All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 897

The temple is the sanctuary of the gods in the material world, a place to publicize the thoughts and ideas of the gods, and a gathering place for believers to pray and donate. It represents the supreme majesty of divine power.

Generally speaking, unless it is a devil, a believer of the devil, or some evil monster, there is rarely a siege of the temple in Phelan.

In particular, Lord Nasir, the nominal ruler of Wudong City, is also a believer in the God of justice. The mainstream belief of the whole city is the God of justice, Theil, and its influence permeates all aspects of the ruling structure. Even many bureaucrats and soldiers are priests and paladins of the God of justice.

So the priest in the temple of the beggar\'s nest never understood what he had done wrong, which caused so much public anger.

Looking at the chaotic scene below the steps of the temple, he couldn\'t help sighing and said to the senior priest who came to investigate the situation: "do you see? These damn poor people don\'t know what they have been bewitched. They have besieged the temple for half a month, not to mention the believers. Even those who came to listen to the teachings in the past have disappeared."

"They just stood outside and never rushed in?" the senior priest subconsciously frowned.

Because of this strange situation, he couldn\'t help thinking of some intrigues.

"Yes, no one rushed in. But the problem is that they cut off the water and food sources of the temple. No one in the whole beggar\'s nest is willing to provide us with food and drink, so we can\'t even clean the temple right now." the young priest\'s face was full of sadness.

But no wonder!

He originally thought that coming to the beggar\'s nest to spread teachings was an easy and qualified job. Most of the poor didn\'t even know a word. Coupled with their natural fear of the gods, they could easily harvest a large number of believers.

But the tragic reality broke the ridiculous idea.

Let alone believers, it is a problem whether the whole temple can be maintained or not.

"Hey, it\'s not your fault, boy. Let\'s go and go back first. I don\'t think it\'s that simple. Maybe aribeth de timaland should send someone to investigate it himself." the senior priest was obviously more rational and didn\'t mean to blame the younger generation, let alone get angry.

"Thank you very much for your understanding! Please wait a moment. I need to pack up."


As the beggar\'s nest and the poor collectively besieged the temple of the God of justice, the senior management of Wudong city finally realized the seriousness of the problem, hurriedly sent people to investigate, and even hired some bold adventurers.

But who knows, this place, which was originally just a gathering place for the poor, has now been run into an iron wall.

Before they found out anything, Jesse organized people to kick them out. Those unknown adventure teams didn\'t even have a chance to go out alive. The body was thrown into the sewer and eaten by rats.

By concluding a community of interests, Zhang Cheng has turned this place into his own kingdom. Those who are honest and willing to cooperate can receive free food at least every day, but if they don\'t cooperate, the whole family will evaporate.

No one knows whether these people were killed or sold to slave traders.

When Lord Nasir was furious and wanted to send a large number of guards to clean up the beggar\'s nest, a terrible plague suddenly broke out in Wudong city.

In less than a few weeks, the plague spread to every corner of the city, and hundreds of patients crowded the temple of Tyr in the center of the city.

For a moment, the people were in a panic, and the prices of various drugs were soaring.

Especially after the Municipal Council ordered to close the city gate and isolate the circulation between various regions, even the price of grain was out of control, so that the famous winter city college had to be closed temporarily.

It seems that overnight, the former prosperous Pearl of Beidi has become a place of chaos.

Under the terrorist threat of death, the dark side of human nature was released to the greatest extent, and all kinds of vicious crimes were committed together. Finally, there were too many prisoners to fit in the prison.

Feeling the panic and despair revealed by the whole city, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help raising his mouth slightly and said to Jesse standing in front of him, "it\'s time to enter the next stage. Tell all the residents of the beggar\'s nest that at the beginning, whoever is willing to give faith can get food and medicine to resist the plague."

"Faith?! are you going to be a God?" tifflin was surprised and his pupils contracted suddenly.

"Become a God? No, I just want to do an experiment, an experiment about faith and gods. Remember, let them kneel down and pray to the gods. If someone glows red, it means he is a liar. For such people, make an example directly and never rest." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkle with a deep light.

Except for himself, no one in the world can understand the great significance behind the experiment, not even the gods.

"I see! I\'ll get it done." Jesse took the medicine and bowed deeply.

There is no doubt that such eyes made her feel scared, as if she were an ant stared at by a dragon.

"Relax, don\'t be so nervous. I promise that when the plague is over, you will replace me as the underground queen of the beggar\'s nest." Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand and gently stroked each other\'s smooth cheeks.

After months of careful preparation, he finally revealed his sharp fangs and planned to complete the experiment with the help of the plague.

Since there is no temple of the God of justice in the beggar\'s nest, no matter what you do inside, you don\'t have to worry about being noticed by the outside world.

After all, at present, all the attention of Wudong city is focused on treating patients and preventing the unbridled spread of the plague. How can we have the energy to estimate others.

"I\'ll replace you?!" Jesse raised her head sharply, her eyes full of shock.

"That\'s right! Maybe in your opinion, the underground king of the beggar\'s nest is a title full of power and glory, but for me, it\'s like weeds and wild flowers everywhere on the roadside. It\'s nothing to be surprised about. I have a greater goal and will never be limited to a certain place. So when I don\'t need something, I will give it to the most loyal people last time Geng\'s men. "Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully while gently fiddling with each other\'s thick hair.

Because it is only a projection of consciousness, he is in a relationship of extreme spiritual relaxation from beginning to end.

The reason is very simple. Even if someone finds something and runs to kill him, the most is that consciousness returns to the noumenon, which can\'t cause any substantive damage at all.

Titan\'s vitality is too strong to feel any threat.

Maybe it was because of this that Sargeras was accidentally defeated by Medivh\'s mother Magna aegwen