All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 898

At night, in the basement of a civilian house in the beggar\'s nest, there were more than 40 poor people in rags.

They have one thing in common, that is, they are constantly coughing and their faces are covered with unhealthy flushing.

You don\'t have to ask. This is the primary symptom of the plague. Before long, everyone will start to have fever, nausea and vomiting according to their constitution. In serious cases, they will fall into a coma and eventually lose their lives.

So far, there is no priest or magic potion in the whole Winterless city to treat it.

Let alone treatment, we can\'t even alleviate the symptoms. The streets are full of bodies died of plague. The only thing the guards can do is keep burning.

Looking at these poor people whose eyes were numb and almost waiting to die, Jesse took a deep breath, pointed to a statue in the middle and said, "I believe you already know what to do next! Yes, as long as you want the great Benny to offer faith, I will give you the antidote to cure the plague."

"Really? Is there really an antidote?" a middle-aged man in his forties raised his head suddenly.

"That\'s right! Do you see the liquid medicine emitting blue light behind you? As long as you drink it, you will get rid of the pain and return to health." Jesse pointed to the translucent liquid that hit the glass test tube not far away.

Plague antidote!

Now the whole Winterless city is looking for something crazy!

It is said that Lord Nasir sent a call for help to the traditional ally deepwater City, hoping to develop a method to eliminate the plague with the help of each other\'s advantages in magic.

It can be said that whoever now has the antidote will become a hero in the eyes of the residents of the whole winter free city. He can not only obtain unimaginable huge wealth, but also get the gratitude of the people and unimaginable reputation at the same time.

"Antidote! Give me antidote! As long as it can be my son, I am willing to give everything, even my own soul!" another young mother holding the child was excited and trembled.

"I\'d love to!"

"Give me a bottle!"


No one wants to die casually if he can live, even if he can enter the kingdom of gods and enjoy inexhaustible food and wine after death.

Feeling these people who tried their best to catch the last straw, Jesse stood beside the statue and shouted, "shut up! Come one by one! Kneel down and pray piously to the statue. If it recognizes you, you can get the antidote to the plague for free."

"I! I\'ll come first!" the first middle-aged man who spoke took the lead to rush forward, knelt down and said with a pious praise: "great Benny! You are the only faith in my heart! You are the only true God in the world..."

But before he finished, a red light fell from the sky.

"Hum! Fool! How dare you try to muddle through by lying?" Jesse sneered, pulled out the dagger and wiped it on the other party\'s neck.


Scarlet blood splashed everywhere, and soon the ground was completely red.

As for the middle-aged man, he tried to struggle at the beginning, but soon lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a plop, turning into a warm body.

Jesse gently wiped the blood on the dagger and gave a warning without raising her head: "if someone wants to cheat the antidote with performance, I advise you to die early. Who\'s next?"

"I\'ll come!"

The young mother holding the child took the initiative to step forward, forced herself not to look at the dead body next to her, knelt down on the statue and whispered nervously on her face.

Next second!

Another white light fell from the sky, covering her from head to foot.

Jesse saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction: "you passed the test! Go and get the antidote. Remember, as a believer, you have to come here to pray once a day."

"Thank the great master for his generosity and kindness!" the young mother quickly bent down and bowed again. Then she picked up a bottle of Potion on the table and poured half of it down for herself and her child.

When the cool feeling began to spread around from the stomach, the feeling of nausea, fever and vomiting quickly disappeared and replaced by an unspeakable ease.

The crying baby also calmed down slowly, and the little face full of tears showed a calm that had not been seen in many days.

The plague is cured!

Everyone present noticed this very obvious change, and the mood became extremely excited.

As the saying goes, if there is the first, there is the second, and if there is the second, there is the third

About twenty minutes later, more than forty people all drank the potion and began to kneel piously in front of the statue and read aloud the hymn of praise.

However, if you listen carefully, you will find that these poems were originally taught to believers by the priest of the God of justice. They just changed their names.

If it hadn\'t been for his strong concentration, Jesse would have laughed on the spot.

She even imagined how the priest of the God of justice would react if he saw the scene in front of her?

Directly mad?

Or pull out weapons to destroy these blasphemous poor?


With the antidote of the plague, a sect that worshipped Benny soon grew up in the beggar\'s nest. An ambitious guy helped build the shelf of the church and began to infiltrate the surrounding areas.

Using concealment and strict organizational structure, more and more people have to join in order to survive, and gradually formed a huge force.

With the increasing number of rich businessmen and nobles in the church, they began to join hands in politics, commerce and trade to make profits for themselves and the church.

As a saying goes, nothing in the world is more terrible than religion.

Perhaps the original founders of many sects simply wanted to spread their ideas and ideas to more people.

But when more and more people participate in it, it will inevitably produce interest relations, so as to form a huge interest community.

As the initiator, Zhang Cheng has absorbed and transformed the soul energy, integrated a trace of divinity carried by broken magic crystal into his body, and began to draw strength from faith and evolve towards demigod.

Of course, this process is not achieved overnight and will take a long time.

Just when he calmed down and waited for a good play, the old housekeeper suddenly burst into the room and reported with a smile: "master Benny, miss aribeth de timaland visited and said that she had something important to discuss with you."

"Did she say what\'s important?" Zhang Cheng hid the golden light in his pupils and turned to pretend to be interested.

"I don\'t know, but I think it\'s a good opportunity."

"Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity..."