it will only cost me less. Wouldn\'t it be better if we just grab it and distribute it directly to the citizens?" Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

You should know that the plague antidote he provided is only an inhibitory drug, which can not eradicate the plague.

If the infected person does not drink after a period of time, the plague lurking in the body will still recur.

Of course, this is not the antidote he can\'t do to completely cure the plague, but to better control the ignorant people and make them carry out hypnotic hints in the process of taking the antidote again and again until the other party completely becomes a blind fanatic believer.

"Well, now that you have made a decision, I\'ll tell you later. As for the Embassy of deepwater City, please don\'t worry. Their every move is under our surveillance. Every citizen of this city is your eyes and ears." the old man promised.

"Very good! Remember, don\'t act rashly recently, and don\'t stimulate the Church of Lord Nasir and the God of justice hiding in the Winterless castle. Wait patiently, and they will be disintegrated from the inside soon. At that time, we just need to guide the public opinion a little..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng raised his hands and made an upward movement.

"Boom! The fear, resentment and anger accumulated by the people of the whole Winterless city will be released like a hot flame, and then the Pearl of the north will completely fall into evil."

"As you wish, my great and wise master." the old man lay on the ground and gently kissed Zhang Cheng\'s robe, and then carefully left the room backwards.

Watching his background gradually disappear at the end of the corridor, Jesse, who hid in a dark corner and waited for a long time, came out and reported with a dignified expression: "the latest news, valindra has left luscan. If there is no accident, she will arrive at Winterless City Wharf at midnight today at the latest."

"Oh? Is she here at last? Yes, it seems that the whole plan is going well." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and nodded with satisfaction.

"Smooth? I don\'t think so! You know? Just over an hour ago, a man put a cold dagger around my neck and asked me to convey the news to you. You\'d better not make any accident, or I won\'t go with you to death." Jesse\'s voice trembled, obviously frightened.

But no wonder!

As an assassin proficient in assassination, she was found by putting a dagger around her neck, which almost means a huge gap between the two.

If the other party wants, he can cut his throat at any time and let her die of suffocation or excessive blood loss.

"Hehe, don\'t worry, as I mentioned before, luscan is an ally, and there will be no bloody conflict between us. What do you think, dear Artemis ntrelli." as he said, Zhang Cheng looked behind the statues in the corner of the room.

"Ah! You\'re right! But the premise is that you must first prove your identity."

With a low hoarse voice, a man in a gray cloak left the cover of the shadow and appeared in the living room.

Compared with a few years ago, the killer looked more gloomy, and the whole person seemed like a dark fog, which could disappear from his sight at any time.

"Proof? How do you want me to prove it? If I remember correctly, I gave you a bottle of magic potion, which made you get faster speed and physical coordination. Now let me see how much you have improved."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng immediately disappeared from his chair!

Next second


A crisp sound of metal collision reverberated in the air.

Holding a knife for cutting fruit in his hand, he forced the famous entrelli of the whole continent back several steps.

"Blinking magic?!" the killer raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"No! It\'s not magic! It\'s another power." Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head, and took the initiative to attack again.

Ding! Ding! When! When!

In just half a minute, the two had fought for dozens of rounds. The speed was so fast that they couldn\'t see the movements and figures at all. They could only barely see the golden sparks splashed after the collision between the residual image and the weapon.

Such a fierce and amazing confrontation, not to mention Jesse, even if the Dark Elf Ranger trist comes, he will kneel down and sing conquest in a few seconds.

With the energy flowing in the nerve conduction system and muscles, ntrelli is no longer who she was in those days. It can even be said that she has stood at the apex of the mortal soldiers of the whole continent of Fallon.

Zhang Cheng, on the other hand, constantly strengthened and transformed this fragile body with the divine power transformed from his belief. At present, he can almost reach the level of immunity to magic weapon attacks below + 3.

As for strength and reaction speed, more than half a month ago, they could not be regarded as human beings and stepped into the level of gods.

Since neither side has the intention to leave their hands, the battle process looks both thrilling and exciting.

But ntrelli was mortal anyway. In only two or three minutes, her explosive power began to decline rapidly. She panted and half knelt on the ground, grinned and said, "it\'s really you! But I think you seem to be getting weaker."

"Getting weaker? No, no, no, my dear friend, I\'m not getting weaker, but I\'m becoming too strong to come, so I have to use the conscious projection. How, are you ready to give a fatal blow to the deep water city and those self righteous gods?"

"Ha ha! Of course! An epic battle! That\'s what I\'m after!"
