All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 888


When Zhang Cheng\'s huge body squeezed through the portal, the unstable energy flow instantly released amazing power, and the crack caused space collapse in just a few seconds.

If it had been before, he would have run away without saying a word.

But now, he just raised one hand and wiped it on the place where the collapse occurred, and everything was restored as before.

you \'re right!

This is the power of the Titans!

To be exact, it is a high latitude life above three-dimensional space, fully controlling time and space.

If you abandon your body and simply exist in the form of star soul, Titan can even completely disappear from the three-dimensional universe.

The so-called Titan Pantheon is probably built in four-dimensional space, so it can appear in every corner of Azeroth universe anytime and anywhere.

As for the so-called Titan technology, in fact, it is not a technology at all, but just an interference of high latitude creatures in the low-dimensional world.

It\'s like a person painting on a two-dimensional plane with a brush, or painting and modification. Where technology is needed, it can only be regarded as a kind of hand eye cooperation at most.

"Hoo - this feeling... Really makes people happy physically and mentally." Zhang Cheng put Adam down and muttered in a low voice.

Before he became a Titan, he could hardly imagine the absolute suppression of high-dimensional life over low-dimensional life. He also secretly congratulated himself that he was not arrogant enough to directly awaken the sleeping gods in ancient times.

"Master, I\'m afraid you can\'t return to the earth in your current state?" Adam raised his head and asked admiringly.

As a participant and executor of the whole plan, he could not suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Ah! Yes! According to my current energy level, I can\'t easily bring the whole body to the earth. But it doesn\'t matter. I can also use the projection of consciousness and wait for a stable portal to be built before coming to the body. But before that, I have to go to philon and do a small experiment."

After that, Zhang Cheng gently put his hand into his forehead and slowly pulled out a crystal emitting bright light from inside.

With the increase of life level, this artifact, broken magic crystal klin Simpson, which has been integrated with his soul for a long time, has also been greatly strengthened. Even it is not easy for the gods to destroy it.

The most important thing is that the long-term integration has given klinippen an incredible ability to carry his will, thought and memory.

When you can\'t transmit at will, it\'s undoubtedly the smartest choice to put this gadget into another world instead of yourself.

Any intelligent life, as long as it touches it, will immediately lose its consciousness and thought and become a part of him.

Adam obviously felt the terrible power contained in the broken magic crystal, took it carefully in his hand, aimed at the portal to the continent of Fallon, and threw it fiercely.


With a dull sound, the crystal fell into an alley in an urban slum.

A boy wearing ragged clothes and looking a little dirty was the first to find the crystal, carefully picked it up and hid it, and then ran away without a trace.

He didn\'t know that the thing before it looked very beautiful was actually a real life reminder.

From the moment I picked it up, my destiny was doomed.


Winterless City, the Pearl of the north, the watershed between the wild world and the civilized world, the land favored by Tyr, the God of justice, is the forefront against the evil city-state luscan.

However, like all cities in mainland Ferran, it is also divided into the poor and the rich, civilians and nobles.

Obviously, the beggar\'s nest is a place where the poor gather. Almost all people living in this area have had one meal before the next.

In particular, countless children controlled by gangs depend on begging and stealing every day to earn simple three meals a day.

Benny, only 13, is one of the pickpockets.

However, today, he felt that he was favored by fate. He actually saw a beautiful crystal in the street for no reason, so he secretly ran back to the place called "home" while no one was paying attention.

Of course, to outsiders, this can only be regarded as a hole dug near the sewer.

"My God! It\'s so beautiful! And it seems to have some magical power? How much can it be changed if it is sold to those mages? A hundred gold coins? Or a thousand gold coins?" the boy licked his cracked lips and his face was full of excitement and expectation.

Just when his eyes were completely attracted, the crystal suddenly shook and then inserted into the left eye socket at a very fast speed.


Before Benny could react to what had happened, the whole person felt a sharp pain and then completely lost consciousness.

When Larry woke up again, he was no longer the original himself, but became a manipulated puppet and separation.

"This body is really fragile! It seems that I have to find a way to strengthen it a little."

Feeling the boy\'s extremely poor physical quality, Zhang Cheng immediately frowned, and his left eye, which was replaced by broken magic crystal, glittered with a strange light.

"Master, please be careful. You have done a lot of things too much in this world last time. Once discovered by the gods, it may lead to a siege." Adam\'s voice was transmitted through klin Nippon.

"Don\'t worry! As I am now, even if I stand in front of those gods, they won\'t recognize me. What\'s more, I\'m here to do a small experiment, not to destroy the world." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly, then found a rusty dagger from the boy\'s treasure chest and squatted on the edge of the sewer to grind it hard, After confirming that it can be used to kill people, he left the sewer and strode towards a house in the northwest corner of the beggar\'s nest.

According to Benny\'s memory, this is the base camp of his gang. There is a Orc warrior and two thieves.

Now what Zhang Cheng has to do is kill these three guys, say goodbye to his body\'s past life, and earn the first pot of gold to prepare for the next plan.

After all, no matter how powerful his noumenon is, he just projects his consciousness, and can\'t even strengthen his fragile physical quality.

The only advantage is that his mind is loaded with endless magic knowledge. With a little time and money, he can restore some spell casting ability, and even mobilize the amazing power stored in broken magic crystal to serve the whole plan.