All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 896

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng\'s sudden spell casting ability frightened Mandan.

After all, in his impression, the illegitimate son began to contact magic after being accepted by himself, and it didn\'t take more than two weeks.

In two weeks, he changed from an ordinary man to a mage who mastered the second ring spell. What an amazing speed!

Not to mention the apprentices in winter college who are called "genius", they belong to the class with the highest talent in the whole continent of Fallon.

You know, learning magic never depends on diligence and hard work, but on innate talent.

If you don\'t have good enough talent, even if you try hard, you will be a low-level mage all your life. You simply can\'t understand the extremely complex theoretical knowledge of high-level magic.

The most typical example is Carl sass, the last great arcane master of netherriel. When he was two years old, he performed his first trick. Later, he learned magic immediately. At the age of 22, he became a great arcane master and stood at the peak of that era. Finally, he invented the unprecedented level 12 magic, which almost replaced the first generation of magic goddess.

Therefore, Mandan has every reason to believe that his chosen successor is also a magical genius, and began to spend a lot of energy on training and teaching him.

Zhang Cheng also failed to disappoint his nominal "father". With endless knowledge in his mind, he reached the level of mastering the four ring arcane in only two and a half months.

At this time, as a level 8 mage, Mandan had no ability to continue teaching, so he had to go into the laboratory under the cemetery alone with extremely complex emotions, envy, jealousy and a little comfort, and began to study the method of transforming himself into a lich.

As he disappeared for several months, the right of the manor gradually transferred to Zhang Cheng, the only heir.

"Master Benny, this is the income and expenditure of the last two months. Please have a look." the old housekeeper respectfully presented a parchment scroll full of accounts with both hands.

"Thirty five thousand gold coins have been recorded this month?" Zhang Cheng glanced at it and immediately showed his surprised expression.

"Of course! The people I arranged have mastered the sugar making method you provided before. They can produce at least five tons of syrup every month. If they are not afraid that expanding the production scale will reveal key technologies, the income can be doubled several times." the old housekeeper explained with a smile.

After listening to this sentence, Zhang Cheng nodded thoughtfully: "good! Just maintain the current scale. Don\'t leak the news."

Obviously, what he came up with was not a tall technology, but just a way to make simple maltose syrup.

You should know that sugar and honey, which can provide sweetness to food, have always been a real luxury in Phelan, especially in the north where the climate is relatively cold.

Compared with refining white sugar from sugarcane or sugar beet, the production method of maltose is relatively simple. Just germinate the wheat, and then add some crops rich in starch such as glutinous rice to boil together. You can get a brown viscous syrup, which can be added to bread and snacks or eaten directly.

The most important thing is that you don\'t have to work hard on complex machinery or train workers. It\'s the only choice to get rich.

"Understand! Please rest assured! I will do my best to protect the secret of the workshop from outsiders." the old housekeeper quickly bent down and bowed.

With the profits brought by maltose syrup getting higher and higher, he was extremely satisfied with the only heir of the family. He wanted to let the romantic Mandan remove the position of home owner.

Of course, this idea can only be thought in my mind, and I dare not put it into practical action at all.

Anyway, Mandan is a noble mage. It\'s as easy for him to kill people in anger as eating and drinking water.

"According to the old rules, send 10000 gold coins to the beggar\'s nest and give it to Jesse. She is now competing for control with the temple of the God of justice and needs some financial assistance." Zhang Cheng threw the parchment scroll aside and gave a direct order.

"I see! I\'ll send someone to deliver the money tomorrow. But I don\'t understand why you are so interested in the beggar\'s nest?" the old housekeeper didn\'t mean to object, but just asked a question.

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile: "Because whoever completely controls the beggar\'s nest controls one-third of the population of Wudong City, which is equivalent to a city in the city. Its political and military significance can never be bought with money. Then, taking the beggar\'s nest as the base, we can slowly expand our power to Gangkou District, Black Lake District and pannisula district. Think about it, if this city has more than three-quarters of the land The land and population are under my control, so how long can Lord Nasir sit? "

"I see! I think I understand your plan. You are obviously more ambitious and courageous than your master. I promise I will never mention this to anyone else."

After that, the old housekeeper stroked his chest with one hand and bowed deeply. He turned and left the room and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.


At the same time, in front of the main hall of the God of justice in the beggar\'s nest, a large group of ragged poor people are waving sticks and stones, constantly shouting curses, and sometimes throw out the stones in their hands and spit on the steps of the temple.

If it were before the turbulent year, this serious blasphemy would probably lead to the advent of the incarnation of the gods, and then directly a massacre.

Never feel that the gods of the good camp are weak and deceptive!

On the contrary, the goodness they advocate is not indulgence and tolerance, but the justice of iron and blood.

However, after the turbulent year, the gods finally realized that the unparalleled power of his majesty IO, the God of God, could not be countered at all. They were all knocked down and walked as a saint. Many gods lost their lives, so no one dared to incarnate easily in the material world.

Fortunately, the siege did not last long. When the sun was about to set, the demonstrators retreated to the dark alleys.

No one noticed that in every alley, people were giving silver coins to these guys.


They didn\'t gather to make trouble for no reason!

It\'s organized! Purposeful trouble!

As one of the behind the scenes, Jesse is hiding in a nearby house. Through the window gap, she appreciates the surprised and angry expressions of the priests and paladins under the God of justice in the temple. Finally, she can\'t help laughing.

While laughing, she did not forget to sneer: "ha ha ha! This is the servant of the great God of justice? It\'s ridiculous! A group of poor people make them in a mess. I think it won\'t be long before these guys can\'t hold up and take the initiative to get out of the beggar\'s nest."

"Hey, hey! You\'re right! But the question is, why should we pay those poor people? Just force them to do so?"

"Idiot! What do you know! If you force them, do you think it will have such an effect now? Benny said that fools will choose to use violence. We are smart people. We should learn to manipulate people\'s hearts with interests..."