All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 902

The city of thousands of sails - luscan, the northernmost city on the west coast of the whole continent of Fallon, a place once controlled by evil mages, is full of chaos, crime and illegal trade.

However, since May 1357 in the valley calendar, a terrible military coup completely changed the city after the Allied war between the Mathematical Olympiad brotherhood ruling luscan and the winter free city and deep water city.

The Mathematical Olympiad Brotherhood was forced to dissolve and reorganize, from a caster organization keen on internal fighting to a light of secret Dharma with stronger strength and closer organizational structure.

The army with chaotic command system was also forcibly divided into two parts. One part is the urban defense army to maintain public security and daily patrol in the city, which is mainly composed of human beings and under the jurisdiction of the city hall. The other part is composed of orcs, orcs, barbarians and giants of different varieties who drink the devil\'s blood. There are even several white dragons, mainly responsible for foreign wars.

In addition, the Navy swept the whole Jianwan Bay. Any merchant ship passing through here must pay expensive tolls, otherwise it will be ruthlessly attacked and plundered.

When the Deepwater city and Winterless City fleets were completely destroyed, they only had to pay honestly and did not dare to make any provocative moves at all.

Similarly, the guild led by Artemis ntrelli is also taking active action to eliminate harpists, santalin and other intelligence organizations who want to put their tentacles in, and establish strongholds on the enemy\'s territory to collect useful information.




This is the new luscan created by Zhang Cheng!

After his disappearance, several people with great power did not quarrel over the distribution of rights. Instead, they took the initiative to set up a round table parliament to clearly divide their areas of responsibility, so as to ensure that they can continue to suppress the surrounding areas, slowly develop and grow, and establish a country worthy of the name.

As it happens, today is the regular time for a round table meeting every month.

As the leader of the light of the secret law and the brain of the city, valindra is always the first to arrive, sitting alone in a chair waiting for others to arrive.

Xini, a former female apprentice, stood beside her, staring at the blue sky, white clouds and the sea outside the window, and didn\'t know what she was thinking.

The second one present was Artemis ntrelli.

As usual, he is always used to staying in the dark corner of the room silently, rarely expressing his opinions, let alone sitting in a chair.

Soon, the supreme commander of the army, the evil Orc gar, also arrived. He sat down carelessly and began to drink the liquor he carried with him. His two scarlet eyes glanced at the two female mages opposite from time to time.

Although he had not fought a war for a long time, he was still a powerful soldier, emitting a strong smell of blood all over.

As for the fourth present, Ian, who is the actual controller of the Navy and has the title of "pirate king".

As a half dragon warrior, he has a long life, so he can\'t see the traces of the erosion of years. He smiled and greeted everyone present.

Just when Gar and others were impatient and wanted to say something, gildan, the last person in charge of municipal management, finally arrived.

The guy who was born as a sergeant has long lost the spirit of daring to fight and fight. He has gained enough weight for two or three circles and has a beautiful goatee on his chin. He is no different from those smart nobles and politicians.

"Cough! Now that everyone is here, let\'s start today\'s meeting." valindra coughed hard and announced on her own initiative.

"Damn it! What else are you talking about? Give me the authorization directly, and my army will level the winter city." Gar threw the empty wine bottle aside and shouted.

Rather than intrigue, he prefers to crush the enemy with unparalleled strength and let the opponent collapse in pain and despair.

"Don\'t worry! The city hall hasn\'t finished the war mobilization! We need time to raise food and all kinds of materials! Do you think the war can be fought casually?" gildan was the first to stand up and retort.

You should know that although after several years of stable development and a large number of people fled here in turbulent years, Luskan has become a big city with a population of more than 100000, and the surrounding farms built by slaves and self-employed farmers are also continuously producing food, it is not easy to support the deployment of tens of thousands of people.

"Pirate king" Ian shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "my fleet is ready to attack the ports of Winterless city and deepwater city at any time, and even completely block their sea transportation lines."

"What about the silver moon city alliance? Has alastro changed recently?" valindra directly looked at the killer in charge of intelligence work.

Ntrelli ignored the problem, walked directly out of the dark corner, put a gold coin on the table and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "before discussing this, I think it\'s necessary for you to take a look at this."

"A unique gold coin?" gildan frowned subconsciously.

He didn\'t have any magic talent at all. He couldn\'t see the particularity of this gold coin at all.

But walindra\'s pupil suddenly contracted, carefully picked up the coin and put it in the palm of her hand to feel the energy contained in it. Then she suddenly stood up and shouted with ecstasy: "it\'s the master! It\'s the power of the master! He\'s finally back!"

"What?!" Sydney rushed forward with an arrow and grabbed the gold coin from walinder\'s hand. After a few seconds, she trembled and muttered, "my God! It\'s really the master! I knew those despicable gods could not defeat him! He is the most powerful dragon in the world!"

"Ha ha! Winterless city and deep water city! Prepare to tremble in front of the master! We will win this war!" Gar laughed excitedly.

Compared with other people\'s gaffes, Ian was much calmer and asked directly, "where did this coin come from? If the owner really returned, why didn\'t he appear directly in front of us?"

"In fact, this coin was sent by a tifflin named Jesse. She now controls the beggar\'s nest in Winterless city and works for a 13-year-old boy named Benny. As far as I know, the gold coin was made by the boy." ntry facade gave his intelligence source without emotion.

"A 13-year-old boy? You mean... He\'s the master we\'ve been secretly looking for?" walindra also seemed to notice something was wrong, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"I\'m not sure. But according to that tifflin, her master wants to meet you directly. By the way, the 13-year-old boy has been elected the new Lord of Winterless City, and has issued an expulsion order to Lord Nasir and the Church of the God of justice."