All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 895

Why would Mandan want to control the beggar\'s nest?

The answer is simple!

He needs corpses, a lot of corpses, to study and experiment with necromancer magic.

As a typical selfish evil camp mage, he has a very grand goal, that is to transform himself into a lich and obtain eternal life.

Although it is no secret that a high-level caster has been transformed into a lich in Phelan, the problem is that Wudong city belongs to the sphere of influence of the God of justice. Obviously, it is impossible to have this knowledge, so we can only secretly experiment.

If a secret laboratory can be established in the cemetery of the beggar\'s nest, the huge negative energy alone will be inexhaustible.

After making this clear, Zhang Cheng immediately reached an agreement with Mandan. One is responsible for building a secret laboratory and ensuring safety, and the other provides inheritance rights to make it a full member of an aristocratic family, which is used as a springboard to enter the upper class society.

The relationship between the two is not so much a father and son as a mutual use. Blood relationship is only the premise of transaction, and the real link to maintain the relationship is interest.

Otherwise, with so many mistresses and illegitimate children, why did Mandan choose Benny, who became the underground king of the beggar\'s nest?

Of course, neither of the two parties will admit this and still play their respective roles on the surface.

In just two weeks, Mandan took Zhang Cheng to four banquets, introduced him openly to the upper class of Winterless City, and even met the famous Paladin, aribeth de timaland, Lord Nasir\'s right-hand man.

Unfortunately, the magic plague of Winterless city has not yet broken out, so the female Paladin still maintains the image of glory and greatness, and does not fall into darkness to show another side of her soul.

Compared with the seemingly flawless bright side, Zhang Cheng undoubtedly prefers the other party to fall into darkness and be dominated by anger and resentment.

He wanted to know how the God of justice would react when he saw the paladin he personally influenced, wielding a long sword and wantonly killing his followers.



Or are you going to show your broad mind and give it a chance for self salvation?

Either way, he was sure that the God of justice would suffer a great loss.

"Good evening, miss timaland, you are still as beautiful as ever tonight." Zhang Cheng took the initiative to bend down and gently kissed the back of the half elf Paladin\'s hand.

"Thank you for your compliment, Benny." aribes returned with a smile.

I have to say that age is sometimes a perfect cover.

If it was another adult male, she would never allow the other party to be too intimate with herself, but if it was a 13-year-old boy, there was no need to worry too much.

In fact, as a paladin defending order and kindness, she doesn\'t like such a social occasion full of extravagance and degeneration at all, but in order to ensure the safety of Lord Nasir, she has to participate again and again, so that many lecherous people regard it as the goal of hunting beauty.

Seeing that aribes didn\'t want to pay attention to himself, Zhang Cheng immediately stepped aside and silently observed today\'s visitors, especially the priests around Lord sear.

In particular, a Reverend Heim named deszel had a very uncomfortable feeling.

Looking at the actors who had reached the designated position, he sighed involuntarily and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "I really hope that when the magic plague comes, you can give a wonderful performance for the gods that you will never forget. And I can also get the experimental results I want..."

The voice just fell!

Mandan hurried over from a distance, frowned and asked, "you seem to be a little close to that half elf named aribeth recently?"

"Why, does this bother you, father?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"She\'s a paladin of the God of justice! She\'s not with us!" Mandan warned solemnly.

"Hehe, I don\'t think so. Haven\'t you heard? How bright a person is, how dark he is in his heart. I look forward to the day when miss timaland falls into darkness, and then she will become my best helper." Zhang Cheng explained deeply.

"Oh? Are you sure!" Mandan turned and glanced at aribeth, who was talking to her fiance.

"Of course! She will belong to me, whether soul or body." Zhang Cheng\'s tone revealed strong confidence.

"Well, since you are so sure, it\'s OK to try. I have to admit that you are smarter and bolder than when I was young. At least I never wanted to conquer a paladin serving the God of justice." Mandan\'s mouth tilted slightly and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Needless to ask, he mistakenly regarded Zhang Cheng\'s approach to aribes as a normal response of adolescent boys to the strong desire of the beautiful opposite sex.

Zhang Cheng smiled with disapproval and didn\'t try to explain anything.

While the guests were talking around, Mandan quickly lowered his voice and asked, "when will the laboratory I asked you to build deep in the cemetery be completed?"

"One week at the latest, you should be able to use it." Zhang Cheng gave a specific figure without thinking.

After all, now the cemetery is not the place full of dead monsters and evil believers after the outbreak of the magic plague. There are not only tomb guards, but also guards on patrol. Therefore, we can\'t act recklessly without scruples. We must do it secretly.

"OK! I\'ll give you some relevant experimental instruments in two days and transport them directly for me."

Mandan was obviously a little dissatisfied with the speed, but he didn\'t complain.

You should know that a week in mainland Phelan is not seven days, but ten days. There are only three weeks a month, so the progress of the whole project is not efficient.

"Be patient, dear father. As a mage, the biggest enemy is impatience. It is always dangerous to engage in magic research. The more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes."

"You know magic, too?"

"Ah! Yes! In fact, after this period of study, I have become a master of the second ring spell."

With that, Zhang Cheng raised his right hand and gently snapped his fingers.



A silver snake flickering with electric light appeared out of thin air. It not only shuttled between five fingers, but did not hurt a hair.

Mandan saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted, and the whole person seemed to have been fixed by someone. He didn\'t return to his mind for a long time