All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 900

Rumor is the most effective, despicable, vicious and lowest cost smear trick in the world.

Especially when it is aimed at a person, it can always produce unimaginable terrible power. It can even say the black into white and then wipe the white into black until the rumored person breaks down and has a strong suicidal impulse.

In fact, because the channels for people to receive information are not really in their own hands, they are easy to be fooled and lame, and take the initiative to become the disseminator and accomplice of rumors.

Unfortunately, no one really realized the power of rumors in the mainland of Phelan. Therefore, when there was a rumor that Lord Nasir triggered the plague in the city, the soldiers responsible for maintaining order did not pay much attention.

After all, the plague is so terrible that almost everyone has lost one or two relatives and friends. It is reasonable to vent their dissatisfaction with the rulers.

However, within a few days, the spread of rumors began to expand, and more and more people participated in the discussion, and the attitude of citizens began to become strange.

It was not until one day that the rulers of Winterless city realized the seriousness of the problem when a little boy threw a stone and hit the head of Lord Nasir who went out to inspect the people\'s situation, which triggered a fierce conflict between the people and the guards.

Then the bishop and paladin of Tyr, the God of justice, tried to explain to the angry people that the rumors were not true at all.

But it\'s too late!

With the help of Zhang Cheng\'s sects, the already precarious situation suddenly subsided.

Finally, the poor Lord Nasir couldn\'t control the location of the city center. He had to hide in the closed gate of the castle and hope that the deep-water city would study the antidote as soon as possible, and then calm the people\'s anger and restore its rule.

But he didn\'t know that when he entered the castle to isolate himself from the outside world, a terrible cleaning broke out in the Black Lake area.

Tiffany Jesse from the beggar\'s nest, with his assassins, sneaked into the homes of believers of the God of justice or diehard supporters of Lord Nasir with the help of the sewers extending in all directions, and ruthlessly cut down the roots.

When all this dust settled, Zhang Cheng no longer disguised his identity as the underground king of the beggar\'s nest. At the same time, he held a party in the name of Mandan in order to elect a new ruler of Winterless city.

His excuse is very simple, which is the content of the rumor. By the way, he also pointed out that Lord Nasir hiding in the Winterless castle is a real scum. He only knows to ensure his own life and safety, regardless of the people\'s life and death, and is not worthy to continue to rule the city.

As a responsible and compassionate aristocrat, he is willing to donate all the food in the warehouse to ensure that every family will have at least one meal a day.

Have to say!

Rumors seriously hurt opponents, and then win over stupid people through a large number of seemingly selfless donations. This shameless routine is about to be played by politicians, but countless people will buy it every time.

As a result, it was no surprise that a boy who appeared to be only 13 years old was elected as the new Lord of Winterless city.

As for poor Nasir, of course, he was ruthlessly abandoned. Even more than half of the guards defected on the spot and were no longer willing to support him.

For ordinary people facing the dual threat of plague and hunger, who can provide food and antidote, they will choose who will rule themselves.

Therefore, under Zhang Cheng\'s deliberate disregard, the sect that believes in him secretly expanded rapidly. In just half a month, it actually included more than half of the population of the whole city, and even began to squeeze the living space of the Theil church, the God of justice.

Finally, a deportation declaration signed by nobles, businessmen and citizens was sent to Lord Nasir hiding in winter castle.

The once famous adventurer and outstanding soldier picked up the parchment scroll with trembling hands, looked from head to tail, then smashed the table and roared angrily: "Asshole! Traitor! How dare they! I built this city myself! No one can take it away from me! Army! Where is my army? I want to put an end to the rebellion! I want to catch them and hang them all!"

"Hanging? Do you want to hang more than half of the city\'s population? It is not us who betrayed the city! But you! Look at you now. Where is the courage to be brave in those years? From the outbreak of the plague to now, you have been hiding like a coward. Winterless City does not need such a Lord. We need a lord who can really lead us out of pain and suffering Despairing leader. "The envoy representing Zhang Cheng raised his chin high and his tone was full of contempt.

"Lord Nasir has been trying to relieve the plague! He sent out a request for help to the deep water city, and the archmages will soon work out the antidote." aribeth, standing aside, couldn\'t help but stand up to defend the object of his loyalty.

"Sorry, madam, we can\'t wait that long. In addition, I need to officially inform you that this city will no longer believe in the God of justice, Tel, and you and your God have also been expelled." the messenger sneered and said something that made many people present angry.

You know, it\'s very humiliating for a God to be expelled from a certain place. If not, it will trigger a series of chain reactions.

"Are you serious?" a bearded bishop stood up and asked loudly.

The messenger nodded without hesitation: "yes! This is the will of all the people of Winterless city! You have failed the city! You have failed the citizens living here! Now, we don\'t need you anymore! Please leave!"

"Good! I promise you will regret today\'s stupid decision!" the bishop jumped out of his mouth word by word, emitting powerful divine energy all over his body.

"Regret? No! The only thing we regret is that we didn\'t drive you incompetent people away earlier! Declare that I have arrived. Please leave the territory of Winterless city within a month."

Then the messenger turned and walked out of the castle gate with his head held high.

Through the long corridor, the people waiting outside could be heard to burst into warm cheers, as if they had won a big battle.

"Damn it! Why did this happen?" Lord Nasir kicked over the table, his eyes bloodshot.

He couldn\'t believe why a beloved self was suddenly hostile to the people and even reduced to the degree of expulsion.

"Calm down, my friend, there must be some conspiracy behind this matter. Do we have a month to go? We will solve the plague in this month, and then investigate the boy called Benny to find out who he is and what devil or devil is behind it."

"Yes! First of all, we must solve the plague! Prove that we are not incompetent!"

"I\'ll go to Shenshui city myself to see how far the antidote has been developed."
