All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 890

In the land of Fallon, which is full of all kinds of robbers, bandits, thieves, monsters, evil gods, dragons, demons and demons, death is never something to make a fuss about.

Especially in places like the beggar\'s nest, which is full of poverty, chaos and crime, it\'s normal to die two gang leaders.

The guards in charge of maintaining order are even too lazy to bother. They let the guild dispose of the bodies by themselves, as long as there is no big noise.

So the poor Orc soldier\'s head was cut off and sent to the city hall in exchange for a reward of 300 gold coins.

As for the other unlucky egg and the rest of the body, they were thrown directly into the sewer to feed the mice.

Sitting in the cleaned house, Zhang Cheng stared at the nervous beggars, thieves and thugs standing in front of him. It took a full minute to ask, "tell me, how much can these people pay every day?"

"Look at the market! Especially pickpockets. If they are lucky, they can steal hundreds of gold coins, but if they are unlucky, they don\'t even have a gold coin. But generally speaking, there are always three or four hundred gold coins a month." tifflin, who calls himself Jesse, hurriedly gave the answer.

Maybe people who don\'t know it will feel that a 13-year-old child knows fart to manage the guild.

But she saw the soul devouring picture with her own eyes, but she was very clear that in this seemingly thin body, it was not a boy\'s soul at all, but a monster with unimaginable power.

"Three or four hundred gold coins a month? Too little!" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

"Ben... Benny! Three or four hundred gold coins is the limit we can do! If there is more, we are afraid we will starve to death." a 15-year-old boy finally couldn\'t help begging.

Needless to ask, he knew the original boy, so he summoned up the courage to try to bargain. If he was a former Orc soldier, he didn\'t even dare to raise his head.

"Shut up! Did you cut in when the boss spoke? If you don\'t agree, I don\'t mind giving you an impressive lesson." Jesse didn\'t say a word and swung her whip to draw a blood mark on the other party\'s body.

"Ah!" the young man couldn\'t help but scream, trembled violently all over, and didn\'t know whether it was pain or fear.

Just as tifflin was about to whip the second whip, Zhang Cheng suddenly raised his hand and said, "enough! Stealing, begging and collecting protection fees are too low-level. No matter how high the whip is, we can\'t make much money. We must change our way of thinking and jump out of the traditional Gang field."

"You mean..." Jesse\'s eyes lit up and tried carefully.

"Use the gold coins in stock to purchase some materials. I can teach you to prepare several potions and sell them to those adventurers, mercenaries and pirates." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and showed a meaningful smile.

As an alchemist, he has thousands of recipes in his mind, most of which need the power of alchemy stone and magic, but there are always several low-level potions that can be mass produced without complex spell casting.

What\'s more, in the strict sense, the magic energy of Phelan continent is quite abundant, and there are many special materials that can be used.

"Yes! Please give me a list and I\'ll buy it myself." Jesse promised without nonsense, and didn\'t even ask why.

Similarly, teenagers who have been whipped because of their mouth are secretly relieved to hear that they will not increase the turnover ratio.

Living in a place like the beggar\'s nest is never easy.

As for what life is valuable and priceless, it is a joke.

Any guild leader can easily decide a person\'s life and death in his own territory.

This is why the residents of the beggar\'s nest would rather succumb to the gang than listen to the blind comparison between the righteous and kind guards and the temple paladins.

The reason is very simple. Guards and temple paladins do not meet every day, but guild members are rooted here and can be seen almost every day.

If anyone dares to have a good time and call the guards and paladins to uphold justice, after these guys leave, the other gang members will go out collectively and kidnap the informant\'s family.

All men cut off their tongues, dug out their eyes and threw them into the sewer to be eaten by rats to death;

Women are even worse. They will not only suffer * * but will also be sold to special service places until they are old, or they can\'t stand humiliation and suicide.

Life is so cheap here that most people are doomed to suffer from the moment they are born.

Feeling the despair emanating from the whole beggar\'s nest, Zhang Cheng immediately narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself: "countless numb souls! Struggling souls! This is simply my ideal testing ground! Now, let me see the difference between God and Titan..."

The voice just fell!

He went straight back to his room on the second floor, closed the door, took a quill pen, and began to write down the names of materials on parchment one after another. It is estimated that even the most knowledgeable mage did not know what to use.

Jesse waved a whip downstairs and threatened the thieves, beggars and thugs who were summoned, warning everyone not to have crooked thoughts.

Unfortunately, greed and desire always make people lose their reason and calm.


After the dissolution, a young man in his early twenties sneaked through the dirty alley and came to the broken house at the other end of the beggar\'s nest.

As soon as he entered, the one eyed man sitting in the chair immediately asked, "what\'s the matter? Are you clear? Is Okocha dead? Who killed him? Who now controls the territory in the northwest corner?"

"Boss Angus, find out. Benny killed Okocha, and the devil Jesse is helping him take over the territory." the young man spoke quickly and gave the answer.

"Benny? That little pickpocket! How is that possible!" the one eyed man called Angus suddenly stood up with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"I also think there is a problem! But now that Okocha is dead, we can take this opportunity to cooperate inside and outside and launch a sudden attack. As long as Benny dies, according to the character of the devil Jesse, he will choose to surrender rather than fight tenaciously." the young man said with an excited face.

"Raid? Sounds like a good choice. When do you think it\'s appropriate?" Angus\'s only intact eyes twinkled with the burning fire of ambition.

"Tonight is the best chance! Don\'t forget, Benny is just a 13-year-old boy, and he was born as a pickpocket. Most people don\'t think he can be the boss of a gang. Just give me some money and I can take some people and let them stay at home at night."

"OK! Here are two hundred gold coins. Take them for a little activity. After tonight, I will become the largest guild leader in the beggar\'s nest."