All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 893

"Hey, man! Did you hear that there was a riot in the beggar\'s nest, almost all the gang leaders were caught, and even the city guard was disturbed."

"What?! really? Who did it?"

"It\'s said to be a thirteen year old boy named Benny!"

"The God of justice! A 13-year-old boy has become the ruler of the beggar\'s nest? Is there anything wrong with my ears?"

"Shh! You\'d better pay attention to your tone! You know, he killed hundreds of people overnight. He\'s as ruthless as a monster."

"That\'s right! And since Benny came to power, his guild began to produce some unheard of potions, which many nobles and businessmen flocked to."


In the Moonstone mask, the most luxurious hotel in Wudong City, many guests are talking about what happened on that crazy night not long ago.

Neither Lord Nasir, the city\'s nominal ruler, nor the nine guards loyal to him, expected this to happen.

So that when they want to talk to the underground king of the beggar\'s nest, they don\'t know where to find each other.

No one knows at all. After establishing a practical and effective control system, Zhang Cheng quietly moved away from the beggar\'s nest, changed his face and bought a house in the port area to ensure that no one can find himself easily through a more hidden way.

There is no doubt that he took advantage of the misunderstanding of people\'s habitual thinking.

After all, in the past, almost all guild leaders would put their old nest in the beggar\'s nest and hide in a large number of poor people and complicated sewers, so most people would mistakenly focus on the beggar\'s nest rather than other urban areas.

Standing on the second floor balcony of the new house, Jesse looked down at the busy sailors and coolies and asked without looking back: "is this your plan? Hide from the sky and disappear from everyone\'s sight?"

"That\'s right! I\'m not one of those stupid idiots. I like to show my authority in front of the weak and let others fear me by venting violence. A real guild should be like a shadow hiding in the dark. Everyone knows its existence, but can\'t find where it is. If anyone dares to betray, the shadow will quietly go out and execute the informer. We should What should be used is fear, people\'s fear of the unknown, not bloody and cruel violence, "Zhang Cheng replied carelessly sitting on the sofa.

"That sounds reasonable. Where did you learn this?" Jesse stepped back into the room, picked up a bottle of good rum from the cabinet and poured herself a glass.

"Books, as the carrier of knowledge, as long as you are smart and patient enough, you can almost find the answers to all questions from them." after saying that, Zhang Cheng threw aside the parchment scroll he had just read.

Obviously, what is written on this paper is not anything else, but the profits of the beggar\'s nest gang in recent times.

With the formula provided by him, the profit from buying potions has reached 10000 gold coins in just two weeks. If the raw materials are not limited, we can continue to expand the scale.

"Reading?" Jesse rolled her eyes angrily. "Please forgive me! I will start to feel sleepy when I read too many words. I will fall asleep in a few minutes at most. By the way, a mage named Mandan is inquiring about your whereabouts everywhere recently."

"Mandan?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

"Yes! It is said that he lives in the Black Lake District and has a very luxurious manor. He is a kind of bastard who is rich enough to flow oil but never gives to the poor." Jesse said the information she had got without thinking.

After listening to these contents patiently, Zhang Cheng immediately tilted his mouth slightly: "interesting! Send me a message and say that I\'ll wait for him at the Sidi tavern in the wharf area at 10 pm tomorrow. In addition, don\'t forget to maintain good order. Whoever dares to break the rules I set, cut off his head and hang it at the highest place of the beggar\'s nest."

"Don\'t worry, those poor bastards have been frightened by you and don\'t dare to do anything special. But I don\'t understand why you want to target the temple of the God of justice? You know, those priests and paladins are hard to deal with." Jesse drank up the wine in the glass and burped.

"If you want to completely control the beggar\'s nest, you must first extinguish the hope of the poor and make everyone soberly realize that no one or God can help them. Unfortunately, the existence of that temple is equivalent to the last light in the dark, so we must destroy it. Well, go ahead. If there is nothing important, you\'d better not come to the dock area "Looking for me." Zhang Cheng waved and signaled that tifflin could leave.

"I see!"

Without saying a word, Jesse put on her hood, gently pushed away the bookshelf on the wall, got into a pre dug channel and entered the intricate sewer.

After a while, she got out of the corner of a house in the Black Lake area and ran straight to Mandan manor.


Two and a half hours later, an unsigned note was finally sent to the mage through the guard and housekeeper.

"The guard said it was sent by a man who was shrouded under his cloak. Judging from his figure, the other party should be a woman," the old housekeeper explained politely.

"I know who she is and who she works for." Mandan narrowed his eyes, released a flame and burned the note.

The old housekeeper seemed to notice something and asked cautiously, "Sir, the child named Benny is not really yours..."

"Shut up! It\'s not something you should get involved in!"

Before the housekeeper had finished speaking, Mandan immediately yelled, with an expression of anger and shame on his face.

"As you wish!" the old housekeeper quickly bent down and bowed. "But I need to remind you that so far, you don\'t have an heir who can inherit the family property, so illegitimate children are actually a good choice. At least master Benny has proved his talent, hasn\'t he?"

"I said! Shut up! You don\'t have to worry about my business! As for Benny, I\'ll see him myself before making a decision. You know, his mother is just a cheap civilian and ran away with another man behind my back. I\'m not even sure whether the child is mine." Mandan was obviously a little grumpy today, He kicked over the vase in the corner and went straight to his bedroom.

When the old housekeeper saw this scene, he couldn\'t help sighing. He squatted down and picked up the fragments scattered on the ground, muttering to himself: "the great noble God, please bless young master Benny and don\'t let him wander outside. Otherwise, the family may perish because there is no heir."