All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 887

"No! You deserve to be called Titan! Just a despicable mortal who steals the power of Titan!" the supreme father amanzel roared angrily.

He never dreamed that with his careless Kung Fu, Azeroth\'s star soul was broken into pieces and swallowed by a stranger.

"Unworthy? I can understand that this is your inexplicable sense of superiority to your own ethnic group. The so-called Titan is a standard used to measure the energy contained in life itself. As long as you meet this standard, anyone can be called Titan. Now, my energy is stronger than the sum of you. Tell me, the supreme father Oman Thur, what are you going to do? "

Zhang Cheng, who completely absorbed the star soul and all energy, completely incarnated into a huge violet Titan, standing in the endless universe.

Not far behind him was Azeroth, who split in two from the middle and was entering the final collapse state.

"No! Titan is the creator of order and life! He is the guardian of the balance of the universe! It is not you who killed an awakened star soul for selfish interests! You evil monster! Accept the anger and judgment from life!"

Among the Titans, the only woman, the guardian of life and order, Aona rushed up and released a flame storm symbolizing life.

Unfortunately, before these flames could get close, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and sucked them clean. Then he rushed forward quickly, smashed the condensed body of the other party with one punch, and imprisoned them firmly in the arcane prison. He sneered and said ironically: "Anger? Judgment? Please don\'t make me laugh! You who have been destroyed by Sargeras have no right to be my enemy?"

"Let go! My mother!"

The king of the sky and the raging waves - gorganez swung a dazzling white thunder, trying to defeat the enemy in front of him and save Iona from the other side.

But he obviously forgot that as a caster, Zhang Cheng\'s best skill is to control energy.

When the thunder touched the violet metal skin, Zhang Cheng suddenly stretched out a finger and flicked it gently.


The terrible thunder was immediately bounced back and hit Gore gannais on the chest, which directly scattered him back to the state of star soul, and he couldn\'t condense the entity for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, two calm, one injured and one imprisoned.

In the simplest and most direct way, he showed the strongest Titan\'s power and desperate power to the whole universe

As he said before, whether it is magic or technology, it is a competition of energy level in the final analysis.

Skill may be important, but under the absolute energy level difference, 100% will be crushed to pieces.

As the most potential planet known in the universe, Azeroth\'s star soul is undoubtedly the most powerful. The huge arcane energy contained is enough to frighten any existing Titan.

This is why, after the Titan Pantheon found it, it would rather try its best to imprison the ancient gods than cause irreparable damage to the star soul.

In the same way, Sargeras, the dark Titan, invaded again and again, not to corrupt the soul of Azeroth and make it the same evil Titan as himself, or to destroy it directly, so as to prevent distorting the void and obtain an invincible void Titan.

It can be said that the whole history of Azeroth is a game around its star soul and energy. The warring parties have void forces, and the Titan Pantheon, which is followed by the drastic transformation of the planet. The last one is Sargeras, who has embarked on a different path.

As for those heroes, dragons, demigods, demons and ancient gods touted in books, they are just chess pieces controlled by these three parties.

But now, Zhang Cheng suddenly appeared and took away the fruits of victory, putting an end to this protracted competition.

Feeling the increasingly unstable portal behind him, he knew he had to say goodbye to the world, otherwise he might not even go back.

After all, after taking away the star soul and energy of the whole Azeroth, he is no longer a Titan baby. The energy consumed for each long-distance transmission is an astronomical number. It is impossible to do it by virtue of the high tower in the void alone.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng threw Aona, who was imprisoned in the arcane prison, to the supreme father amanzel, then plunged into the collapsing portal without looking back, and took away Adam, who looked like the cost of recovery.

As soon as his front foot disappeared, Azeroth, which had been drained of the last trace of energy, exploded completely and became countless dust floating in the universe.

Except for a few powerful individuals who can survive in the universe, all the rest are dead.

Identity, status, money and power are meaningless at this moment. All living beings are equal under destruction and death.

Looking at millions of souls floating in the universe, nogannon finally asked, "great supreme father! Why did you let that guy leave? He killed our most potential compatriots! Let the Pantheon plan for tens of thousands of years completely miscarry!"

"Calm down! Nogannon! I am as angry and unwilling as you are now! But what can we do? As the guy just said, he is already the most powerful Titan, at least in terms of life level and energy level, and we are not his opponent together. Instead of destroying the portal, we might as well let him leave our universe. Up Those who have not yet awakened are safe now, "amanzel explained helplessly.

You know, for Titans, the battle between them is no longer as simple as physical attack or magic attack, but a simple energy level competition.

If a Titan\'s energy level is much higher than that of other Titans, he can destroy all his compatriots without effort, just as it was as easy and comfortable as Sargeras killed the pantheon in those days.

"Amanzel is right! We must preserve our strength and stop Sargeras\' ambition. Although the destruction of Azeroth is painful, we still have a more important mission. Now leave, and I can feel that he will arrive soon." after that, Iona broke through the arcane prison and returned to the Pantheon as a cloud of light.

The remaining Titans followed, disappearing from the wreckage of the planet\'s collapse.

At the same time, Sargeras, the dark Titan, did not know that Azeroth had been destroyed and still roamed in the sea of stars at the fastest speed.

Whenever he passes through some planets where intelligent life lives, it will cause severe vibration and panic. Even a little leaked evil energy can change and affect a race, make it more and more evil and crazy, and finally set off a tragic war.