All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 889

"Benny! How much did you get today? Why did you come back so early?"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Cheng saw a thin man in leather armor sitting in a chair playing with a dagger, staring at himself with gloomy eyes.

However, he did not pay attention to each other, but focused on the orc soldiers who drank and drank not far away, as well as the tiflin women with exposed clothes, reddish skin, long horns on their heads and tails behind them.

According to the boy\'s memory, as the leader of the guild and the most powerful orc, he is actually a murderer wanted by the city hall. The warrior level is as high as level 7.

Although it\'s nothing for the whole winter free city, it\'s definitely a bully in the beggar\'s nest. Ordinary hooligans and villains are not his opponents at all. They can easily be torn to pieces by the heavy and sharp axe. Therefore, they occupied a territory and amassed money by various criminal activities soon.

The one next to him who looks like he is engaged in a special service industry is also not an ordinary person. He is not only good at stealth assassination, but also has a certain spell casting ability. He doesn\'t know whether he has the professional level of warlock or mage, or whether he has simply stimulated some Purgatory blood in his body.

In short, as long as these two people are there, other gangs in the beggar\'s nest dare not act rashly.

"Hey! Little rabbit! I\'m talking to you! Are you deaf?" the thin man was obviously annoyed and suddenly stood up to teach the dirty boy a lesson.

But at the moment he raised his feet, a cold light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes, followed the whole person to stick it up at a very fast speed, pulled out the dagger hidden in his arms and cut a hole in each other\'s neck.


Scarlet blood splashed everywhere!

"Drink -- drink -- drink --"

The man stared wide eyed, as if he couldn\'t believe that the little pickpocket who was trampled under his feet dared to kill himself, desperately trying to cover his bleeding neck with his hands.

But obviously, all this is in vain.

Because the neck is cut open, the most fatal is not only rapid blood loss, but also suffocation caused by tracheal obstruction.

In just a few seconds, he struggled to fall to the ground and swallowed his last breath.

The pungent smell of blood filled the whole room!

When the orc soldier saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted. Without saying a word, he put down his glass, grabbed the sharp axe around him, and shouted, "Benny, what are you doing? Do you want to rebel?"

"Rebellion? No, idiot, your brain not as big as a walnut is not enough to understand what I\'m doing." as Zhang Cheng said, he stretched out a finger and caught the soul of the thin man. His left eye glittered with a strong light, slowly devouring the soul and transforming it into pure magic energy.

"Oh! No! No! No! Be careful! He\'s not Benny!" tifflin, who has some devil blood, obviously noticed something, hurried back several steps and reminded loudly.

"Whoever he is! Die for me!" the orc gave full play to his active hand and tried not to be BB, swung his axe and launched an attack.

His movements are fast and fierce. He is a skill trained from life and death. He is ugly and has no appreciation, but anyone with a little insight will not despise him.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast he waved his axe, he couldn\'t catch each other\'s clothes.

With the remote calculation and prediction provided by Adam, Zhang Cheng swam on the boundary line between life and death again and again, cutting bloody wounds with his inferior pig iron dagger.

However, orcs are orcs after all. Especially when they are in a state of rage, they secrete a lot of adrenaline. They don\'t care about pain and injury at all. They roar like crazy: "ah ah ah!!! Despicable little mouse! I\'ll tear you to pieces!"

"Hum! Save your strength, fool. According to the current bleeding rate, you will fall into shock due to excessive blood loss in half a minute at most." Zhang Cheng sneered.

Although the boy he currently occupies is so fragile that he doesn\'t dare to have any positive contact with each other, otherwise he will be thrown to the ground in an instant, it looks like he can handle it easily and completely plays with the powerful Orc soldiers.

As for the tivlin woman on one side, her eyes twinkled with a strange light. She neither came forward to help nor chose to escape. She just stood in situ and observed, and didn\'t know what plan she had.

"No!!! No one can defeat the powerful Okocha! I... I will catch you! Crush every bone on you!" the orc warrior shook his head desperately, trying to get rid of the trance and weakness caused by excessive blood loss.

But people with a little common sense know that this objective law can not be overcome by will alone. After a while, he shook left and right uncontrollably and finally fell to the ground.

"Poor fellow, you have no idea who you are against."

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng directly bent down and stabbed the dagger into the other party\'s eye socket, followed by pulling out his soul and swallowing it, transforming it into magical energy to transform this fragile body.

After all this, he looked up at the last tifflin and asked meaningfully, "why don\'t you run away?"

"Run away? Why should I run away! I\'m not your enemy! On the contrary, I think you\'ll need a helper to take over Okocha\'s territory. I promise, I\'ll serve you as I serve him." tifflin knelt on one knee and saluted deeply.

As a semi devil excluded by the mainstream human society, surrender to the strong is her way of survival.

As for who the other party is and what evil plans they have, it doesn\'t matter. If the loyal object collapses, change another master.

Anyway, no one will really care about a topless Tiffany woman, or even regard her as a beautiful and interesting booty and plaything.

"Ah! After meeting two idiots in a row, I finally have a smart man. Very good! Very good! But there are two kinds of smart people in the world. One really knows how to judge the situation, and the other likes to be smart. I sincerely hope you are the first, or I\'m afraid I can\'t help picking off your smooth and beautiful skin and sprinkling it on your bloody muscles Salt water. Trust me, it doesn\'t taste good at all. "

As he spoke, Zhang Cheng stretched out his dexterous right hand and gently stroked each other\'s beautiful and smooth face. His eyes were full of a great sense of oppression beyond words.

"When... Of course! I swear, from today on, you are the Supreme Master, and I am willing to give my body and soul." tifflin responded tremblingly.

Through her crystal like left eye, she felt a power comparable to or even greater than the gods