All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 903

Wudong college, once the pride of Wudong City, is a comprehensive school willing to open the door to civilians to teach all kinds of knowledge, magic and martial arts.

Although the number of students enrolled has been small due to the scarcity of teachers, many people still flock to it.

Most importantly, the college has continuously cultivated all kinds of talents for Lord Nasir.

Although the college has been forced to close down under the double attack of plagues and riots, the best part of it has been kept intact, with more than a dozen experienced teachers and dozens of graduates.

Standing on the ground floor of Winterless castle, aribeth was looking at these young people who were still willing to work for Lord Nasir with gratifying eyes.

After all, being betrayed by the people of the whole city is a great blow to all future generations, including Lord Nasir, whether psychological or material.

If the Winterless castle had not always had food stored for war, it is estimated that there would be no second choice except the gloomy departure of gray head and gray face.

Because the insidious Zhang Cheng completely cut off the food supply to the winter Free castle, no businessmen and people are willing to sell the already very tight food to a group of losers who have been ordered to be expelled.

However, with the arrival of the Deepwater City Mission and the completion of the plague antidote, aribes believes that he will turn defeat into victory and win the support of the people of Winterless city again.

Just as she was about to say something to the expectant students, a strong wave of spatial energy suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Then one portal after another was opened, and countless goblins rushed out. Without saying a word, they began to kill those students who had not responded.

What\'s more, behind the goblins, there are several masked human spell casters.

Compared with the former who can only make trouble and destroy, the latter is the real threat. In just a few seconds, they use magic to disturb the whole underground hall.

"Calm down! Take up arms! Kill these invaders!" aribeth reminded loudly, drawing out his sword and joining the battle.

As a paladin who believes in the God of justice, she has fought with many spell casters in the evil camp. She knows that the best way to deal with the mage is not to be afraid. Even if she is injured, she should chase the enemy crazy attack to ensure that she can\'t sing spells without vultures.

You know, whether it\'s the magic of rebounding damage or the magic of completely protecting against physical attack, generally speaking, it won\'t last too long.

Once this kind of magic disappears, the next time is to fight back.

It has to be said that aribeth de timaland is indeed an excellent melee professional and knows her own strengths and weaknesses.

In the blink of an eye, she chopped two masked mages to the ground.

As for those timid goblins, they had long been slaughtered by the students and teachers, leaving only corpses everywhere and the strong smell of blood in the air.

But before they could catch their breath, a guard covered with blood rushed in from the outside and shouted, "madam! The whole basement is full of goblins and invaders of unknown origin! They robbed even the magical animals sent by deep water city to make plague antidotes."

"What?!" aribeth suddenly changed his face and ran in the direction of the exit.

She could not believe that such a huge mistake had been made at this critical moment.

Without the magical creatures sent by the deep water city, the plague antidote can not be made. If the plague antidote can not be made, it will not be able to win the trust of the people again, let alone regain the rule of the winter free city.

In addition, according to the information provided by the harpist alliance, the powerful luscan in the north is also ready to move, and it is possible to start a war southward at any time.

Due to the intervention of Zhang Cheng, the situation of Wudong city is miserable. If you are careless, you will fall into the abyss.

However, like a sentence often mentioned in many stories, no matter how strong the castle is, it can\'t resist the attack from the inside.

When aribes came to the exit, he only saw his fiance fanswick and deszel fighting with several masked mages and goblins, and the magical creatures from deep water city were sent away by another mage.


Watching the destruction of the soon to be successful plague antidote, her brain was immediately dominated by anger. She rushed forward with an arrow and waved a long sword like the God of war. She killed all the remaining enemies without leaving a living mouth.

In particular, the large amount of blood stained on his armor filled the paladin who should have been calm and wise with a sense of disobedience.

"Aribes? Are you all right?" van Swick noticed something and hurriedly called his fiancee\'s name.

"Of course I\'m fine! What\'s wrong is the whole Winterless city! Come on! Act now, we must find the whereabouts of the four creatures immediately!" aribes roared angrily.

I don\'t know why, she always felt that there was a burning flame in her heart, and she couldn\'t control her emotions.

Deszel on one side undoubtedly found this. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly and flashed a hint of imperceptible fun. He immediately echoed: "yes! We must recover the antidote! However, since the people in Wudong city are not friendly to us, I suggest it\'s best to hire those college students to complete this task."

"Hire students?" van Swick was stunned.

"Yes! Hire students! Many of them have met the graduation requirements. It\'s time to contribute to Winterless city. I believe no one will object as long as the salary is high enough." deszel explained with a serious look.

"That makes sense! I\'ll talk to those students now!"

Without realizing that a huge conspiracy had come, aribes turned around and returned to the underground of the castle to find the students who had survived the emergency just now.

Not long after her front foot left, deszel took van Swick\'s hand and said in a low voice, "my dear friend, I don\'t know if you find out. Aribeth\'s mood is a little abnormal recently. She will go astray sooner or later."

"No! Aribes will not degenerate! Like me, she is the most devout believer of the God of justice. Only recently, she has been under too much pressure, so she is more impatient. Believe me, when the situation calms down, she will soon return to normal." van Swick defended his fiancee.

"Oh, well, I believe you. But you have to understand that women sometimes need care. You have to find a way to help her share the pressure."

"I... what should I do?"

"Naturally, take the initiative to take some responsibilities. Come with me. Making antidotes is not only enough for the four magical creatures, but also a lot of complex preparations."
