All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 892


"It feels great!"

Just when the residents around the house were frightened out of their wits by the scream of extreme pain, Zhang Cheng finally drained a person\'s soul alive, and the light of the broken magic crystal in his left eye became more and more bright.

Needless to ask, those unlucky people who have completely become walking corpses have lost their precious soul.

At the same time, he himself finally completed a transformation of life, from an ordinary boy without qualification to a low-level mage who can learn and master magic power.

In fact, for Zhang Cheng, who has become a Titan, even the projection of consciousness, as long as the controlled body meets the minimum requirements, touching the magic net to become a mage is as easy as eating and drinking water.

After all, he won\'t take detours at all. Both knowledge and skills are firmly imprinted in his mind.

"No! No! No! Don\'t come here! Don\'t come here! I\'m wrong! I shouldn\'t have come to trouble you! Please let me go! I\'m willing to hand over my territory! Give you all the money I\'ve saved over the years!"

Watching the soul of his hand being swallowed up one by one, the magic eye - Angus finally collapsed and cried and begged loudly.

Of course, this is not because his courage has become smaller, but because the death method of swallowing his soul is too frightening to frighten most of the dead and hard elements in the world.

Because in Phelan, the most important thing for a person is not life, but soul.

As long as the soul is alive, even if he dies, he can go to the God country he believes in and live a happy life.

So death is not terrible. What is really terrible is that the soul is imprisoned, swallowed, tortured, or nailed to the wall of the unbeliever to slowly endure the erosion of time.

"Hehe, see? This guy wants me to let him go." Zhang Cheng\'s young face showed an undisguised ridicule.

Although the body he now controls is a 13-year-old stunted boy, it gives people a feeling that words can\'t describe.




Even Jesse didn\'t know why she would willingly surrender to each other\'s feet, but she managed to squeeze out a smile and responded: "I suggest you kill him quickly! As soon as he dies, we can control nearly one-third of the territory of the beggar\'s nest. Especially the business of stealing funerary goods and selling fresh corpses in the cemetery, the profit is amazing. In addition, I also heard that he has a very beautiful mistress and woman, you can get it and enjoy it."

"Don\'t touch my daughter!"

I don\'t know whether it is the impact of spiritual shock, time has passed, or the love for my daughter is better than everything.

In short, Angus suddenly regained his mobility and pulled out his machete to kill the devil close at hand.


In his eyes, Zhang Cheng can be equated with the notorious devil in the bottomless abyss.

But before the Sharp Machete fell, Jesse flashed forward, stabbed the other party\'s wrist with a highly skilled dagger, and then fixed it on the wooden wall behind.


With a dull noise, a lot of blood flowed along the wound.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! What\'s coming at me! Don\'t touch my daughter!" Angus struggled frantically, his only intact eyes full of blood.

If it were someone else, maybe based on his sincere feelings for his daughter, he would choose to let him go, and then he would let his mistress and daughter go.

But who is Zhang Cheng?

A madman who completely embraces the darkness in his heart!

He sneered: "Aha! Come and listen! A gangster leader who does all kinds of evil has a kind side! He is willing to sacrifice everything for his beloved daughter! What a great and noble sentiment! But I have a little question! When you raped those innocent girls, rewarded them to their subordinates, wantonly indulged in pleasure, and finally sold them, did you think that they were as innocent as your daughter ? when you killed people, did you think they had wives and daughters? So don\'t say these words that make me feel sick and nauseous! Since you choose the dark road, you should be prepared to endure loneliness and loneliness, and make your heart as ruthless as the cold winter in December. If you can\'t do it, you are a loser and deserve to taste the pain. "

"I curse you! Benny! One day, you will end up worse than me."

Angus was not a fool. He immediately realized that the other party did not intend to let go of himself, nor his mistress and daughter. He roared loudly with all his strength.

In this world full of magic power, any strong obsession may turn into a real curse and even affect the ethereal fate.

"Curse? Hahaha! Sorry, I really can\'t help laughing. You can\'t even keep your soul, but you expect to curse me? Well, for your sake of contributing a precious soul intertwined with good and evil, I\'ll mercifully give you eternal death. Farewell, Angus, thank you for sending a rich meal..."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng finally took out the soul of the man full of hatred and unwilling to swallow it alive, and a blood red magic tattoo slowly extended from the left eye socket.

Looking at the former competitor\'s eyes falling to the ground, Jesse\'s face showed an extremely complex expression, and soon carefully tested: "what are you going to do next? Directly launch a counter attack and swallow Angus\'s territory?"

"Of course! But you don\'t need to attack, you just need to receive it." Zhang Cheng put his hand on his left eye and slowly pulled out a pulsating crystal from inside.

Next second!

Those walking corpses who lost their souls on the ground were immediately injected with a trace of energy and got up from the ground one by one.

Although their eyes were dull and didn\'t look like living people at all, their actions were not affected and their every move was so coordinated.

Zhang Cheng directly put the crystal into tifflin\'s hand: "here! Take it! Now these guys are under your control! Remember, clean up all the stubborn guys before dawn. From tomorrow on, I will be the supreme ruler of the beggar\'s nest."

"Understand! I won\'t let you down!" feeling the powerful magic power transmitted from the crystal, Jesse subconsciously licked her lips and showed strong obsession in her eyes.

As a semi devil with lower level lineage, she couldn\'t resist the temptation of mixing soul and magic power, and soon disappeared into the boundless night with these cannon fodder.

Those gang leaders who are drunk and dream of death have not realized that they will have an extremely cruel and bloody night tonight.

No one can be spared!

No one can escape!

When the sun rises again, the beggar\'s nest will usher in a new chapter, an era of ending chaos and ushering in order