All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 891

"Movin! Here are five gold coins! Promise me that as long as you stay at home tonight, they will be yours."

"Old friend, with your keen insight, I believe you will feel a terrible storm coming tonight. Take this ten gold coins and go to the pub for a drink. By the way, I\'m looking for two beautiful chicks. I promise that the whole beggar\'s nest will usher in a new era at dawn tomorrow."

"Boy! This is a gold coin! Take it and roll as far as you can. Don\'t let me touch it tonight, otherwise you know the consequences."


By virtue of his familiarity with the whole guild, the young people quickly solved most of the threatening targets before dark. As for those beggars and pickpockets, they are not afraid at all. Even if they really hear something, they certainly don\'t dare to get involved easily.

In this dark place that can never be illuminated by the light, everyone has been used to selfishness. If anyone is found in danger, there will never be any case of standing up and acting bravely.

On the contrary, it is a cruel reality to hide and observe silently and see if you can pick up a bargain after the perpetrator leaves.

As night fell, the guards patrolling the main road soon returned to the barracks.

Because even they dare not stay in the most dangerous place of the whole Winterless city in the dark night.

After all, there are too many ferocious criminals in the beggar\'s nest. They don\'t care about the laws of the city. As long as there are enough interests, even priests serving gods dare to kill, and countless guards die on patrol.

To this end, the city hall has sent troops more than once to eliminate the gang forces entrenched here.

Unfortunately, every time the army arrived, the guild leaders would hide in the sewer, or simply leave the winter city and go outside to avoid the wind.

When the army leaves, they will come back and fight for territory again.

In desperation, the nobles of Winterless city only reached a secret agreement with the guild leaders privately, that is, no one is allowed to provoke or kill guards in the street during the day, otherwise whoever did it will be arrested and put in prison.

In return, no matter what happens in the beggar\'s nest after dark, the guards will not intervene.

Feeling the restless air at night, Jesse took a deep breath and said to Zhang Cheng who was sitting in a chair and didn\'t know what to do: "something\'s wrong tonight! Almost all the thugs in the guild left inexplicably!"

"Hum! Does it matter? Anyway, it\'s just some cannon fodder. Even if something really happens, they can\'t help." Zhang Cheng glanced disdainfully.

"Oh? You know!" a trace of surprise appeared on tifflin\'s face.

"Of course I know! Think about it. If you were the leader of other gangs and suddenly heard that the most threatening Orc Okocha was dead and that his successor was a boy born of a 13-year-old pickpocket, wouldn\'t you think it was a good opportunity to expand your territory?" Zhang Cheng asked in a tone of indifference.

"Now that you know, what are you going to do?" Jesse leaned down on the table, his eyes flashing red, and his tail tilted slightly, full of exotic flavor.

It has to be said that she inherited purgatory blood is not ugly at all, quite in line with human aesthetics. No wonder she can survive in such a complex environment.

"I\'m waiting! I\'m waiting for the arrival of those dirty little mice. You know? Soul is one of the most strange substances in the world. It\'s not only an important magic material, but also an energy. Now I just need a lot of souls. Ordinary hearts can\'t satisfy my appetite. I need more, more..."

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng\'s left eye replaced by broken magic crystal released a bright light.

Even if Jesse doesn\'t understand anything, he can still feel a creepy hunger for his soul.

Before she could recover from her panic, the closed door behind her was kicked open with a bang, followed by more than 20 guys with various weapons.

The leader is no one else, but the boss of another guild, known as the magic eye - Angus.

Of course, this magic eye does not mean that his false eye has any magic power, but refers to his forbearance and ruthlessness.

Looking at this group of ferocious scum, Zhang Cheng immediately stood up, opened his arms and shouted: "ah! Tonight\'s big meal has finally arrived! Welcome! You are welcome to take the trouble to bring delicious souls. You know, the taste of hunger is hard. If no one comes tonight, I\'m afraid I can\'t help coming to the door in the morning."

"Then I wish you a pleasant meal in advance?" Jesse pulled out the dagger and dagger fixed on her thigh and winked playfully.

"Don\'t put on airs here! Benny! We all know who you are, a dirty little pickpocket." the young man who had been busy all afternoon first stood up and shouted.

"Affectation? You poor fellow don\'t know who you\'re fighting against, do you? But it doesn\'t matter. I don\'t mind having dessert before starting the big meal."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng suddenly transformed the soul energy swallowed not long ago into a spiritual shock and released it to the crowd.


A visible energy vibrates the soul of everyone present!


These guys who were still aggressive for a second have all become wooden people at the moment.

Don\'t move, you can\'t even blink your eyes.




They finally found that the 13-year-old boy who was originally regarded as a soft persimmon was a terrible caster.

In the land of Fallon, all those who have the ability to cast spells, whether they are mages, warlocks, bards, priests and druids, are not easy to provoke. Often a simple control spell can make self proclaimed powerful soldiers lose their combat effectiveness and become lambs to be slaughtered.

"Hehe, what a fresh soul. It\'s 100 times more delicious than the one after death. Bear with it. It may hurt next..."

As Zhang Cheng whispered like a devil, he stretched out his right index finger, gently pressed it on the young man\'s forehead, and pulled out a large milky white thing like silk from inside.

Needless to ask, these white silk are part of the soul.


No one can resist the severe pain when the soul is torn!

The poor young man even broke away from the paralysis caused by the explosion of his heart, and opened his mouth and made a creepy scream!





All these organs are oozing black blood!