All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 894

A day passed in the blink of an eye, and the Siddy tavern in the dock area once again welcomed countless sailors who drank and some guys who looked very cautious.

As the largest stronghold of smuggler alliance in the whole Winterless City, it is not only a place for fun, but also a secret trading place.

People who want to avoid high taxes and buy low-priced goods will gather here, and even hold auctions every once in a while to bid for rare magic weapons, equipment and potions with a token currency called smuggler coin.

It can be said that Sidi tavern is like a parasite lying on the economic artery of winter free city. The more it sucks, the less the tax of the city will be.

But all this has nothing to do with Mandan.

He came here today just to meet someone, a boy who gave himself a headache.

Gromin, the loyal Orc guard, followed closely, and drove back the bastards who wanted to take advantage with extremely ferocious eyes.

They walked around the whole tavern two times, one before and one after, and finally sent a relatively small figure in an insignificant corner.

Due to the dim light, Mandan couldn\'t see each other\'s face clearly, but he took the initiative to come close and asked in a uncertain tone, "are you Benny?"

"Yes! Nice to meet you, sir." Zhang Cheng took off his hood and showed a young face.

"What\'s the matter with your eyes?" Mandan frowned subconsciously.

"What do you ask?" Zhang Cheng tapped the eye mask on his left eye and replied with a smile: "I had a little accident and lost one eye."

"Why don\'t you go to the temple and let the priest cure it for you? With the wealth you have now, you can\'t even take out this money?" said Mandan, who reached the opposite side of the table and kept looking up and down.

Although he had made psychological preparations before he came, he could not help feeling a strong Aura now. It was like sitting in front of him was not a 13-year-old boy, but a clever and cunning dangerous element.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "why must we cure it? What I lose is loss. It can let me remember my mistakes and always remind me not to repeat them. As long as I pay one eye, I can get such a huge return. Isn\'t it worth being happy?"

"You are smart, precocious and better than I thought. But before we really start today\'s conversation, I hope we can do a magic test to prove our blood relationship." Mandan looked complex and offered the first request.

Because he knows that if he can\'t confirm that the other party is really selfish, then the next conversation is not tenable.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng nodded and agreed.

There was no doubt that he knew who the mage sitting in front of him was. Similarly, according to the boy\'s residual memory, he inferred that the other party was likely to be the boy\'s biological father.

To Mandan, who was used to self-interest, who obviously didn\'t care about other people\'s feelings, he directly took out a piece of white crystal, cut his finger with a dagger, dropped a drop of blood on it, and then pushed it to Zhang Cheng: "come on! You\'re also the first drop of blood on it!"

Don\'t think this is an ancient blood recognition!

On the contrary!

This is a complex magic device that can distinguish whether the two sides are related by blood. It is often used by nobles to detect whether their children are their own.

After all, the atmosphere in mainland Phelan is so open, and the God of love, shuna, has no sense of shame. She encourages men and women to release their nature, not be bound by marriage, and enjoy the rest of the body.

Therefore, it has almost become a popular fashion for noble men to have an affair, keep mistresses and visit brothels.

And women are unwilling to show weakness, raise their faces, have a close relationship with the guards who protect themselves, and occasionally have a vigorous love game with young handsome artists and bards

In short, only what you can\'t think of, not what they dare not play.

Such a promiscuous private life has naturally become a difficult problem to confirm whether future generations are their own.

As a result, just as modern society is becoming more and more open to sex, which leads to the prevalence of genetic paternity testing, there is also magic to identify blood relatives in Phelan.

As a saying goes, where there is demand, there is a market, and the corresponding products and technologies will come into being.

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng cut his finger directly and dropped a drop of blood on the crystal surface.


The crystal emits a bright light!

Then two drops of blood slowly penetrated into the crystal and finally merged into one, forming a dark red crystal.

Seeing this, mandanton breathed a sigh of relief and looked embarrassed.

For several minutes, he finally said, "I believe you have seen the results. Yes, I am your father, at least in blood relationship."

"So? Dear" father "?" Zhang Cheng asked back with a smile.

In order to express his disdain, he even stressed the word "father" to make the whole sentence sound very harsh.

If it was normal, Mandan would turn around and leave without hesitation.

As a young romantic man, he has played with as many women as an ox hair, and the number of illegitimate children is probably not too small, so he never cares about these.

According to the traditional concept of mainland Phelan, illegitimate children can not even be regarded as a member of the family at all. Most illegitimate children are either abandoned or raised to adulthood and go out. The best thing is to stay at home and become servants, housekeepers and other roles to serve their high brothers and sisters.

But the problem is that Zhang Cheng\'s current performance still exceeds the sum of all other illegitimate children, and has become a force that can not be underestimated.

In addition, Mandan is not young, and he really needs an heir.

So after forcibly resisting his inner unhappiness, he tapped the table with his right index finger and explained in a low voice, "I understand that there is resentment in your heart that I abandoned you. But you don\'t know that it\'s not me who abandoned you, but your mother eloped with another man behind my back. She abandoned you in the beggar\'s nest!"

"Resentment? No, no, no, I don\'t mean resentment. Let\'s put aside these old things and tell me what you want from me and how much chips you are willing to pay?"

"I need you and the beggar\'s nest under your control! In return, you will be my only heir."
