All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 901

"Congratulations! Your plan is successful. How about it? What\'s it like to be Lord of Winterless city?" Jesse, wearing a red dress, took a glass and glanced at the nobles and rich businessmen celebrating the victory in the hall.

As for those poor civilians, like the bottom of society in all the world, they were excluded from the feast of power alternation from the beginning.

Because no matter which interest group becomes the ruler, the status of ordinary people as the exploited class will never change.

"Success? No! My plan has just begun! As for the status of Lord of winter city, it\'s just a tool to achieve my goal." Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

There is no doubt that it is easier for a conspiracy master like him to set off a rebellion in the small Winterless city than to eat and drink water.

Moreover, Lord Nasir is not alastro of silver moon city. The latter not only has unparalleled powerful spell casting ability and personality charm, but also is very smart enough to deal with all kinds of despicable means.

In fact, Lord Nasir is not a qualified ruler. He is just lucky to get the support of the Tyr church, the God of justice. In addition, deep water city needs an iron ally to stop Luskan\'s expansion. I=

Not enough political wisdom!

Lack of strong ruling skills!

There is no personal charm enough to convince the people!

Even the strong physique and fighting skills trained in the original adventure are retreating with the increase of age!

Everything has proved that this old man is not worthy to be Zhang Cheng\'s opponent.

The gap between them is like a small earth bag on the side of the road and Mount Everest. There is no comparability at all. Failure is simply a normal result. There is nothing to be surprised about.

"What are you going to do next? According to the information I got, luscan in the North seems to be aware of something and is planning an attack on Winterless city. You\'d better be prepared." Jesse couldn\'t help telling the bad news he just got.

At present, she has become a true underground queen of the beggar\'s nest. She doesn\'t want any large-scale unrest to lead to her loss of her existing status.

"Oh? Has luscan finally taken action?" Zhang Cheng\'s mouth tilted slightly and showed a playful smile.

The last time he came to the world as a giant dragon, he left a very rich secondary production for luscan.

Whether it is the caster organization renamed "light of secret Dharma" after integration and a large number of mages transformed into dragon people, or the violent army under Gar who drank the blood of the abyss Lord, it is enough to set off a terrible storm in the north.

However, Jesse obviously didn\'t know this. With a dignified face, he warned: "don\'t underestimate luscan! They are different from before! Even the silver moon alliance and the Harper alliance dare not easily get close to the sphere of influence controlled by luscan. With the military power of Winterless City, it is impossible to confront luscan alone. We need allies, very, very powerful allies."

"Ha ha! No, dear. On the contrary, luscan is our ally." Zhang Cheng took a gold coin out of his arms and injected a unique mixed energy into it.

After a while, the coin showed a strange pattern like a dragon scale.

He slipped the coin directly into Jesse and said meaningfully, "send someone to give it to valindra."

"Walindra? The leader of the light of the secret law!" Jesse\'s eyes widened with an unbelievable expression.

"That\'s right! Do you think that\'s the only piece I control? No, I have more pieces than you think." after saying that, Zhang Cheng took a sip of the best wine from his glass, and his only intact eyes were as calm and deep as lake water.

"Who the hell are you?" Jesse Xian finally couldn\'t help asking the question hidden in the bottom of her heart for a long time.

Although she had long realized that this strange boy was definitely not Benny, the timid pickpocket, she never thought that the other party was still in contact with the senior management of luscan.

"Does it matter who I am?" Zhang Cheng put down his glass and shook his head with a smile. "No, it\'s not important at all. You just need to know that if you do your job well, you can get unexpected returns, and you don\'t need to know too much about others. In addition, don\'t try to guess my behavior from the perspective of mortals. The things that ordinary people dream of, such as power, money, honor and so on, are not fundamentally different from garbage in my eyes 。”

Hearing this, Jesse subconsciously frowned, "so what do you want?"

"Sorry, what I want is not easy to express in words. Besides, you may not understand it even if you say it. Well, I think we\'ll stop talking and give the coin to valindra for me as soon as possible. If I guess correctly, Lord Nasir will not be willing to fail, and deepwater city doesn\'t want to lose a bridgehead against luscan, In the end, we have to speak with strength. I intend to perform a big play with luscan to completely annihilate the reinforcements sent by deepwater city and give them an impressive lesson. "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng made no secret of his malice towards deepwater city.

He plans to use a terrible massacre to bleed the most powerful overlord on the west coast of the continent of Fallon. The other side of the province always likes to meddle when they are full.

"I see!" Jesse leaned slightly with one hand on his chest, then turned and disappeared into the crowd.

As soon as she left her front foot, a dark figure came out of the corner and asked in a low voice, "are you sure that this tifflin won\'t betray and hand over such an important thing to her?"

"No, she won\'t, because she doesn\'t have the courage. What, have you found the traces of those reptiles?" Zhang Chengtou asked without answering.

"It\'s already wired! But I\'m a little curious. How did you find out that their activities are so secret?" the tone of the shadow revealed strong doubt and confusion.

"If I said I had the ability to predict the future, would you believe it?"

"I don\'t know! But my intuition tells me that you didn\'t lie."

"Then trust your intuition. You\'d better be careful. The creator race is not an easy guy to deal with. Their magic power is old and powerful, which is not comparable to that of ordinary mages."

"I\'m not an idiot! I won\'t fight the enemy easily! I\'m the eyes and ears in the dark. I only record what I see and hear."
